Thursday, July 7, 2011

Caylee's Law

A grass-roots movement called "Caylee's Law" has taken hold much like Megan's Law, Jessica Lunsford Act and the Amber Alert. All named for the senseless killings of little girls and all "plugging loopholes" in the legal system.

Caylee Anthony's mom was acquitted of murdering little Caylee this week to the outrage of practically everyone. There wasn't enough evidence for the jury to rule in good conscience for felony murder.

Caylee's law hopes to amend what was considered one of the most egregious acts of this entire affair - the fact that her mother never reported her missing and that the grandmother called police 31 days after Caylee went missing.

Caylee's law would make it a felony for a parent or caregiver not to report a child missing within 24 hours and also within one hour of death.

If this law had been in place this week, then Casey Anthony would have been charged with a felony for not reporting Caylee missing.

The petition site set up a page created by an outraged citizen named Michelle Crowder of Oklahoma, which has had a record number of visitors. So many that the founder of the site called Michelle to thank her personally. It is the single most visited petition page in the world right now getting a reported 5,000 signatures an hour. And in 2 days has recorded over 300,000 signatures.

Lawmakers are listening. Four states are RIGHT NOW drafting similar laws to make it a FELONY CRIME not to report a child missing or dead. Florida, Oklahoma, New York and West Virginia.

Let's get the Delaware Valley involved and the rest of the country too. There was a time when people didn't need to be told to do what was right, but obviously those days are long gone so we need to legislate people to do the right thing.

Go to: Petition for Caylee's Law and sign for Caylee.

"State Rep. Bill Hager, R-Boca Raton, announced Wednesday afternoon that he's currently drafting legislation consistent with the Internet movement. Hager is on the Justice Committee.

"Placing a law on the books requiring parents and guardians to report missing children who are in significant danger in a timely manner will ensure that parents are held accountable for their actions," he said in a statement. "It will also assure that we put justice on the side of those among us who are most vulnerable. And finally, it will put an end to the kind of irresponsible and outrageous behavior we observed with Caylee's mother."

Megan's Law is an informal name for laws in the United States requiring law enforcement authorities to make information available to the public regarding registered sex offenders. Megan Kanka of NJ was murdered by the sex offender that lived across the street from her house.

Jessica's Law is the informal name given to a 2005 Florida law, as well as laws in several other states, designed to punish sex offenders and reduce their ability to re-offend. Jessica Lundsford of FL was murdered by a repeat sexual predator that lived near her house.

An AMBER Alert is a child abduction alert bulletin. Amber Hagerman of TX was abducted, raped and murdered while out riding her bike close to her house.

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