Friday, July 22, 2011

TDF: Mayhem and Madness on The Mountain

It was a day for the schmenges today on Alpe d'Huez.

Here's a quip from the British newspapers that sums it up:

The approach road to the Alpe, a quarter-mile stretch from Bourg d'Oisans, a town which comes alive whenever Le Tour visits, was even rowdier, with people as far as the eye could see on either side and in the roadway itself.

Anything goes on the Alpe at Tour time. Rational thinking and rational behaviour are left behind as a crazed euphoria grips what Police estimate could be up to half a million people lining a mountain road today. By the time the race passes, between 4pm and 5pm this afternoon, most of them will have drunk themselves back into oblivion, whether on alcohol or simply the intoxicating atmosphere of a street party which rivals the Rio Carnival for the dazzle of its sound and vision.

That's right. A Massive Mountain Street Party.

A schmenge is a person that has camped on said mountain for DAYS, drinking themselves silly and waiting for the riders to zoom by. Only the riders don't zoom on mountain stages. They crawl painfully up the sides, dodging drunks left and right.

Which brings us to Alberto Contador. Yes, we've called him a douchebag. Yes, we've said we hope he doesn't win. But you know what? 'ole Alberto redeemed himself today in the most splendid fashion. HE PUNCHED SOMEONE OUT! WTG, Alberto!

Riders have enough to contend with and then they have to deal with people who refuse to move out of the way and dare we say it...TOUCH THEM AT WILL.


Contador punches a dude

See what can happen?

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