Thursday, December 8, 2011

SURVIVOR: Another Hantz!

First and foremost, we congratulate Jeff Probst! Noticeably absent from the usual Wednesday night Survivor TweetFest and buff giveaway, we learned today that he's on his honeymoon having gotten hitched on Monday.

Ok. So what happened on Survivor last night? None of this recap is in any order...

It was family reunion night so we were treated to ANOTHER HANTZ. That's right, Brandon's dad, who is THAT Hantz's brother, made an appearance. Now we know it's not just Russell and Brandon who are crazy, it really is the entire family.

Shawn Hantz, who moved and spoke just like his evil brother, Russell (who we still LOVE by the way) said this of his son "I don’t know how he hasn’t gotten voted off yet."

Hmmm, neither do we, so I guess not all Hantz's are crazy after ....wait...then he confronted Coach and tried to make him take his son to the final three.

Coach, in his camera interview, laughed it off. All Hantz's are bullies, so why should this one be any different?

Cochran ALMOST won at Redemption. It would have been the greatest upset of all time. He gave a heartfelt, tear stained speech to Probst at the end detailing why he loves the game so much and how happy it made him to be there.

"This has been by far, the most incredible moment of my life," he said. Goodbye Cochran. You did it! You outlasted far longer than you probably should have and you were great. Good job! You earned your one-name name.

Ozzy won and then got to spend time on Redemption with the three Survivors he picked to visit with their relatives. Why all six people had to stay with Ozzy is a mystery. The poor guy didn't get to see a loved one video or an actual loved one. He got dicked. Except for when Coach came by...

Coach wants to take Ozzy to the final three so it can be "two noble warriors facing off" or something. We don't know. Or care. We just totally adore Coach Dragonslayer Zen Master Wade. By the way, we got to see his brother, a normal looking dude, named Pete. Just Pete. Not another epithet in sight! Guess Coach took them all.

Best moment of the night? When Rick got to touch his wife, he grabbed her ass and goosed her on national tv. Isn't Love grand?

There are only 2 more episodes left! The normal Wednesday night and then the 2 hour Sunday night finale. Already! We've really enjoyed the last few years of Survivor. It's just so awesome.


With only 6 players left, who do you want to win?

Coach, Albert, Sophie, Brandon, Ozzy, or Rick?

The guy on the left is called Pete, the guy on the
right is a Dragonslayer who wears knee highs

Jeff and new wife, Lisa

Survior's 3 Q's with Jeff Probst

1 comment:

  1. My vote is for the DRAGONSLAYER!!


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