Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Paranormal Article of the Month - Nov. 2009


Does Bigfoot exist? Reports of a giant bipedal apelike creature or wild man come from all over the globe. Most famously in the Himalayas as The Yeti or in North America as Sasquatch (Canada), Bigfoot (California), Grassman (Ohio) or Skunk Ape (Florida).

North American sighting locations fed into a computer reveal that the "creatures" seem to prefer mountain ridges. Coincidentally, a lot of native American Indian names for Bigfoot are also the names of these mountain trails and passes. They could be using the Sierras, Rockies and The Appalachian Trail as their "highways".

The most famous Bigfoot is the iconic image from the Patterson Film. Was it a hoax? Here's The Omni Report view - Although claimed to be a hoax, we've long noted (as others have) that the Patterson film creature has huge pendulous breasts. NO WAY is a guy going to wear a fake costume with big giant tits on it like that. Sorry. It just seems like a deal breaker for us. So these two guys haul an ape costume out in to the woods and to make it real looking they use a female costume with huge floppy knockers. Laughable.

To continue - The limping gait, albeit a fast walk, seems real. The way it moves it's entire upper body to glance over at the 2 men and their horses, is consistent with the movement of other great apes, notably the mountain gorillas in Rwanda. Detailed analysis of the footage reveals an injury above it's knee, visually consistent with bursitis, which would explain the funny walk and the "inability" to run the hell away. It looks as if it wanted to run but couldn't and instead walked as fast it it could to get the hell out of there.

We think the Patterson Film stands.

Striking evidence regarding the giant footprints, which led to the creatures being called Bigfoot, include casts made that show deformities such as hammer toe. Who would fake that? Also, definitive dermal ridges have been cast indicating a real bare foot.

How could a Bigfoot exist today without being seen? The great Pacific Wilderness is vast and deep. Who knows what is really out there. There are huge jumbo aircraft that have never been found. North Cascades National Park encompasses thousands of acres of pristine wilderness in which some areas only see seasonal hikers.

If so many people throughout time have reported a Bigfoot, why haven't we ever found one? Is it because maybe they bury their dead? Why not? Or do the bones just scatter as natural in the wild? Bears exist, yet it is rare to find a dead or dying one or even it's bones.

In this world as we now know it, does the idea of an unclassified bipedal creature really seem that outlandish? Sure,it would be the greatest discovery of all time, but would we really be surprised by it anymore?

Examples of recently discovered large mammals include:
The Mountain Gorilla - 1902 Africa
The Okapi- 1901 Congo
The Giant Forest Hog - 1904 Africa
Mountain Nyala- 1910 Africa
Ox - 1937 Cambodia
Ox - 1992 Vietnam.
And since 2000, 25 species of primate have been found including 16 types of lemur and 9 separate types of monkey.

This is just a matter of time before this "mystery" is figured out. We are really starting to catalogue the planet now and with thermal imagery techniques, even the vast Pacific wilderness will have to offer up some clues eventually.

The Patterson Film enhanced

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