Monday, November 23, 2009

R.I.P - Pablo Amaringo (1943 - 11/16/2009)

The world lost an inspiring Shaman and visionary artist this week. Pablo Amaringo, a Peruvian Amazon Indian, became a Shaman and used his exceptional talent to bring to "life" the images he saw under the influence of the hallucinogenic Shamanic drink, Ayahuasca. His work is simply amazing.

Mr. Amaringo was awarded the prestigious Global 500 Peace Prize from the United Nations Environmental program in 1992.

Having just read, Supernatural, By Graham Hancock, which focuses on the Ayahuasca Shamanic experience, this timing is extraordinary to us.

Mr. Amaringo gave up the Shamanic life after many decades and dedicated the rest of his time and life to teaching people to paint - for free. He will be missed.

We find his work breathtakingly beautiful...

"Spiritual Temples"


"Spiritual Geode"

"Movement and Spiritual Sound"

"La Madre Tapir"

"Decent of the Holy Spirits"

"Birds and Red Sun"

"Wisdom of the Puma"

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