Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 Year in Review

2009 was quite a year and one we are happy to have end.

The economic situation dominated everything and changed America's spending habits. Staycation became a household word - pun intended. Money, or lack of it, has driven some people to suicide and despair while others are taking advantage. After all, mansions are half price now.

We lost more celebrities than any other year in history. Although somehow, Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears managed to stay alive. Go figure!

Celebrity scandals were almost low key except for the J&K+8 explosion. Jon and Kate Gosselin dominated the gossip rags ALL year. We can't even wait for J. Goss to kill himself. Go for it Jon! And take your whores with you! Speaking of whores....

Tiger "Check out my One Wood! Have you seen my Love Club"? Woods. We actually have to hand it to this guy. How the hell did he have time to 1) have a successful busy career, 2) marry and have 2 kids and 3) have sex with 675 whores a year? Beware of Tiger's Not-so-Hidden Dragon!

For some reason, celebrity divorces seem to be the big end of the year story. We couldn't care less.

Reality shows continued to dominate in 2009. Every profession has one: repo men, pawn shop owners, salon owners, saloon owners, bakers, paranormal investigators, wedding dress proprietors - not to mention ice road truckers and Bering Sea crabbers. We would like to see one on Administrative Assistants That Kill.

Pawn Stars is one of our favorite shows of all time. It's like the Antiques Roadshow on steroids. Love. It.

Survivor, Top Chef and Amazing Race had their BEST SEASONS EVER. Seriously, after 20 seasons Jeff Probst is just hitting his stride. We are looking forward to Survivor All Stars: Heroes vs. Villains. Anyone for more Johnny Fairplay? How about Colby? We're just guessin'.

Movies this year received scathing blows from critics leading most people to avoid them at all costs. Still, teens flocked to Transformers 2 and New Moon, and the end of the year Hollywood numbers are off the chart because of Avatar and Sherlock Holmes.

Wolverine was one of our favorite movies this year. Hugh Jackman is AWESOME as Wolverine. And Liev Strieber was in it - cannot go wrong there. Speaking of Liev, anyone see Defiance? Great movie about defiant Jews. And speaking of Defiant Jews - Run don't walk to rent Inglorious Basterds. Best. Jewish. Revenge. Fantasy. Ever. Although it's probably the ONLY Jewish revenge fantasy movie.

Star Trek was definitely worth it. Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy is inspired casting at its best. Go Karl! BTW, Karl had the Best Movie of 2007 - Pathfinder (with the ever awesome, fave actor Clancy Brown). Go rent it.

The Hangover is THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR. Hands down. This movie is spectacularly hilarious. Comedies are really never funny the whole way through. Hangover is hysterical. On every level. The whole way and do not miss the credits!

In politics...oh, the hell with it. Do you care?

Let's talk SuBo!! Susan Boyle is one our favorite people this year. Her story is incredible and lovely. It's a Cinderella fantasy come true! How could a middle-aged frumpy lady become an international sensation outselling Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Eminem, Beyonce and Rihanna combined!? Her record "I Dreamed a Dream" has smashed the record charts on every continent in the world, becoming history in and of itself. We're happy for her!

Lady GaGa. What can we say? Anyone who can make a dress out of Kermit the Frog dolls and another one out of Hello Kitty dolls deserves 15 minutes of fame. Talk about letting your Freak Flag Fly...YGG!

Well, we can't wrap-up our 2009 end of the year post without mentioning.....2012! 2012 end-of-the-world-mania has taken off and gone mainstream. Everyone knows about it now. What will happen? Will the world end? Will we be obliterated through war, famine, disease, an asteroid, zombies? We'll save our opinion for another post, but are leaning towards zombies right now....

Other things to mention for 2009? Captain Sully, Michael Jackson, Somali Pirates, Barack Obama, Ted Kennedy, Swine Flu, Juan del Potro....There are 50 million more subjects that we could have touched on for 2009.

What else happened in 2009? The Omni Report! We hope you've enjoyed our "little blog". Thanks for reading and supporting our sponsors. Have a GREAT New Year and come back soon. We have lots planned for 2010.

1 comment:

  1. Johnny Fairplay and Russell on the same show!! LOOK OUT....LOL. OMG not to say maybe the Great Richard Hatch. I'd like to see Jeff Probst compete in one of the seasons. Once again nice article and Happy New Year!!


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