Friday, April 30, 2010


BP Must Be Stopped. We are calling for a class action suit filed by every American for having our pristine Mississippi Delta RUINED.

Endangered Sea Turtles are already dying for an unknown, unrelated reason all along the Gulf Coast of Texas. This is end-of-the-world sad.

What a stupid, dangerously ignorant bitch!

How about Spill, Baby, Spill?
How's that drilly thingy goin' for ya, Sarah?

We're not sure what's important for most people. It seems to just be the immediate things, less taxes, stopping a public health care option for most Americans, keeping Mexicans out of Arizona...

We are concerned about long term issues. It's one of the reasons why liberals like us are so "sad" all the time. It's just hard for us to concentrate solely on ourselves and our money. We NEED TO and WANT TO help all people, the Earth and all of its diverse wildlife. We can't help that. It's our nature, just like it's a GOP nature to have illicit homosexual encounters in bathrooms while regulating how every other homosexual is to have no rights.

One of our long term issues is keeping the planet inhabitable for future generations. For a "conservative" party it is astounding to us how unconservative they are. Obviously, conservative is used strictly in the financial sense. At every turn, Republicans block stronger safer regulations for Everything. Big Tobacco, Big Oil, Coal Mining. Another 2 miners died this week as a result of working at a mine with over 300 abuse and safety violations.

We still haven't ever gotten over what Exxon did to the Alaskan coast. The images of the birds covered in oil have haunted us for years. This is going to make that look like nothing.

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