Friday, April 30, 2010

Survivor: King of the Hidden Immunity Idols

You know you love my ribs! - Amanda

You have to know by now, that when Survivor promos a person getting close to voted off, that person is safe. All the teasers for last nights ep called for Russell to lose control of his alliance and head for the chopping block. NOT A CHANCE!

The reward challenge was called Survivor Shuffleboard. The remaining Survivors were split into 3 teams of three. Colby finally found a challenge he could win and at the very last minute ran a perfect game, hitting the bulls eye dead center! Yay for Colby! So, Danielle, Colby and Amanda won. The reward? A night at the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum House in Samoa, to watch a movie. Stevenson, originally from Scotland and writer of such classics as Treasure Island, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Master of Ballantrae (later made into a movie starring ERROL FLYNN), lived and wrote in Samoa and died there in 1896. Our inner geek (who are we kidding?) our true selves, were freaking out over the first edition books at the museum. The Survivors didn't really care.

We can't blame them. Amanda, especially, had her mind and eyes on finding an Immunity Idol Clue that they were sure had to be somewhere in the museum. That night while the three of them were watching the movie Treasure Island, Danielle found the clue in the big bowl of popcorn and tried to hide it. Amanda, who never really lets anything escape her, even though she still sucks at the game somehow, saw it and asked point blank to Danielle, "what are you hiding under the bed?". Amanda then came over to Danielle's side and grabbed the clue.

The actual clueless one? COLBY! He sat there eating popcorn and trying to sleep while the girls literally fought each other, wrestling to the ground over it. "It's mine! I found it! I want the Precious!" Is Colby even alive? Two bikini clad, almost-naked, smoking hot chicks were wrestling right in front of his face and he didn't care, didn't see it, what? Okay, he did see it - after the girls fought in front of the TV! Wow!

Danielle pleaded to Colby to help her and old Colbs finally had to sit up and say "Give it back Amanda". That's all it took. Amanda handed it over like a puppy dog. COLBY!! How about saying, Open it up now, we ALL look! How he's gotten this far, past Coach and Boston Rob is like a mystery on par with who built the pyramids? (Cue The Last Great Pharaoh "The Egyptians built it for the millionth time dammit!")

So, Danielle got the clue and couldn't wait to tell her alliance. WHOA! Note to Danielle, Russell can sniff them out sans clue, so WTF are you doing? They go looking for the Idol and SURPRISE - Russell finds the Idol in less than 5 minutes, hides it from Danielle and promptly declares himself King of Everything Hidden Immunity Idols.

Note: Read Jeff's Blog to see how the Producers are going to change future Immunity Idols, due to the "Russell Factor". LOVES!

The Immunity Challenge was a "deck of cards" thing where they had to build a ten foot tower. Russell and Jerri fought neck and neck and Jerri won by like 2 seconds. It was Jerri's first ever Immunity. We wanted Russell to win though, so he'd be able to keep the Idol hidden.

What happened next would've been ABSOLUTELY GREAT - The Heroes had everyone prepared to vote out Russell. Russell had the Idol and the vote would've been truly amazing again to watch, but - and we are leaving out all sorts of politicking at this point - Russell blew it by confronting Sandra over flipping to vote Russell. She denied it, called out Candice who was the one that flipped to the Villains and the Heroes changed the vote thinking Danielle gave the Idol to Russell.

How did they think Danielle had the Idol? Colby! Mr. "I should never ever be in the CIA", mistakenly assumed that since Danielle had the Idol clue, that she would have the Idol. DUH! Of course, she shared the clue with her alliance and of course Russell found it first! The Heroes switched their vote to Parvati, the Villains went with Amanda and Russell played the Idol just in case.

He was sort of pissed he wasted it and stupid Parvati called him out on it apparently forgetting she wasted TWO of them just a few days beforehand.

So, Amanda got voted out to hopefully go and buy some clothes as we are personally sick of seeing her pussy hang out week after week. If that were our daughter, we'd cane her and send her to a nunnery. However, if we were CBS, we'd continue to strand people on a island with practically no clothes too. Go figure!

The Jury this year is very annoying. Talking to you Courtney! You are one annoying nasty ugly bitch. Unlike, The Dragon Slayer who did not don his kimono this week or bare his chest. He looked like a truck driver actually.

We cannot believe how awesome this season of Survivor has been. We LOVE THIS SHOW!!

So we have left in Tribe Yin Yang: Candice, Rupert, Colby, Parvati, Russell, Sandra, Jerri, and Danielle.

Who do you think will win? Finale is May 16th!!

"You ain’t seen nothing yet!" -
Jeff promises even more unbelievable action!

Jeff's Blog at EW

Update: Russell Hantz was arrested last week for knocking a woman to the ground. We would never excuse this, however, we have a feeling she called him a gnome or a troll or something similar. Still, this is never an excuse to get violent with someone...Hey Russell "sticks and stones..."

Also, about Russell, we cannot believe how much weight he has lost these past 2 seasons. Russell is the only person to play back-to-back games of Survivor. He's been on the Survivor Diet for 2 months (back when they were taping) and must've lost 65 pounds.

Russell Day One

Russell Day 60ish -
He looks much sknnier than this...trying to find a pic.

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