Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Supreme Court Can Suck On It

Everyday it seems we are outraged by another injustice in this world.

Today's outrage comes directly from the Supreme Court. There once was a law in this country. A briefly lived but brilliant law accepted in 1998 or so, that said that a person/company/whatever can not make profits off of animal cruelty videos.

This law was prompted by "crush videos" that show gorgeous women stomping on little furry animals to kill them or using a stiletto heel to impale them to death. These videos were in high demand in Japan in the 1990's. Yeah, the Japanese are fucked up. We know. However, considering the vast number of sickos worldwide, these videos came into even higher demand when bestiality became all the rage on the Internet and the cruelty factor got higher and higher and quite frankly needs to be stopped. Now.

Well, in all their fucked up wisdom, the Supreme Court has voted to allow such videos citing free speech issues. "What about hunting videos" they cried. "That could be labeled animal cruelty, blah blah blah". We know hunters. And although they have very small penises and use guns on defenseless animals to make up for it, they aren't trying to be cruel, they are trying to be cool. Hunters rarely go out and say "let's fuck with this animal".

What this overturned law does is vastly undermine the animal rights movement. Forget the wild game that people are hunting, these videos involve dog fighting rings, taping the fights and selling for profit. Barbaric, horrific, disgusting aren't words that even cover this. They involve any form of animal cruelty being taped and sold underground on the Internet. Cockfighting. Dogfighting. It's legal to profit off it now.

This comes on the heels of the Ringling Brothers Incident and we're definitely upset. Ringling Brothers tortures elephants and other animals and the videos shot undercover PROVE it decisively. However, the case was thrown out of court because the man that shot the footage worked undercover for PETA and had a "vested interest" in "seeing torture". NOTHING about the ELEPHANTS. Video notwithstanding, thrown out of court.

It's difficult but YOU MUST SEE IT TO KNOW TO STOP IT!

This is one of the nice pictures showing how Ringling Brothers treats baby elephants. The man on the other side of the elephant is holding a bull hook to it's head. That's what that "stick" is.
It's hooking into the side of the baby's neck right behind her ear.
The trunk, the most sensitive part of her entire body? It's being squeezed and tied for no reason. They have the baby tied down and are stretching her out so that she will stand on her hind legs one day for us! YAY! You can take your kids to see it!

When PETA videos animal cruelty they don't sell it for profit. They use it in court and in the court of public opinion. They broadcast the videos for free to expose the dark side of animal "entertainment". When they sell the videos on their website, it's to raise money for them not the guys who beat the shit of the tigers to make them jump through fire and the money is used for more undercover stings.

Animal Cruelty for profit is gross. We need to re-enact another like minded law and shut it down. Yes, we are mashing up a couple of issues here but animal cruelty is what it is. It's all the same.


  1. "Ladies and Gentlemen....step right up and let me introduce you to the Greatest Show of Cruelty on Earth"!! "You will be amazed at the way in which we manipulate and control these animals to do exactly what we want". ASSFUCKS!! and so is anyone who takes their kids to this BULLSHIT!! These screwheads must be working with the Vatican because their SICK!!

  2. Then people wanna know why these beautiful animals turn on and kill their crazy owners!! I'm surprised they dont do it earlier and more often............SCUMBAGS!!


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