Thursday, May 20, 2010

Liar, Liar! Cycle on Fire!

"Don't talk about the blood! Dammit, Floyd!"

And in the world of cycling - the shit has hit the wheel!

Accused doper Floyd Landis has sent emails to several upper-level cycling officials admitting to EPO and steroids doping during EVERY YEAR OF HIS CAREER ONCE HE MET LANCE ARMSTRONG. "I want to clear my conscience," he says.

And that's not all!

Floyd contends that Armstrong kept a refrigerator in his room with quarts of saved blood from Lance and Floyd and George Hincapie. This blood was syphoned from the riders in the "off season" to be used for doping tests during events. He alleges spending $90,000 a year on a "doping regimen."

And that's still not all!

Landis is implicating America's finest and most successful riders as well: Current United States road racing national champion George Hincapie, 3-time Tour of California champion Levi Leipheimer and 5-time United States time trial champion David Zabriskie are among the "dozen or so riders" Landis is accusing.

All of these riders are competing RIGHT NOW in the Tour of California. They are, we hear, pissed off as hell and screaming for Floyd's head on a silver platter.

Landis doesn't stop at accusing the riders of doping. He accuses the managers, trainers and top officials of encouraging drug enhancers and enabling it to happen despite testing. Super-star managers of the sport are implicated: including Johan Bruyneel, the longtime Postal Service team manager and current head of Armstrong’s RadioShack team, and the former head of the Swiss-based Phonak team, Andy Rihs.

"Landis said that Bruyneel, his team manager on the Postal Service team, introduced him to the use of steroid patches, blood doping and human growth hormone." Landis also said that in 2003 he had stored bags of blood in Armstrong’s apartment in Girona, Spain. He said that his blood was stored in a refrigerator, along with bags of blood belonging to Hincapie and Armstrong."

Holy Moly!

Lance Armstrong, who is being viciously maligned by Landis, along with above riders, has NEVER, EVER failed a doping control test. What do you think? He won more than anyone and has ALWAYS been accused. Landis has been proven a liar by his own admission. He's vehemently denied doping and even wrote a book defending himself and now he's turned and says it's ALL TRUE. Just a made-up lie in by a vindictive bitter rider or the actual truth?

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