Wednesday, May 12, 2010

LOST: "Every Question Answered Will Lead to Another Question"

Young MIB with a young MATT DAMON Jacob.

"Every Question Answered Will Lead to Another Question", says the crazy lady. So that's why LOST never answers questions! Why bother, they just lead to more!

Well, here are some questions and answers anyway:

Who/what is Jacob?
He is man born on the island.

Who/what is the Man in Black?
He is also a man born on the island.

Are the two blood related?
Yes, the are twins. Jacob was born first.

Are they from ancient Egypt?
No, their mother was shipwrecked Roman, who was 9 months pregnant.

What was the Man in Black's original body?
He really is the Man in Black. They never said his name. Viewers call him that because of the black shirt he wears.

How did he get the MIB body?
He was born as MIB and when Jacob killed him and threw him into the Light Source he turned into The Smoke Monster. He had no body and was a ghost until he got Locke's body. Jacob killed him, because he killed their "crazy mom", who had tried to stop MIB from leaving the island.

How did he turn into an EM Smoke filled killing machine that makes clicking sounds?
Somehow, the Light Source at the cave, turned his spirit into the Smoke Monster after Jacob threw his lifeless body into it.

Who is his "crazy mother" that MIB referred to in an earlier ep.?
The crazy mother, killed the pregnant Roman woman and raised the twins as her own. She needed someone to guard the Light Source. MIB thinks she's crazy because she killed their real mother and raised them as her own and told them, there's nothing across the sea and other people are bad.

How and when did they get to the island and start acting out this Candidate thing?
They were born on the island during Roman times. Not sure when the Candidate thing started but after the mom was killed by MIB.

Who or what are the 2 children seen talking to MIB?
The two boys are young Jacob and young ghosts or something...who knows...they don't answer questions on this show.

Will Coach have his shirt open again?...Oops wrong show!
We hope so. With only a one regular episode left and the big finale this Sunday the 16th, we're looking forward to it.

Who shot JR?
Some chick. It should have been the wife, Mary Ellen, but the writers screwed it up.

When will BP get the oil spill fixed?
Never. They suck big hairy ballsacks.

This is it...down to the final episodes.
Here's what we HAVE learned. It's a poorly planned TV show. We miss Walt, Vincent, Rose and Bernard. We miss The Hatch, Dharma drops and when Ben was Benry.

Jaocb inters his brother, MIB with their surrogate mom,
the "crazy" lady and the skeletons then become known to our
castaways as Adam and Eve...

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