Sunday, October 31, 2010

Top Horror Movies

The Omni Horror Movie Pick List
We've split the movies by release year into three catagories:

Classics 1920-1969

Nosferatu, 1922
Phantom of the Opera, 1925
Dracula, 1931
Frankenstein, 1931
The Mummy, 1932
Hound of the Baskervilles, 1939
The Wolfman, 1941
Them!, 1954
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, 1956
House on Haunted Hill, 1959
Psycho, 1960
The Pit and The Pendalum, 1961 (Classic Vincent Price. The ending still scares us.)
The Birds, 1963
Night of the Living Dead, 1968 (We're coming at 1mph to get you, Barbara!)
Rosemary's Baby, 1968

New Classics 1970-1999

The Legend of Boggy Creek, 1972 (One of our faves of ALL TIME)
The Exorcist, 1973
Texas Chainsaw Massacre, 1974
Jaws, 1975
The Shining, 1980
An American Werewolf in London, 1981
Wolfen, 1981
Poltergeist, 1982
The Thing, 1982
Creepshow, 1982
Evil Dead II, 1987 (Sam Raimi. Bruce Campbell - The world's greatest B Actor-EVER)
Hellrasier, 1987
Silence of the Lambs, 1991
Dracula, 1992 (We'd watch paint dry and the grass grow if it starred Gary Oldman)
The Blair Witch Project, 1999

Modern Classics 2000-2009

Shadow of the Vampire, 2000 (Three words: Malkovich. Defoe. Priceless.)
Fraility, 2001
Jeepers Creepers, 2001
The Others, 2001
The Ring, 2002
28 Days Later, 2002
House of 1000 Corpses, 2003 (Rob Zombie is a brilliant film maker.)
High Tension, 2003
Alien vs. Predator, 2004 (This movie ROCKS!)
The Grudge, 2004
The Exorcism of Emily Rose, 2005 (Tom Wilkenson is one of the 3 best actors of the modern era. Period. The other two are Viggo Mortensen and Daniel Day-Lewis.)
The Descent, 2005
Hostel, 2005
30 Days of Night, 2007
The Mist, 2007
28 Weeks Later, 2007
The Strangers, 2008
Cloverfield, 2008
The Happening, 2008 (Movie is so-so, but filmed a mile from Omni HQ. Pretty effing cool)
Drag Me to Hell, 2009

What are your picks?

Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini died on Halloween in 1926 and is still one of the most famous magicians/escape artists known to this day.

Everyone knows Houdini. Many, many performers over the years have tried to imitate and build a career on escapism acts...and so far none have ever lived up to the Great Houdini.

Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1874, he led a fascinating life. He loved aviation and bought a plane for $5k in 1909, hiring a full time mechanic to help him with it. He successfully flew it in Germany and was the first to fly over Australia without crashing on March 18, 1910. A hundred years ago! He stated at the time that no one would remember Houdini the magician but would always remember Houdini the Aviator.

His house, a beautiful brownstone in Harlem New York, was purchased by him in 1904 for $25,000. Amazing! The same housing today costs between $400,000 and $1.2M.

Learn more about the Amazing Houdini:

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Charlie Chaplin Time Traveler

Examine the above video closely. You can see a woman enter the frame and walk past the zebra holding a "cell phone". She looks like she is talking to someone on a cell phone in 1928.

So far experts are at a loss. The video comes from extras included in a DVD release of a silent Charlie Chaplin movie titled "The Circus". The extra footage is from the premiere release of the film and shows the exterior of Manns Chinese Theater in Hollywood. The footage is not the actual film The Circus but of additional real-life footage from the premiere. This footage became available when the Charlie Chaplin box set was released.

The video is legit and not doctored. Opinions vary as to what the woman in question is actually doing.

Theory #1: She's a time traveler speaking on a real cell phone
Theory #2: She's a schizophrenic talking to herself
Theory #3: She's just listening to a portable radio and talking to herself
Thoery #4: It's a 1928 hearing-aid, which at the time were HUGE

What do you think?

Remarkably, this is not the first time traveler caught his year. Early in April the above photo surfaced. It was taken after the 1940 reopening of the South Fork Bridge in Canada. It shows a crowd of people watching the bridge and in that crowd is a young man in a t-shirt, "hoodie" and sunglasses.

The man doesn't blend in with everyone else and looks exactly like someone today, unlike everyone else in the frame that look VERY 1940's. The guy sticks out like a sore thumb. Photoshop!


The Emperor

Reports of The Emperors death are high exaggerated!

To the dismay of EVERYONE, reports had surfaced earlier in the week that the magnificent wild Stag nick-named "Emperor" was killed by trophy hunters during rutting season in Britain.

Thought to be the largest wild animal in the British Isles, Emperor weighs around 300lb and stands 9ft tall from the ground to top of his antlers. He is a truly majestic animal. Gorgeous!

Everyone was grief stricken and in despair over the senseless culling of the beast. However, even though it was a legal kill and his head and antlers are worth thousands of dollars to trophy hunters, not one person came forward to claim responsibility. Experts were upset that the stag had yet to breed this fall and unable to pass on his genes to another generation.

Yesterday additional reports surfaced that maybe he hasn't been killed after all. Several Brit farmers claim to have seen The Emperor in their gardens and back yards, leading to speculation that HE'S STILL ALIVE.

The farmers in the area are fiercely protective of him and until we get a confirmed sighting, it may still be up in the air. We are hopeful!


Archeological Treasure Trove in Jeopardy

An estimated THREE MILLION separate artifacts, found in a grassy floodplain in Australia, face an uncertain future as officials decide to go ahead with pre-planned highway and bridge.

The artifacts, dating back some FORTY-THOUSAND YEARS, offer an unprecedented look into Aboriginal life in Tasmania and Australian history.

Michael Mansell, legal director of the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre, says: “That’s a place that really strikes at our heart, and is about our identity, our past and our future. When you stand down by that levee, you can feel the presence of our ancestors. This is “cultural vandalism". We thought they would share our excitement about this discovery, but instead they just saw it as a handicap to their highway,” he says. “To them, white heritage is sacrosanct, but Aboriginal heritage, they’re happy to build straight on top of it.”

"If all else fails," says Mansell, "Aboriginal people are prepared to blockade the riverbank and prevent the bulldozers going in."

Damn right! We are appalled at the lack of respect for these cultural antiques. It's the Australian archaeological discovery of a lifetime and if this site isn't worthy of protection than what the hell is?

News Link

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

R.I.P. - Zecharia Sitchin

Sitchin with (a copy of) the now-famous 4,500 year old cyclinder
seal #VA/243, depicting our solar system.

The Omni Report is in mourning today after learning of the passing of the iconoclast author, Zecharia Sitchin.

Sitchin launched to fame in the 1970's with his ground-breaking work, The 12th Planet. This led to the Earth Chronicles series - a must read for alternative history fans - such as ourselves.

Compared to Erich Von Daniken as far as subject matter, Sitchin employed his knowledge of ancient languages to redefine ancient Mesopotamian texts and bring forth new translations of the Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian cultures and God pantheons.

His work is seminal, beyond ground-breaking. He will be missed immensely.

Sitchin passed away at age 90 in NYC on October 9th. His family is just releasing the news as they wanted it to remain private.

We are at a total loss for words at his point and will release a posthumous tribute post later in the week.

Official Zeharia Sitchin Website

Wiki Article

Announcement at The Daily Grail


Taita Juan

In a MAJOR MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE, Colombian Shaman Taita Juan was arrested in Texas carrying Ayahuasca and faces 20 YEARS in prison! We must help him!

From the website: FREE TAITA JUAN

On Tuesday, October 19, 2010 while en route to leading traditional Ayahuasca ceremonies in Oregon, indigenous Colombian healer Juan Agreda Chindoy was detained in the Houston International Airport. He was formally arrested by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) for possession of his traditional medicine Ayahuasca. He is now being charged as a federal criminal and is facing up to 20 years in federal prison. Taita Juan is certified by his community and by the Colombian ministry of health as a traditional healer. He is one of the few remaining indigenous spiritual leaders in the world that holds the ancestral medicinal knowledge of an ecosystem that is rapidly disappearing. Taita Juan is a father, a husband and a godfather to more than 20 children. With more than 3000 supporters from several countries in the world, his life and work have touched many.

Ayahuasca is one of the Earth's oldest, most sought-after mind altering drugs. Is it illegal to carry in the States? Apparently it is in Texas where its always legal to shoot something with your gun but illegal to exercise your mind.

Go to the website to learn how to help.

Rain On....Uluru!

ULTRA-RARE Never See it again view of Uluru!

In a once-in-a-lifetime event, Uluru, formerly known as Ayers Rock, experienced almost 3 inches of rain on one day! Normal rainfall totals are less than 6 inches per year.

The torrential downpour left Uluru dripping wet and tourists and tour guides alike scrambling for their cameras. The event took place a week ago on October 14th.

'Most residents of Central Australia know that rain anywhere, let alone rain at the rock is rare,' 'So for a photographer to capture the rain in full pelt with the distinctive rivers and falls coming off Uluru is magically stuff indeed.' It started bucketing down just before midnight and altogether over 2.8 inches fell.

So, is this another sign of the oncoming apocalypse?

Uluru, the way it normally looks, 364 1/2 days a year.

See all the pics: HERE

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Most Famous Shootout in History

The Shootout at the O.K. Corral!


On this day in 1881, the Earp brothers faced off against the Clanton-McLaury gang in a legendary shootout at the OK Corral in Tombstone, Arizona.

After silver was discovered nearby in 1877, Tombstone quickly grew into one of the richest mining towns in the Southwest. Wyatt Earp, a former Kansas police officer working as a bank security guard, and his brothers, Morgan and Virgil, the town marshal, represented "law and order" in Tombstone, though they also had reputations as being power-hungry and ruthless. The Clantons and McLaurys were cowboys who lived on a ranch outside of town and sidelined as cattle rustlers, thieves and murderers. In October 1881, the struggle between these two groups for control of Tombstone and Cochise County ended in a blaze of gunfire at the OK Corral.

On the morning of October 25, Ike Clanton and Tom McLaury came into Tombstone for supplies. Over the next 24 hours, the two men had several violent run-ins with the Earps and their friend Doc Holliday. Around 1:30 p.m. on October 26, Ike's brother Billy rode into town to join them, along with Frank McLaury and Billy Claiborne. The first person they met in the local saloon was Holliday, who was delighted to inform them that their brothers had both been pistol-whipped by the Earps. Frank and Billy immediately left the saloon, vowing revenge.

Around 3 p.m., the Earps and Holliday spotted the five members of the Clanton-McLaury gang in a vacant lot behind the OK Corral, at the end of Fremont Street. The famous gunfight that ensued lasted all of 30 seconds, and around 30 shots were fired. Though it's still debated who fired the first shot, most reports say that the shootout began when Virgil Earp pulled out his revolver and shot Billy Clanton point-blank in the chest, while Doc Holliday fired a shotgun blast at Tom McLaury's chest. Though Wyatt Earp wounded Frank McLaury with a shot in the stomach, Frank managed to get off a few shots before collapsing, as did Billy Clanton. When the dust cleared, Billy Clanton and the McLaury brothers were dead, and Virgil and Morgan Earp and Doc Holliday were wounded. Ike Clanton and Claiborne had run for the hills.

Sheriff John Behan of Cochise County, who witnessed the shootout, charged the Earps and Holliday with murder. A month later, however, a Tombstone judge found the men not guilty, ruling that they were "fully justified in committing these homicides."

The movie Tombstone is quite frankly - ONE OF THE GREATEST MOVIES EVER MADE. It is in our Top Five of all time! If you've never seen it or generally hate Westerns, please try and take another look. Tombstone has some of the best actors in the world including the tour de force performance by Kurt Russell who deserved an Academy Award for his portrayal of Wyatt Earp.

Actors in Tombstone
Kurt Russell
Val Kilmer - nails it as Doc Holiday
Sam Elliot - Is there anything he's in, where he doesn't kick ass?
Powers Booth - should have gotten an award
Charleton Heston - brief cameo
Jason Priestley
John Corbitt
Michael Biehn - Absolutely kills it as Johnny Ringo
Stephen Lang - See him as Gen. Pickett in Gettysburg!
Michael Rooker
Billy Zane
Thomas Haden Church
Terry O'Quinn - Pre-Lost, holds his own with A-listers.
Bill Paxton
Harry Carrey, Jr.
Frank Stallone - Seriously!
Billy Bob Thorton - In one of the best scenes in the movie - see 2nd clip below

A GREAT SCENE! "Skin that smokewagon and see what happens."

Five Terrifying New Horror Movies You Dare Not See

This political satire post, out today from the Huffington Post, is hysterical.

Titled: Five Terrifying New Horror Movies You Dare Not See

The Tea Party Massacre
Dawn of the Glenn Beck Dead
Indiana Jones and the Ground Zero Islamic Cultural Center
The Legend of Health Care
Let the Far Right One In

Five Terrifying New Horror Movies You Dare Not See

R.I.P. - Paul, the Psychic Cephalopod

In this July 9, 2010 file picture octopus oracle Paul chooses a mussel from a glass tank marked with a Spanish flag in the SeaLife Aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany. A German news agency reported the octopus that gained world fame by correctly predicting World Cup results has died. The German news agency dapd said Tuesday, Oct. 26, 2010 the death of Paul the Octopus was announced by the aquarium in Oberhausen. Paul correctly predicted all games involving Germany, and also picked Spain to win.

BERLIN — Sea Life Aquarium says that Paul the Octopus who gained worldwide fame with his perfect World Cup predictions has died. He was 2 1/2.

Aquarium spokeswoman Ariane Vieregge in Oberhausen said Tuesday that Paul seemed fine when checked on late Monday night but was found dead in his tank Tuesday morning.

She says that it was normal for an octopus of his type to die at that age and that he had died of natural causes.

Paul correctly predicted the outcome of all seven of Germany's games plus Spain's victory over the Netherlands in the final.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jurassic Park - Comix

Comixing is an Internet favorite. Similiar to Mashup, it takes semi-related material and comixes into something funny. We love the Star Trek ones, but here's a Jurassic Park one to start your week off with some humor...

Friday, October 22, 2010

FUCK YOU CHINA. You Can Suck On It

We live in America. A supposedly free and happy land where Freedom is treasured and essential. In America, where you are "free", it doesn't seem to matter to most Americans that we really are not free at all. That we are forced to wear seat belts when driving, are put in jail for smoking pot and do not allow same-sex couples to marry legally, to name a few injustices.

What bothers us most, is the continued efforts by far-left extremists like Sarah Palin to have even more of our constitutionally protected rights taken from us. A person like Sarah Palin, who has absolutely no problem walking into the wilderness, taking her shotgun and blowing a hole through a wolf or a moose and has no problems stuffing live turkeys into a grinder. To her life isn't sacred, it what's for dinner.

Until it comes to you! No abortion rights for you. No right to same-sex marriages for you! No pot-growing for you! Because God wills it so. We are to protect unborn children, hate-crime gays and lesbians, and stigmatize and jail pot smokers, because it is God's will. Forget the nursing wolf who just carried a litter of pups through a horrendous winter...kill her. God put her there obviously so you can hone your shooting skills. Oh, you're a raped and impregnated 27 year old woman who would prefer not to give birth? Sorry, honey. God willed it.

So what is our point and what the hell does it have to do with China?

Well, in this country you can't get an abortion without being made to feel like a fucking monster and politicians go out of their way to shun you and take away your freedoms. In China, when you are pregnant and violating the one-child only rule, the government comes to your door and takes you away to be beaten and forcefully aborted.

In what is certainly one of the most horrendous stories to come from China - and believe us there are so many reasons why China is fucked up beyond belief - this story literally made us stand up and scream with indignation.

"An eight-months pregnant woman was dragged from her home and forced to have an abortion because she had broken China’s one-child-per-family law.

Twelve government officials entered Xiao Aiying’s house where they hit and kicked her in the stomach, before taking her kicking and screaming to hospital.

They held her hands behind her back and pushed her head against the wall and kicked her in the stomach,’ he (the husband) said. ‘I don’t know if they were trying to give her a miscarriage.

The 36-year-old woman was restrained as doctors injected her with a drug to kill the unborn baby.

The wife, who was filmed in hospital with large bruises on her arms and her dead child still inside her, said: ‘I have had this baby, feeling it moving around and around my belly. Can you imagine how I feel now.’

Actually, NO. Because this is the most offensive, senseless, disgusting thing we have ever heard of.

We have super-snarky, super-sarcastic feelings about our own country, America, where we personally feel alienated and criminalized but it just doesn't even compare to CHINA, where feeling alienated and criminalized is a birthright.

That is if you are allowed to be born.

Full Article


This is a post about Wayne Rooney. But who wants to see his Fugly Face
when we've got DIEGO FORLAN to look at?

Holy Rollercoaster Ride, Batman!

Wayne Rooney, spoiled upstart star striker for Manchester United has had his wounded pride licked clean by Sir Alex Ferguson and has signed a FIVE year extension deal for millions of dollars to remain at Man U until 2015.

After this weeks earlier hissy fit, we had hoped ol' Roo would hit the road. Alas it is not to be.

So let's forget Rooney and his hawk-wife Coleen and concentrate on something good...let's play where in the world is DIEGO FORLAN?

When we last left off, the gorgeous Uruguayan footballer and former Manchester United striker had just won the GOLDEN BALL for his incredible scoring streak at the 2010 FIFA South African World Cup. Nowadays, Diego is with the Spanish club AtlƩtico Madrid and has helped them to a 2-0 win over Internazionale to win the The European Super Cup (UEFA Super Cup), this past August.

However, ever since, Forlan has been in a super-slump that has seen him scoreless in the past 8 games.

In the news just today:

"(Forlan's boss at AtlƩtico Madrid), Sanchez Flores also backed striker Diego Forlan to end his scoring drought after another blank made it eight games without a goal for the Uruguayan.

"Sometimes you have to have patience with him,'' he said. "I think he will be a very important player throughout the season.''

Sergio Aguero, who came on for Forlan midway through the second half against Rosenborg and scored a minute later, added: "People say he is tired but Forlan is a key player for us."

Not the best of news but certainly not that bad. There's still a long season to go and we bet he'll snap out of the slump soon.

As it is a post about Rooney after all, here's a look at him and his boss and his beautiful-out-of-his-league-hawkish wife, Coleen.

Sir Alex and Wayne Rooney kiss and make-up
See the smile on Wayne's face? 25 Million will do that to a person.

Coleen "I'm not a hawk, I just look like one" Rooney

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sad Keanu

Original shot - Sad Keanu

This is "old" as far as Internet Memes go...but it's a GOODIE.

You see, one day, poor sad Keanu Reeves was having a singular, lonely, solitary lunch when a paparazzi took this now infamous picture and it launched a thousand photoshop parodies.

The SAD KEANU meme is one of the funniest Internet gags ever. There is another one of Leo DiCaprio going around that is hysterical too.

Here are a few of the best...Click on the gallery below to see a site full of them.


Google Search

"I'm You...Except with Bigger Tits"

Elvira...a true American...with Big Tits

"The Most Famous Person on Board Was the Pilot"

Bruce Dickenson - PILOT
as he is now, so conservative looking you'd never know...

Bruce Dickenson, singer and leader extraordinaire of one of the greatest, most successful and beloved heavy metal bands in the world - Iron Maiden is widely known by his other job - airline pilot. And not just any airline, but owner of his band's jumbo jet.

Bruce, a licensed pilot for over 20 years, has been flying the custom made jet, named Ed Force One and decorated with Iron Maiden's famous icon, the skeleton "Eddie", for longer than we can remember.

Bruce is class act all the way. Not only does he have one of the best bands ever, he's an awesome vocalist, seriously in our top 5 of all time and he's SMART. One of the reasons we love Iron Maiden so much is for their literary referenced laced lyrics. Knowing The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner by heart won us English honors in high school and that was over 20 years ago and they STILL SELL OUT CONCERT STADIUMS OF OVER 50,000 PEOPLE every time they tour. Iron Maiden taught us and continues to teach us.

in full 80's Heavy Metal style

Anyway, the reason for this whole post! - Bruce Dickenson stepped in to fly poor Premiere League's Team Liverpool all the way to Naples for a match. The team has only won one match all season and is financially broke. Someone even joked that of all the people on the plane, the most famous person on board was the pilot!

News Article

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's ANOTHER Wave of UFO's

For those of us who have personally witnessed Unexplained Flying Objects, some of us MULTIPLE times, this recent super-rash of UFO sightings is nothing new.

For those of you who don't bother to look up because you KNOW better, there are rational explanations for all of this. The Balloon and Flock of Birds Theories works really well on you folks. That's awesome!

The past week has seen a spike in the number of reported UFO's hovering over MAJOR U.S. Cities. New York, El Paso, Richmond to name a few domestic spots.

A Chinese airport was shut down internationally for an Unidentified Flying Object freaking out pilots over there. Actually, it was the 9th sighting of a UFO over a Chinese airport in about 3 months.

Just a few week ago, six former Air Force personnel disclosed dramatic first-hand experiences with UFOs at nuclear weapons sites.

Just a few week ago, six former Air Force personnel disclosed dramatic first-hand experiences with UFOs at nuclear weapons sites.

So what do we have here? Alien invasion? Media hype? Mass hysteria? Nothing at all?

We think we all need to just LOOK UP. You'll be amazed at what you see once you start paying attention.

Richmond,VA UFO

El Paso, TX UFO Exact same formation as the party balloons over NYC. What a remarkable coincidence!

New York, NY UFO The FAA unable to distinguish party balloons from UFO's? Fire the lot!

Military Personnel Vow Seeing UFOs over our weapons installations!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rooney wants OUT

Wayne "Fugly Mug" Rooney

That's right, folks. Wayne Rooney, star striker for the most famous soccer club in the world, Manchester United, has told the club manager Sir Alex "The other other Fergie" Furguson that he wants to be let go.

We actually think Wayne needs to be let go, but hey we're American and have little to do with The Premiere League. (Except to say "GO ARSENAL!!)

Wayne Rooney made Tiger Woods headlines last month when not one but two prostitutes came forward to say they slept with him. His wife, Coleen, famous for something we don't know what, was NOT amused. She declined to divorce him - after all he's super-filthy-mega-wealthy-rich- and the two have been in couples therapy since.

He also made headlines during World Cup this past summer when he and his teammates put on the worst Three Lion Club (Man U) showing in the HISTORY OF WORLD CUP.

Since WC, there hasn't been any luck for the Voted Most Fugly Soccer Star. He supposedly hurt his ankle and was pulled from games but denied being injured, leading may to wonder...does Management have it out for him? He was pulled from the pitch for the prostitute thing. Management - Fergie - saying they didn't want him to suffer any more humiliation. LOLs!

We don't hold Rooney in high regard. Our advice to Fergie - "Let him go."

Chelsea and a dozen different clubs are drooling to get him. Bye Wayne!

News Article

MUCH BETTER News Article

Azaria Chamberlain - God Rest Her Little Soul

Lindy and Azaria, at Ayers Rock, just hours before the tragedy

"A dingo's got my baby!"

Most of us are familiar with that line. It won Meryl Streep one of her 89 Oscars. The movie "A Cry in the Dark" with one of our other favorites, Sam Neill, is an okay film. It's pretty dated and not super compelling, but the one thing it does do is accurately portray the couple in question, The Chamberlains, as they endure every parents worst nightmare - the death of a baby daughter.

Early in 1980, the Chamberlains, Lindy and Michael of Australia, went to Ayers Rock for an overnight camping trip. The accommodations were rustic and very outdoors but nice. There was a communal barbecue and seating area for campers, right next to the camping area itself where dozens of hikers, campers and families had pitched their tents for the night. Everyone was having a relaxing quiet time near the campfire after dinner, when Lindy put her baby, Azaria, in the tent to sleep, about 10 or 20 yards away. Near enough that they could hear her cry out and close enough to visually see it.

At some point into the evening, Lindy went to check on Azaria and disturbed an animal rustling in the tent. An animal that ran away with something in its mouth. Lindy frantically searched the sleeping bags and blankets, saw blood droplets and started screaming the now infamous line - "A dingo's got my baby!"

Instantly the camp went on super high alert. Campers pulled their cars around and left the headlights on to illuminate the area as much as possible. EVERYONE started searching the immediate area and calling for backup. At daylight the search went into an even more frantic mode with the parents completely freaking out.

A murder trial ensued of epic and vile proportions. A trial that ended in a guilty verdict and life sentence in prison for poor Lindy.

What happened? How could people turn against the family and think they made up the entire dingo story and secretly at some point that afternoon, killed their infant daughter, stashed the body and then went on to barbecue and laugh with fellow campers?

Call it the "Ramsey Syndrome". Remember when Jon Benet was killed and the entire world vilified Patsy and Jon Ramsey for not "acting normal", for blocking police access and yada yada?

Lindy and Michael, divorced since 1991, were at the time - Seventh Day Adventists. They both had a deep sense of faith and legitimized almost all things with a blase "It's God's will", "The Lord works in mysterious ways", "It's want God wanted", "Little Azaria is in Heaven now."

This, just as in the Ramsey case, was not what people wanted to hear or see. The parents weren't "acting right." Who in their right mind, could lose a child one day and wake up the next saying it's God's will? Psycho killers that's who. And so the witch hunt on Lindy began.

Blood drops in the car confirmed what people "knew". The Chamberlains murdered their baby.

Years later, a bloodstained sweater was found. A tiny infant sized piece of clothing that confirmed Lindy's story. It was found not only in the dirt of Ayers Rock BUT RIGHT NEXT TO A DINGO DEN. HOLY MOLY! A continent reeled. How could they have been so wrong? What happened to the justice system? How could forensic evidence (blood drops) be wrong?

Well, there was blood in the tent from the initial grab of the baby and that blood was transferred on Lindy and Michael's clothing to their car. That's it. Innocent cross-contamination that damned a mother to life imprisonment.

Lindy's case was finally overturned in 1988, but the death certificate still reads, cause of death "unknown."

Lindy was released from prison but the specter of guilt has always hung over her head. On the 30th anniversary of that day, just last August, Lindy wrote a scathing letter - still fighting to clear her name.

She wants the death certificate changed to reflect what really happened.

That a dingo got her baby.

News Link

Eyewitness Account

Lindy's Trial

Monday, October 18, 2010

R.I.P - Benoit Mandelbrot

"Clouds are not spheres, mountains are not cones, coastlines are not circles,
and bark is not smooth,
nor does lightning travel in a straight line."
—Mandelbrot, in his introduction to The Fractal Geometry of Nature

Fractals. They are one of nature's most beautiful mysteries.

Benoit Mandelbrot, the French mathematician, was The Father of Fractals, for he coined the term and researched fractals as his life work. He died last week at the age of 85.

The above fractal is named for him. Nobel prizes aren't awarded posthumously, so we are saddened that he wasn't even nominated for one.

His seminal works, Fractals: Form, Chance and Dimension and The Fractal Geometry of Nature, were published in 1977 and 1982. In these, he argued that seemingly random mathematical shapes in fact followed a pattern if broken down into a single repeating shape. Mandelbrot developed fractals and the concept has been used to measure coastlines, clouds and other natural phenomena and had far-reaching effects in physics, biology and astronomy.

In words of praise from Nicholas Sarkozy, French President: "(Mandelbrot has a) powerful, original mind that never shied away from innovation and battering preconceived ideas. His work, which was entirely developed outside the main research channels, led to a modern information theory."

Honestly? For all of the "good science" that fractals can do, it is the ART of the fractal that spellbinds us.

Andy Murray - 2010 Shanghai Master

Andy Murray - The strongest British Player in years.
Look for Henman's Hill to be renamed for Murray after his retirement.
We'd bet on it.

Well, well, well, how the mighty have fallen!

Roger Federer, once the undisputed Mega-Champion of all time, cannot BUY a tournament at this time.

Brit Andy Murray lambasted Federer at the Shanghai Masters this week - 6-3,6-2!! Yes, an astonishing 5 whole games for the defeated Swiss.

Meanwhile, World's #1 - Andy Murray is having a hell of a season. The best of his career.

A beautiful shot of the stadium in Shanghai

Congrats Again Lance

Is it just us, or does this woman look too much like Elin?

Lance Armstrong is celebrating the birth of his FIFTH child. Only a few more to go before they can qualify as a full-fledged racing team.

It seems he has a child with every woman he's dated but alas it's just 3 with the ex-wife and 2 with his girlfriend of a few years Anna Hansen...aka Elin Nordgren. His oldest son is now, 11 and lives with his twin sisters, 8, and mom, Kristen in Texas.

You know, for a guy that had testicular cancer and now only has one left...that one's doing a hell of a job.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mata Hari

Mata Hari posing for a pantyless picture in 1906.
Decked out in only jewlery and bra. Scandalous!

Mata Hari. The name alone evokes feelings of seductive conspiracy. Meaning Sunrise, her very name is synonymous with sexy espionage. Indeed, she is the inspiration for the modern femme fatale.

On this day in history, 93 years ago in 1917, Mata Hari was executed by a French firing squad for being a German spy during WWI.

Read this excerpt from a fabulous Daily Mail article:

She stood alone in the sodden field on the outskirts of Paris, her fashionable ankle boots firmly planted in the mud churned up by the cavalry who drilled there.

No, she would not be tied to the stake, she told her executioners politely. And nor would she allow them to blindfold her. She faced the barrels of the firing squad without flinching.

The 12 soldiers in their khaki uniforms and red fezzes raised their rifles. She waved to the two weeping nuns who had been her comfort in prison and on her last journey. She blew a kiss to the priest and another to her lawyer, an ex-lover.

The sun was coming up when the shots rang out. She slumped to the ground. The officer in charge marched forward and fired a single bullet into her brain, the coup de grace.

An extraordinary life was over.

She was blamed for the deaths of tens of thousands of French soldiers and she was shot and killed as a spy. But was she innocent? A scapegoat? A new book by an American author, tries to set her story in a new light. Far removed from the fervor of the war, after all these decades, the real story of Margaretha Geertruida "Grietje" Zelle MacLeod, stage name Mata Hari, can be told.

She spoke at least five languages, was gorgeous, talented and an iconoclast. She had many international, wealthy lovers and was a seasoned traveler. It's clear now, that obviously she was a threat to someone higher up and was killed under pretense of spying. Very Monroe-esque. Or maybe Marilyn was "Mata Hari-ied." It's all very familiar.

In her day, Margaretha was a famous as Lady Gaga is now. All of her comings and goings were widely reported in daily gossip columns. She was in demand at all times by men and women. Hardly fitting for a spy.

From the article:
It did not seem to matter that no one had the least bit of evidence against her. Nor could anyone point to a single document, plan or secret that she passed to the Germans. Suspicion, envy and the prejudices of small-minded men would triumph. Only 30 years after her death would one of her prosecutors concede the truth - "there wasn't enough evidence to flog a cat".

Read more about this extraordinary woman and her unbelievably fascinating life:
Wiki Article
Eyewitness to

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dick Cheney Before He Dicks YOU!

After all these years, and countless jokes, Dick Cheney still hasn't apologized for shooting his load into another man's face...and chest and HEART.

It turns out, the spin is over and the man is finally revealing the horrific extent of his injuries. Counter to the early claims that the "incident" was no big deal, the man at the time, suffered a heart attack, a collapsed lung, endured 30 pieces of shrapnel tearing his body apart, cannot speak the same after one ripped apart his larynx AND still has much of the lead in his body including a piece next to his heart, which doctors are unable to get to. Phew!

On top of all that, the man continually apologizes to Cheney, like it was his fault...or like he's afraid.

Really, Dick? Looks like your mom was really onto something...even she knew you were a dick.

News link

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

38 Years Ago Today...

Today marks the 38th anniversary of the Andes plane crash that left survivors alone and starving high up in the Andes Mountains. Of the 45 people on the flight, only 16 survived the 2 months on a cold inhospitable mountain.

Ironic that the other most famous survivors in history are being rescued today after surviving 2 months in a hot inhospitable mountain.

Mistress or Wife?

Cheating ladies man, Yonni Barrios

Trapped Chilean Miner, Yonni Barrios, is going to wish he stayed trapped underground. Mr. Barrios, aka the Chilean Lothario, has been married for over 28 years. His wife, Marta Salinas, obviously upset by the cave-in, joined the families of the other miners at Camp Esperanza on August 5th. Day after day she prayed for her trapped husband, Yonni.

Unbeknownst to her, another woman, Susana Valenzuela was also praying fervently for her lover, a Mr. Yonni Barrios. It is unclear how the women met, or how the affair was uncovered, but with so many people at the camp, word spread quickly.

Even the Chilean President's office is aware of the situation. And now so is the entire planet.

Salinas, the pissed-off wife, said: "I am happy because he made it, it's a miracle of God. But I'm not going to see the rescue. He asked me to, but it turns out that he also asked the other lady, and I am a decent woman. Things are clear: it's her or me. I won't even watch it on TV. Besides, in phone conversations and in the letters he has sent me it's clear that he is fine, and that's enough for me."

We don't blame her. Fuck that. She's been humiliated on an INTERNATIONAL level. Her cheating husband will be the last man rescued.

That is if he takes the capsule.

He might want to live down there now.

Daylight Come and We Want to Go Home

Alex Vega, rescued miner #10

You've heard the expression - "Any day above ground is a good day." Well, for these 33 miners, no truer words have ever been spoken.

At least half of the rescued men have already sworn to never work a mine again.

Rescued Chilean Miner #11, Jorge Galleguillos, was greeted upon surfacing by two Presidents, Bolivian President Evo Morales and Chilean President Miguel PiƱera.

Sidenote: has raised it's own miner today with an adorable Chilean miner rendition if its Alien logo