Friday, December 31, 2010


As always, Sydney rings in the New Year first.

Here's your first look at the fireworks
and they are MAGNIFICENT!

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 Everybody!

We're Lightening Up lighten up the mood at Omni and ring in the New Year
we want to share a great site for all the animal lovers out there...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

John Wilkes Booth: Survivor?

John Wilkes Booth was the Tom Cruise of
his era...handsome and famous.

Well, no one in America will contest the fact that on April 14, 1865, just four days after General Lee's surrender at Appomattox ending the Civil War, John Wilkes Booth crept into the President's box at Ford's Theater and shot Abraham Lincoln to death execution style.

What Booth relatives do contest however is that the infamous assassin did NOT get caught or shot to death at the Garrett tobacco barn in Virginia. They swear John Wilkes Booth survived that night and for another 38 years lived under an assumed name dying in 1903 in Tennessee.

What the hell?

Well, it all makes sense actually.

Think of it this way. The entire country is thrown into a tizzy the day after they learn that The President has been killed. We mean a tizzy! People were wandering the streets screaming and crying, it was an honest to goodness real fucking mess. The government had to do something...quickly. A reward was posted for John Wilkes Booth at $50,000 which is like $2 Million dollars today. They can't find him. A look-a-like has been found at a Confederate Prison Camp, James Boyd, and sent to Virginia to act as Booth stand in. The moment "Booth" is killed the country gets happy again.

But not happy enough to let it go. Conspirators are found.

"Eight others implicated in Lincoln's assassination were tried by a military tribunal in Washington, D.C., and found guilty on June 30, 1865. Mary Surratt, Lewis Powell, David Herold, and George Atzerodt were hanged in the Old Arsenal Penitentiary on July 7, 1865. Samuel Mudd, Samuel Arnold, and Michael O'Laughlen were sentenced to life imprisonment at Fort Jefferson in Florida's Dry Tortugas; Edmund Spangler was given a six-year term in prison."

The Great General Winfield Scott Hancock, directed by President Andrew Johnson to be present as supervisor and witness to Mary Surratt's hanging said: "I've been through three wars and have seen hell. I'd do it all over again if I didn't have to witness this, the hanging of a woman for treason." He added though "every soldier was bound to act as I did under similar circumstances."

Now, today, there is an outcry for the remains of John Wilkes Booth's brother, Edwin, also a stage actor, to be exhumed. Relatives want DNA testing done on Edwin and the supposed remains of John so comparisons can be done. They'd like to put the entire episode to rest once and for all.

We are on their side. If Booth was killed, DNA evidence will support it. If they do not match it will mean one of the earliest American Conspiracies in history and will be the Mothership, so to speak, that sets a precedent for them.

Read more on this:

News Article

News Article

And watch the fascinating account on Brad Meltzer's Decoded, a History Channel show:

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

Continuing our History posts today we remember
The Massacre at Wounded Knee

Chief Bigfoot, unarmed and among the first to die,
lies dead in the snow

This horrific last "battle" between whites and Native Americans happened this day in 1890 and remains a blight on American history.

"The Wounded Knee Massacre happened on December 29, 1890 near Wounded Knee Creek on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, USA. On the day before, a detachment of the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment commanded by Major Samuel M. Whitside intercepted Spotted Elk's (Big Foot) band of Miniconjou Lakota and 38 Hunkpapa Lakota near Porcupine Butte and escorted them 5 miles westward to Wounded Knee Creek where they made camp.

The rest of the 7th Cavalry Regiment arrived led by Colonel James Forsyth and surrounded the encampment supported by four Hotchkiss guns.

On the morning of December 29, the troops went into the camp to disarm the Lakota. One version of events claims that during the process of disarming the Lakota, a deaf tribesman named Black Coyote was reluctant to give up his rifle claiming he had paid a lot for it. A scuffle over Black Coyote's rifle escalated and a shot was fired which resulted in the 7th Cavalry opening firing indiscriminately from all sides, killing men, women, and children, as well as some of their own fellow troopers. Those few Lakota warriors who still had weapons began shooting back at the attacking troopers, who quickly suppressed the Lakota fire. The surviving Lakota fled, but U.S. cavalrymen pursued and killed many who were unarmed.

By the time it was over, at least 150 men, women, and children of the Lakota Sioux had been killed and 51 wounded (4 men, 47 women and children, some of whom died later); some estimates placed the number of dead at 300.

The site has been designated a National Historic Landmark."

The inscription at the Memorial reads:

"This monument is erected by surviving relatives and other Ogalala and Cheyenne River Sioux Indians in memory of the Chief Big Foot massacre December 29, 1890... Big Foot was a great chief of the Sioux Indians. He often said, "I will stand in peace till my last day comes." He did many good and brave deeds for the white man and the red man. Many innocent women and children who knew no wrong died here."

The Ghost Dance, a spiritual Native American rite, is one of the controversies behind the massacre:

"It was during this time of suffering and degradation that news spread among the reservations of a Paiute prophet named Wovoka, founder of the Ghost Dance religion. He had a vision that the Christian Messiah, Jesus Christ, had returned to earth in the form of a Native American.

The Messiah would raise all the Native American believers above the earth. During this time the white man would disappear from Native lands, the buffalo herds and all the other animals would return in abundance and the ghosts of their ancestors would return to earth - hence the word "Ghost" in "Ghost Dance". They would then return to earth to live in peace. This would all be brought about by performance of the "Ghost Dance".

The massacre at Wounded Knee is compounded by this Ghost Dance. To compare it would be if armed assassins burst into the Vatican and killed the The Pope during the Christmas Mass. It's THAT bad.

A Calvary officer surveys the dead Lakota...
three days after the massacre

In 1975, another incident at the Pine Ridge Reservation was recorded. Native American Leonard Peltier was accused of shooting to death 2 FBI agents. His supporters have argued and fought for his release from jail for over THIRTY years. Is there no justice at all for the Lakota People?

We remember and honor the Lakota Tribe today and always.

Billy the Kid and Jim Morrison

One of the most famous outlaws in American history, Billy the Kid has come to symbolize the Wild West.

He had killed a Sheriff and was convicted and sent to jail for it. He escaped prison, in the process killing two deputies, and fled into the night.

Sheriff Pat Garrett tracked Billy the Kid down and shot him as he hid in a darkened room and ambushed The Kid as he entered.

Now the debate rages on as to if Billy the Kid should be pardoned for his crimes.

Apparently, New Mexico's territorial Governor at the time, Lewis Wallace, had promised Billy a pardon if he turned himself in. Billy, real name William Bonney, had been in the process of turning himself in when ambushed and killed by Pat Garrett. Garrett has always been the hero in the story and his relatives are furious at this supposed modern day pardon.

The Governor of New Mexico, Bill Richardson, is reviewing the historical record and will have a chance to pardon the then 21 year old posthumously. These crimes and events took place in the 1880's.

Many people are for it and many are opposed.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, defense attorney Randi McGinn: "Governor Wallace did not keep his end of the deal, which was to pardon Mr. Bonney for all outstanding charges, including the pending indictment related to the death of Sheriff William Brady," McGinn wrote last week. "This injustice should be corrected. Why would he [Bonney] surrender himself ... unless there was something in it for him?" McGinn asked Wednesday.

We're not sure where we stand except to state that maybe it's not really an open and shut case. They didn't have forensics back then, there's not many reliable witnesses and the case may not be as open and shut, black and white as we all think.

This is just one historical case in the news this week...

Finally.... it's The End

Florida Governor Charlie Crist has issued a posthumous pardon for Jim Morrison, of Doors fame. The singer had been arrested at a Miami concert in 1969 and charged with exposing himself. He never did expose himself and contested the charges, fled to Paris and died there in 1971 while still trying to clear his name. Crist, a huge Doors fan, pardoned the singer earlier this month. Morrison was born in Florida and Crist is trying to make amends to their native son. The Doors aren't having it though. They don't want a pardon for a crime never committed, they want it expunged from the record entirely.

Come on guys...take what you can get! Let it go...

Also in the news is the huge deal regarding John Wilkes Booth. We will be compiling an article on that later today...

CNN News Article - Billy the Kid

CBS News Article - Why The Doors are Still Angry

UPDATE 12/31/2010: No pardon for Billy the Kid...still an outlaw! New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has declined a pardon saying the killing of two deputies was too much to forgive. We agree. Murder is unpardonable unless in self-defense.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Zecharia Sitchin - A Tribute

We lost the great iconoclastic author Zecharia Sitchin earlier this year.

At 90 years old this passing was hardly tragic, yet the loss was no less shocking and terrible. Why? Because Zecharia Sitchin was one of a kind.

He was one of the few people on Earth who was fluent in modern and ancient Hebrew, able to read and write in other Semitic and European languages and was able to read and understand Sumerian.

He subscribed to and believed in what we call "The Ancient Astronaut Theory." Basically, this is the belief that the Earth has been visited in the past, millenia ago, and they influenced mankind and civilization. Zecharia Sitchin takes this one step further asserting that the aliens CREATED Homo Sapiens through genetic manipulation of Homo Erectus over 300,000 years ago.

Let's begin at the beginning...Sumer.

Sumer is known today as the country of Iraq in the Middle East. It is said "History begins at Sumer" and it is believed to be mankind's first great civilization. Indeed every thing that makes a civilization a civilization was created, invented and first used in Sumer.

What do we mean?

Sumer as mankind's first great civilization has given us the following (And this is the short list):

The invention and development of writing (cuneiform) including the printing "press." The wheel, the kiln, bricks, cement, metallurgy, weights and measures. Cities, high-rise buildings, streets, marketplaces, granaries, wharves and international trade. Grade schools, colleges that taught amongst others, botany, zoology, geography and theology and medical schools that taught anatomy. Medicine and surgery. Temples, organized religion and ceremonial procedures. Textiles, agriculture, irrigation and gourmet foods. Carts, ships, navigation and record keeping. Kingship, laws, courts, litigation, lawyers and juries. Music, musical instruments, musical notes, dance, acrobatics, artinsanship and love songs and love poems. Domesticated animals, zoos, and farms. Warfare, prostitution, taxes and pay schedules. Mining, astronomy, astrology, the zodiacal circle, mathematics, time, the 360 degree circle, chemistry and the use of petroleum products for fuel.

They had impressive food preparation methods for converting grain into cereal and cereal into flour creating breads, porridges, pastries, cakes and biscuits. They fermented barley into beer and grapes into wine. From farm raised cows, goats and sheep, they procured milk and created yogurt, cheeses, butter and cream. They ate fish, lamb, pig, geese and ducks. They made pastes of honey and cream and served roast beef with beer and wine. Indeed a millenia old recipe for "Coq au vin" has been translated.

Their uses of oxen, wheels and carts are the first recorded "locomotion."

They are credited with the first bi-cameral congress (government), the first literary debates, the first farmers almanac, the first library and catalog, the first social reforms and the first ever quest for world peace and harmony.

Many Sumerian tablets recount "biblical" events millenia before the Bible as we know it today. These tablets refer to the first "Job", the first "Noah", the creation of man from the "Lady of the Rib", recount The Flood and are known today as the Chaldean Genesis.

The Sumerian civilization peaked over SIX THOUSAND YEARS AGO. Right around 4,000 B.C.

In other words, Sumer was everything we consider ourselves to be as a civilized people. They had laws that punished those "who took advantage of a widow", they punished charlatan surgical doctors, and had some medicines that were made in pill form or were powders to be mixed with milk and honey.

And from this first great civilization we have a written record of their religions, Gods and creation. Easily the first reports and accounts of The Gods, predating the Hebrew Jehovah, The Indian Brahma, The Mayan Quetzacoatl, The Incan Viracocha, The Nordic Thor, The Akkadian Ashur, The Egyptian Ra, The Greek Titan, The Roman Saturn, and the Babylonian Marduk.

And what the Sumerians had to say about The Gods and Creation is ridiculously complicated and utterly amazing.

The Sumerians said that "Everything that was made beautiful was made because of the Gods."

Enter Zecharia Sitchin.

His series of books, The Earth Chronicles" details these "myths." Zecharia Sitchin's gift is allowing us to interpret these stories not as myth, metaphor, symbol or legend but as fact, literal, truth and deconstructed interpreted symbolism.

Thirty years of research led to his first book, "The 12th Planet." This is a balls-out crash course on the Sumerian Gods, The Annunaki. Translating thousands of Sumerian cuneiform tablets, cylinder seals and records, Zecharia Sitchin, tells us about who the ancient Sumerians believed to be their creators. The Annunaki. Meaning, "Those of Heaven who are on Earth" or "Those from Heaven to Earth Came", they are the Biblical Nefilim, "Those Who were Cast Upon the Earth."

"The 12th Planet" describes an undiscovered planet in our solar system inhabited by the Annunaki. The Annunaki left this planet called Nibiru and came to Earth 400,000 years ago searching for gold to restore the atmosphere of Niburu.

The Annunaki mining team rebelled at some point forcing the Annunaki leaders to create a hybrid "worker" being. Created by blending the rib DNA of Annunaki with primitive men, they called this being "The Adam" meaning Earthling.

Over time they refined this mule type being to a reproductive one eliminating the test tube process altogether.

Many years later the Annunaki granted man Kingship over itself and endowed us with knowledge of civilization (see the Sumerian firsts).

They taught us how the solar system came into being, how the Earth had originally been much larger and was split in two with one half shattered into the asteroid belt. This creation epic, The Enuma Elish, gives astrophyiscists much pause for it accurately in scientific, albeit symbological detail, answers many questions regarding the Solar System. These question include: Why our satellite the Moon is so much predominately larger than any other planetary satellite compared to their own planets, why some planets have a reverse orbit and rotation, Pluto itself - moon, asteroid or planet, and most importantly of all, why Earth has such large oceanic cavities, meaning why is there so much ocean on one side of the planet compared to the other.

This book is most compelling, astonishing and when read with an open mind a paradigm altering experience.

Zecharia Sitchin's second book, "The Stairway to Heaven", recounts humanities quest to attain the immortality of the gods. The garden of Eden, Gilgamesh and Alexander the Great are discussed at length.

Once again a gripping, mind-bending, eye-opening look at what we really are and where we have come from.

His third book, "The Wars of Gods and Men", exposes written documentary evidence of past Annunaki warlords who leveled wars against themselves destroying our ancient civilizations with nuclear warfare.

This is also the first book of the Earth Chronicles to include a timeline of events.

Discussed are the Eastern Indian Gods (all Annunaki), their wars, The Pyramids at Giza and their real purpose and what really destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

The fourth book, "The Lost Realm's", introduces "The New World" Gods.

Who or what was Quetzalcoatl, the Mayan Feathered Serpent God? Is El Dorado, the fabled lost city of gold, a reminiscent legend of Annunanki gold mines? Teotihuacan is an exact replica of our solar system. Who built it? When will modern society "see" the advanced technology right in front of our eyes? How did the Maya have a Venusian calendar accurate to modern scientific standards?

Zecharia Sitchin connects the Sumerian Gods with the ancient founders of the Meso-American civilization.

The fifth book of Sitchin's Earth Chronicles, "When Time Began", recounts once again in "easier" format the basic foundations of the first book reiterating the creation of man by extraterrestrials from Nibiru.

Expounding on Stonehenge and including Macchu Picchu it discusses how ancient monuments are meticulously and accurately aligned to celestial counterparts. It is a must read for anyone interested in pre-historical megalithic architecture. Why is mankind fascinated with the solar system? How much do we consciously in the past and sub-consciously now miss our creators, the Annunaki?

Book six, "The Cosmic Code", redefines history as we know it. What do the the ancient Egyptian stories teach us about DNA and test tube incubation? What does our DNA say about us? Are the three letter Hebrew root words (the language of the Bible) and DNA (the genetic code of life) 2 sides of the same coin?

This is a super fascinating read that anyone remotely interested in history will enjoy.

Sitchin's next book, "Genesis Revisited" is an intensive discussion of the DNA/human creation story beginning with a recap of the "Phobos Incident" and examining the Hebrew Bible and Genesis, it's creation story. The Phobos Incident was the 1989 "lost" Russian Mars moon explorer and it's broadcasted UFO photos. This was preceded years earlier with the NASA announcement of a 10th planet in our solar system that has since been retracted. What does NASA know about Nibiru? It was at this time that Ronald Reagan started publicly talking about aliens. Is anything coincidence?

Were space travel, genetic engineering and computer science known to our forefathers millenia ago? Exposing scientific facts by re-reading the ancient texts with a modern eye, Zecharia Sitchin completely overturns the conventionally held traditions by uncovering long held secrets of ancient technology. The Sumerian Seven Tablets of Creation describe the creation process in 6 tablets with the 7th being a tablet of praise for the Gods. Isn't this where we get our 6 day workweek, one day of rest and Sunday worship of God? Remarkably mind blowing.

Sitchin's book, "Divine Encounters", explores how God communicated with Adam and Eve, the earliest reports of spacecraft - Ezekiel of Biblical fame, prophet visions, Angels and their messages and amongst more, God's plan.

This book includes the AMAZING "Endpaper - God the Extraterrestrial." This booklet delves into the major question in all of the Earth Chronicles. Is the Hebrew God an Annunaki?

The resounding answer: NO!

The Universal Creator, God, created the Annunaki who in turn used their science to create man by breeding Annunaki DNA with primitive Homo Erectus millenia ago. Life on Earth was already evolving as it is on countless other worlds. The Annunaki who we call Gods, worship the Universal Creator God, Yahweh. We can liken it to a chain of command. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God... but he created all forms of life, some that go and create others from the exsisting gene us, mankind.

His concluding book to the Earth Chronicle Series is, "The End of Days." This book discusses Armageddon and the Prophecies of Return.

The first chapter does a great job of summing up the basic Annunaki story. In easy to understand language Zecharia Sitchin once again explains the planet Nibiru, its inhabitants the Annunaki, their need for gold and the creation of the Adam, modern man.

He continues his groundbreaking work through archeology and ancient text translations, delving into the 2010 prophecies and their relation to the return of the planet Nibiru.

Interesting is the correlation of the biblical prophet Ezekiel's written testament of Armegeddon (reiterated in Revelation) beginning in Persia (Iraq) and ending with the annihilation of Har-Meggiddo (Part of Israel). This could be "ripped from today's headlines". Current Iraqi leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad publicly states he is not developing nuclear weapons while also publicly promising to "wipe Israel off the map" with them.

Will the crossing of Nibiru cause major cataclysms on Earth? Are the Annunaki coming back at all? Or did they never leave in the first place? Does the Phobos Incident prove they have been watching us all along?

"Journeys to the Mythical Past" is a book that reveals the authors near death experience in the Great Pyramid of Giza when someone dropped a large hunk of wood onto his head. It was a closed tour and only certain people knew Zecharia was in there. It cracked his skull open and left him fleeing the country in the dead of night fearful for his life! Paging Dr. Hawass! Paging Dr. Hawass! Who organized Sitchin's trip into the Pyramid that day? Who was pissed that Sitchin would allege that someone other than Egyptians built the pyramid? Not even Sitchin will incur the furthur wrath of the Pharaoh and the question is left unanswered. But we ask, who keeps the Giza plateau in his tight grasp like a warden on lockdown?

This book does expose the mysterious goings on in the Queen's Chamber of the Great Pyramid and continues on to question the hardline of modern Egyptology and it's continued stance that the Great Pyramid is only a few thousand years old and not MUCH MUCH OLDER.

Cylinder seal VA/243 depicting our solar system 6,000 years ago is discussed as well. Sitchin ties together the mysterious Gate of the Sun at Tiahuanacu and the Nazca Lines.

Sumerian cylinder seal VA/243 (4,000 B.C.) that shows the planets
of our solar system around the sun along with their correct SIZE.

His last book, published just this year "There Were Giants Upon the Earth. Gods, Demi-Gods and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA" is an absolute gem.

Zecharia Sitchin exhaustively states his case for his theory that there is at least one Annunaki buried here on Earth. She is a Goddess buried in the Royal Tombs of the Sumerian city of Ur. Ur is most well known as Abraham's birthplace and is mentioned at least four times in the Torah (the first 5 books of the Bible).

Sitchin pleads to have DNA testing done on the body found there, in a certain tomb, to conclusively prove it once and for all.

The postscript for this book goes on to state Sitchin's non-conflict with the Bible and science.

God created the Universe, man evolved on Earth and was then genetically manipulated from Homo Erectus to Homo Sapien, 300,000 years ago. There is no missing link. His lifetime of research has combined and dechiphered The Bible, ancient texts and thousands of Sumerian cuneiform tablets to reach this conclusion.

For the sceptics who think all of this is bullshit, a few points:

1) Every day millions of people around the world eat and drink the "flesh" and "blood" of Christ in religious ceremonies. There are also millions of people who believe in burying a woman up to her breasts in dirt and throwing rocks at her until she is dead. What's more fucked up? Believing that extraterrestrials once visited Earth or modern religious practices?

2) What does it hurt to have an open mind? Is it crazier to believe in aliens or to be a football fan that wears a giant cheese on their head every Sunday?

3) Scientists have barely mapped the human genome and actually believe that up to 75% of our DNA is "junk." This seems to be the most preposterous idea of all.

Our suggestion is to forget even thinking outside of the box - get the hell out of the room altogether, read some Sitchin and open your mind to the possibilities that our reality is A LOT more fascinating that you could ever imagine.

Thank you, Zecharia. You were a most interesting and learned person. Even if you were wrong on all counts, what matters most is that you tried. And if you are right, at all, even an iota, then we are in your debt and you have truly awoken mankind to our destiny.


Archeologists have discovered human remains in an Israeli cave thought to be between 200,000 to 400,000 YEARS OLD. This sets back the date of human evolution to over twice as far back as previously thought and lends credence to Sitchin's Sumerican readings that say that modern humans were created 300,000 years ago. The oldest remains on record go back to Africa 80,000 years ago and were thought to prove that we originated in Africa and migrated. This new discovery resets human history! This may vindicate Zecharia in the long run and prove the Sumarians were truth telling not myth making.


We Remember: Benazir Bhutto

We lost Benazir Bhutto 3 years ago.
We remember and will never forget.

"As the AFP is reporting, loyalists from across the country descended on her grave in the southern village of Garhi Khuda Bakhsh, beating their chests and chanting "Bhutto was alive yesterday and Bhutto is alive today."

The first woman to become prime minister of a Muslim country, Bhutto was killed Dec. 27, 2007 in a Taliban-led gun and suicide attack after addressing an election rally in Rawalpindi, not far from the capital Islamabad.

Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari spoke to the crowds who gathered to honor his late wife, pledging allegiance to her vision of transforming Pakistan into a modern democratic state. "We pay tribute to her courage and leadership...we also vow to continue to fight for the values she upheld and laid down her life for."

I'm Dreaming of a Blue Sunset

You must click the link below to see what the sunset on Mars looks like.
Hint: It's BLUE!

THAT'S NOT ALL! Follow the link below to see some of the most incredible pictures taken by Astronaut Douglas Wheelock from the space shuttle.


The Alaskan Zahi Hawass

Okay, Okay - there is no one else on Earth like the great Dr. Hawass, (thank, God!) however, the trend to return native artifacts back to the original tribes and countries of origin continues unabated.

Marlene Johnson, a T’akdeintaan elder of Alaska, is fighting to have native ceremonial and antique handmade objects returned to her tribe. The objects are currently housed at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology.

The Penn Museum is one of the oldest and most respected archeological schools in the world. In fact, the Great Dr. Hawass is a graduate. He contests this but was sponsored by the Edgar Cayce Foundation in the 1970's. The Penn Museum is also home to rare Sumerian artifacts amongst many, many others.

At issue: 40 or more objects such as a shaman’s box drum and headdress, a ceremonial rattle and a mask. A faded hide robe that memorializes ancestors of the Hoonah T’akdeintaan clan wiped out by a tidal wave in Lituya Bay, Alaska. The Lituya Bay robe, for example, represents the spirits of clan ancestors and is needed by religious leaders for use in funeral and memorial potlatches, according to the Huna Heritage Foundation. Also, a shaman’s owl mask. A brass Loon Spirit hat.

Most of the items were purchased in 1924 in Hoonah by Louis Shotridge, a Tlingit man from Klukwan who worked for the Philadelphia university. The school’s museum added the items to its collection.

The museum is willing to give back only 8 of the objects.

The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act is a federal law under which American Indians can claim human remains and cultural objects held by museums and federally funded agencies.

News Article

News Article

Monday, December 20, 2010

SURVIVOR: And the Winner is...


And the Winner is: Jud Birza, the dumb blonde kid known as "Fabio". Clearly the least offensive choice of the final three Survivors, Fabio, at 21 years of age, is the youngest winner in Survivor history.

He didn't play the game as much as he just didn't backstab anyone so there were no ill feelings for him from the jury. However, it still was the closest Jury vote in YEARS, at 5-4, with Chase the good 'ole boy from South Carolina coming in second place.

Sash the backstabbing liar did not get a single vote and tried to sit there while not being embarrassed as the Jeff Probst read off the votes. He failed. It WAS embarrassing.

Jane, the tough old broad from South Carolina won the viewers favorite vote by a landslide, getting more votes than any other Survivor in the history of the show. Well, she did have a funeral for the chickens, which we liked.

The twist for the next season of Survivor is something called "Redemption Island".

Next season when a Survivor gets voted out, they will go to Redemption Island and await the next voted out Survivor. The two will then have to compete against each other. The last Survivor standing at Redemption Island gets to go back to the game and play again at the end.

Sounds interesting...we actually kind of like it.

The other change to the game? With public outcry through the roof over letting the 2 Survivors that QUIT on the jury with a viable vote, the producers have changed the rule. Now when you quit Survivor the producers have the right to just send you home. No jury, no vote. FINALLY!

The new season begins February 16th!

Friday, December 17, 2010

R.I.P. - Blake Edwards

The writer and director of the hilarious Pink Panther movies and the iconic Breakfast at Tiffany's has died. He also wrote and directed the Bo Derek/Dudley Moore comedy 10.

All of the above movies have memorable scenes that will far outlive their creator. Who can forget Bo Derek jogging down the beach while a slobbering Moore lusts after her every move? And who would ever forget that Audrey Hepburn smile as she wanders 5th Avenue browsing at the jewels in the Tiffany's window?

The best of them all? His creation the bungling Inspector Clouseau personified in awesome performances by Peter Sellers. Remember every time Clouseau came home his "house boy" Cato would attack him to keep Clouseau's skills "sharp"? It was hilarious every single time.

Blake Edwards was 88 years old and married to Julie Andrews since 1969. She was with him last night in Los Angeles when he passed away.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

SURVIVOR: See Jane Get Dicked, Cry and Then Go OFF

This is Jane. One hell of a tough cookie and Survivor.
She's one of our favorites of all time.

WOW! The "reality" show Survivor never ever ceases to amaze us on EVERY level. After 20 seasons and hundreds of contestants, you'd think it would be over. Been there, done that. Yada, yada. NO WAY!!

We are down to the last 6 remaining Survivors. This is the scrawny, half-starved, desperate stage where each person knows they are basically an inch away from a potential ONE MILLION DOLLAR PRIZE.

Last night, Chase won the reward challenge and selected Holly and Sash to join him for a river cruise complete with hoagies and champagne. The problem with this? He completely dicked over Jane who was one of his alliance. To be honest, so was Sash and Holly, but neither deserved to go on reward more than tough as nails Jane. For an old broad she outlasted ALL of the MEN in one of the toughest physical challenges of Survivor just a few weeks ago. Even Jeff was amazed at how she outlasted men in their prime of life.

So Chase, Sash and Holly go off into the reward wilds with their loved ones. This was the episode where the Survivors families got to see them at last. Always a tear jerker, its heartwarming to see grown men and women sobbing to see spouses and family after 30+ days in the jungle without any contact from them whatsoever.

Poor Jane. She cried a little over Chase's cold shoulder and not being selected to see her family or EAT. For some reason, season after season, these people bond to one another like old college buddies not realizing the entire game is built on deception. The Outwit part seems to escape some of the softies every time and they get their hearts broken. (Remember Coach and Boston Rob?)

Now, the BIGGEST question of all time is why Dan is still on the show. He's one of the "not a threat, under-the-radar" players. But the guy can't even WALK! He's old, got bad knees and can't compete on any physical level at all. Yet, the other players overlook this and let him stay.

When the three came back from Reward, Jane asked point blank "are you writing my name down?" All three start looking elsewhere, scratching their heads and acting stupid like they don't understand English. Where's the improvisation guys? A good Survivor needs to have Shakespearean acting under his belt or look stupid lying to everyone. In this case, the silence spoke volumes and Jane left fuming to the camera about her "homeboy" Chase being a backstabbing bastard. We agreed. We like Jane. We really liked when she flipped off the group with her middle finger. But what she did next, was AWESOME!

Next up, the Immunity Challenge. A blindfolded challenge that Fabio won hands down and eyes wide shut. By the way, the Immunity Necklace is awesome looking this year. Way to go producers.

So what does Jane do right before Tribal Council? A classic move NEVER done before by a bitter Survivor. She took a bucket of water and dumped it on the campfire! The Survivors were pissed! The Lazy Bastards that they are don't want to have to build a new one! HAHAHA! Score for the tough old broad from Carolina.

Off to Tribal where Jane releases a verbal torrent of anger on the Sash, Holly and Chase. She blatantly called out Holly, the previous psychopath who stole Dan's shoes in Ep. #1 and sank them into the river. A $1,400 pair of custom alligator shoes that belonged to Dan. Dan sat there and nodded his head as Jane said that where she comes from that's a jailable offense. Holly looked stricken. Jane continued to vent, going off on the three. "There's absolutely no loyalty in tonight's vote. It's full of liars and backstabbers", she said. She called out their alliance and generally spoke her mind.

WE LOVED every minute of it!

This is where Jeff steps in and just pointedly says "why don't the three of you (Jane, Dan and Fabio) form an alliance right now and vote Holly?" Chase and Sash have immunity idols. "Why not force a tie?" YOU GO, JEFF.

Well, that was not to be. Sash and Chase played their Immunity Idols and Dan and Fabio joined with the other three instead and Jane got booted. BOO!

Finally, Jeff is hinting at something EPIC to be revealed at the LIVE finale reunion show on Sunday. We can't wait.


Jeff Probst's Blog at

Bye-Bye Larry!

Are we the only one glad to see Larry King retire? For years, we've avoided his stupid show because it's just horrible and literally unwatchable.

We always wondered why people actually liked it. He looks terrible and is downright fugly. His voice is an irritating bit of a sandpaper growl. The set, correctly pointed out by Conan the other night, looks like an elementary class designed it using Lightbright. His questions are vapid. He doesn't even listen to the answers being given by any particular guest because he is already reading the next question off or just rudely interrupting. In media circles he is known as the "soft interview" because he just won't ask any relevant questions. His is the first place disgraced celebrities and politicians go when they need to "re-enter" society after some faux pas.

The best part about the Larry King show was when he had guest hosts when he was out. ANY guest host was ALWAYS better than Larry. Especially when it was Jeff Probst.

The worst part is that he has bought into his own "legend" and thinks he is a media god. Actually, the worst part is that people across this country think he is a media god. ICK!

Good riddance.

We don't like Piers Morgan very much either so we can't even get excited by the change. Piers is a pompous ass.

It's no wonder CNN is last in ratings. They need to get with it.

Are we way off-base with this opinion? Does anyone out there Love Larry King? Please tell us why and we'll try not to vomit while reading it. We swear.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Holy Acrobats!

In the "You Can't Believe it Until You see it Department"...

Here's an acrobatic troupe of very sexy guys taking their shirts off for the Pope, who's okay with it...but check out the NUNS! They can't get enough. They are practically waving dollar bills!

Is this what goes on at the Vatican? Aren't there starving kids that need a meal somewhere? Why aren't the Pope and the nuns DOING SOMETHING/ANYTHING for the needy people of the world? Especially now, at Christmas time. We are disgusted by the Vatican, as usual. The Pope just sits there like a King waiting to be entertained by his jesters or in this case NAKED GUYS. Why don't Catholics see what's going on right in front of their faces? The Pope and his cronies don't even try to hide their worthlessness. It's so sad.

Somewhere in Hell Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) is laughing his ass off.

The Salvation Army: Why You Should Donate Elsewhere

The Salvation Army is being exposed for the gay bashing Evangelical Church they really are.

Read the following article to understand why.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Shoot Her With Your Gun! Shoot. Her. With. Your. Gun!

You know, it really takes something evil and downright stinky to make us actually "like" Sarah Palin....*shudder* Thanks, Kate Gosselin. You are truly the most miserable, self-centered bitch in the Universe. We don't think we could dislike you any more than we do.

The Sarah Palin Experience or whatever the hell it's called makes our skin crawl, yet we just had to tune in to the Kate Gosselin guest apprearance show to see what really happened. Was Kate really that disgreeable? OH HELL YES.

Sarah, Sarah, Sarah! Sigh. You had a huge-ass bear gun on you and yet you failed to tag the biggest bear in the entire Alaskan wilds, Kate Gosselin. Or at least taser her miserable butt to the freezing river. Just one episode earlier you were jumping for joy to take the life of a perfectly happy caribou. Why leave Kate to wallow in her misery? The episode before that, you were excited to skin and gut fish. Why not kill, skin and gut Kate Gosselin? You know she deserves it!

We watched an episode of Kate + Eight, once. The new show, not the old one where Jon Gosselin would roll his eyes at Kate and look like he wanted to die. This new show is the upper eschelon of disgusting. It was the one where Kate takes the kids to New York City. Should have been fun, right? Not with Kate in micro mini skirt and 7 inch high heels running to get ice cream two blocks away from the bus where the kids are parked and screaming the entire way back, "It's melting! It's melting!", then practically throwing the ice cream cones at the kids screaming "You'll like it! Eat it before it melts" while rolling her eyes at the cameras as if it say "Kids! What can you do? You can't kill them and you can't marry them off before they are eighteen."

Kate, why did you have to have 8 kids in the first place, if all they do is bother and annoy you?

Kate Gosselin (hahah she still has Jon's name) is literally the world's worst mother. Dina Lohan laughs at you Kate. Yes, Dina Lohan.

The kids were having a blast with Sarah Palin..well with the wilds of Alaska actually. They were running wild, collecting firewood, having a hamburger and moose dog barbecue and generally living up the camping in the wild experience. Sarah hit it on the head when she said "IF they had stayed the kids NEVER in their life would have forgotten camping out overnight in Alaska."

As it was, Kate, once she learned her hot dog was moose, threw it to the ground and called back the airplane to take them back to their hotel. But first, she disowned her kids and undermined their self-esteem by asking them if they wanted to stay. When all 8 kids said yes, she said.."Well there you go. You are all Palins now and not Gosselins". She actually said that. WHAT A FUCKING BITCH.


We crave a world in which we never heard of people like Kate Gosselin, Elin Nordgren, The Real Housewives of the Jersey Shore and Sarah Palin. Reality TV brings much joy to our world...such as Survivor - Hey Jeff! and Amazing Race...yes, even The Situation makes us laugh but the rest of the lot we can leave behind. And Kate Gosselin...well she can just go back to the slime pit she crawled out of. Next time, Sarah, USE YOUR GUN!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Russia's Got Talent!

When we viewed this video this morning we literally couldn't stop laughing!

That Vladamir Putin is a HOOT! Not only can the guy run a country, tag wild animals as an amateur wildlife biologist, fly airplanes and helicopters, ride motorcycles, kick ass as a black belt in judo, woo the ladies of the world, mountain ski black diamond runs, oil paint, swim marathon laps, deep sea dive, hunt and fish and love all animals BUT the guy is the Russian Susan Boyle AND plays the piano!

Warning: Possibly the funniest/greatest/awesomest thing you'll ever see.
Don't roll over in your grave Fats...this is the Mother of all Tributes!

And he did it all for charity. He was raising money for children's cancer research. Check out all the Hollywood celebs in attendance...Kurt Russell!
And that's Kevin Costner giving a standing O!

WTG, Vlad! We absolutely cannot hide our unabashed love for you! It's amazing how willing we are to overlook that, you know, KGB brutal dictator thing.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rare John James Audubon Book to be Auctioned

"Barn Owls"

Article by Gregory Katz (in entirety)

LONDON — To some it's just a bunch of bird drawings. To others, John James Audubon's "Birds of America" is a rare blend of art, natural history and craftsmanship, unique enough to be the world's most expensive book, expected to fetch more than $9.5 million at a London auction Tuesday.

Some of the world's wealthiest book collectors have been anticipating this auction for months: it represents a chance to own one of the best preserved editions of Aubudon's masterpiece, with its 435 revered, hand-colored illustrations.

Audubon was part frontiersman, part artist, and possessed a rare, almost unequaled ability to observe, catalog and paint the birds he observed in the wild. Experts say the book he produced is unmatched in its beauty and also of considerable scientific value, justifying its stratospheric cost.

Pom Harrington, owner of the Peter Harrington rare book firm in London, said it has been 10 years since the last complete edition of "Birds of America," with all of the illustrations, has been auctioned – and that was sold for $8.8 million by Christie's auction house in 2000, a record for a printed book at auction.

The quality of the edition being offered Tuesday by Sotheby's is extremely high, Harrington said, and it is unusual to find one not in a museum or academic institution.

"If you want to buy an example of a rare work of art, this is one of the best," he said. "It is valuable in its artistic nature because it is so well drawn."

The plates were printed in black and white and hand colored afterward. That made the production process extremely expensive, especially since it was carried out by "the best artists of the time," Harrington said.

The collection of 435 hand-colored prints, made from engravings of Audubon's watercolors, measures more than 3 feet by 2 feet (90 centimeters by 60 centimeters) because Audubon wanted to paint the birds life size.

The size of the illustrations makes them extremely valuable as standalone pieces of art, which makes the complete edition vulnerable to being broken up so the individual prints can be sold one-by-one.

Harrington said the wild turkey that is depicted in the first big plate of the book can be sold for $200,000.

But Mark Ghahramani, a rare book specialist at Classic Bindings in London, said it is unlikely the "Birds of America" will be divided up for resale because it is probably more valuable if left intact.

"There are very few copies left of the entire book, so I would think that whoever bought it at the auction would be quite interested in keeping it whole," he said. "Anything to do with American natural history is quite valuable."

Audubon, who died in 1851, represents a unique figure in American history, a renaissance man with shades of Huckleberry Finn – like Mark Twain's fictional character, Audubon made an epic voyage down the mighty Mississippi – but with a scientist's inquisitive nature.

He made his trip, after his dry-goods business failed, with only a rifle, an assistant, and a drawing pad, making illustrations of as many birds as he could find.

He did not find a printer in the United States willing to take on the book, with its oversize illustrations, but sailed to England, eventually finding printers in Edinburgh, Scotland, and in London.

The volume is seen as a vital piece of American history, Harrington said.

"It is the most important natural history book for America," he said. "That is the main point. It screams Americana. For an American patriot, it is the greatest book on American heritage - there is no competition."

"Sotherby's employees examine the four-volume hand-drawn tome.
The collection of 435 hand-coloured prints, made from
engravings of Audubon's watercolours, measures more
than 3ft by 2ft because he wanted to paint the birds life-size. "

Mill Grove - Audubon's Pennsylvania Home Website

SOLD!! $10, 270,000 DOLLARS TO AN ANONYMOUS TELEPHONE BIDDER! Over $10 MILLION DOLLARS! The most expensive book EVER sold.

Nobel Peace Prize Debacle

Well, if you thought last years Peace Prize Laureate, Barack Obama, was a farce, then you'll just love what is happening this year.

The Peace Prize was awarded in October to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, a political prisoner locked up somewhere in China.

This of course angered China. But seriously, what the hell doesn't?

However, and surprisingly, it has also offended NINETEEN other countries that are BOYCOTTING the annual ceremony in Oslo.

Those countries are: China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Serbia, Iraq , Iran, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Venezuela, the Philippines, Egypt, Sudan, Ukraine, Cuba and Morocco.

Most (all) of these countries are human rights serial violators and of course would offer solidarity to a country that locks people up for being "dissidents." We are not surprised.

Xiaobo, a 54-year-old writer and academic, was jailed in December 2009 to serve an 11-year term for subversion.

Monday, December 6, 2010

War on Easter Island

Native Easter Islander injured during this weekend clash with Chile

A dispute over one hundred years in the making is taking a horrific toll on the native Rapa Nui of Easter Island. The island is famous for it's giant head statues called the Moai (Mo-I).

Clashes between the Chilean government and native islanders have escalated into a full out war that has everyone on the tiny piece of land on edge and feeling desperate.

Although the island of Rapa Nui has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it was annexed by Chile in 1888 and is owned by Chile to this day. Natives fearing the crush of tourism have taken over certain parts of the island and are according to Chilean officials "squatting in government owned buildings."

The latest round of clashes have left over 25 people injured as police have fired rubber bullets and gas canisters into crowds, shooting one man, a documentary filmmaker, over 14 times in the backside. The woman pictured above was hit in the head by police "at close range."

The natives are both petrified and raging mad over the fact that they think Chile wants to turn the island into a "theme park" for tourists by expanding the runways and clearing land for more resort hotels.

Traditionally, Easter Island (Rapa Nui) has been one of the remotest and cut-off places on the entire planet. It is a tiny dot, thousands of miles off the coast of Chile. Even today, it is a tough place to get to. You have to really want to get there.

Chile wants to change all this and make the island more tourist friendly.

Property disputes are at this point decades old, are stalled in courts and the people are literally just moving back in to buildings that technically belong to the Chilean government, but on lands held by the people themselves for thousands of years.

Chilean Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter, travelled to Rapa Nui and declared to the local newspaper, La Tercera, that "the threat that land seizures pose to law and order cannot be allowed to continue. There is a limit to these things and it was reached when there are illegal takeovers that cause damage to the island. The police forces acted in compliance with a court order. That's how institutions function, and we all must follow them."

Mr. Hinzpeter added that the government "has acted with patience and prudence; we've put forth a plan to invest 250 million US dollars in Easter Island - 20 times more than what was invested in the last 20 years".

He then said the (island native) negotiators have refused to meet with them.

We're suspicious of this. $250 million dollars sounds like a lot of runway expansion and new hotels, like the locals are claiming, not new schools, farms or local sustainability. If the Chilean government wanted to help the native population, a few schools, supermarkets, infrastructure and statue conservation, wouldn't cost upwards of $250 million. It stands to reason that the Chilean government does have a lot invested in booming tourism and wants to put that money into more daily flights, cruise ship ports and resort hotels.

Read more:

BBC News article

News article

Thursday, December 2, 2010

And the Winners Are:

Not the United States!

Winning bids for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups were announced a few minutes ago and the US lost out to:

Russia: 2018
Qatar: 2022

Brazil gets the 2014 World Cup so that means the US isn't eligible for a World Cup for the next 15 years. At least.

SURVIVOR: Quitters Incorporated

"We quit you!"

In the most fucked up episode of Survivor to date - and believe us, there's been many a fucked up moment - two players quit one after the other in perfect succession and in a parade of stupidity.

First, the episode was already in the Twilight Zone for the worst cross-promotion of anything we've ever seen. The reward challenge was to lug around a giant "Gulliver" through an obstacle course. First team through won a first look a the new Gulliver's Travel movie starring Jack Black. We were appalled.

At least we thought so. We didn't know that what was coming next would be even more appalling.

At the end of the challenge, when the winning team was celebrating, stupid Naonka told Jeff that she was done and would be leaving that night. Jeff asked if she was quitting and she said Yes. A stunned Jeff Probst quickly glanced around the remaining Survivors and asked "Does anyone else want to quit?"

Before he could even finish his sentence, "Purple" Kelly had her arm up.


This led to a mini-tirade by Jeff who ended it like a boss who refuses a 2-week notice. He basically told them to think it over.

At this point he informed the winning team that if one of them would give up the reward itself he would give the entire tribe a new tarp and some rice to get through the next 11 days.

Silence....crickets...shocked and appalled faces trained on Naonka WHO JUST GAVE UP THE SHOW AND STILL REFUSED TO STEP UP AND GIVE UP REWARD FOR OTHER FOOD FOR THE TRIBE.

Quote "I wasn't about to give up my food. I ain't no fool."

No Naonka, you are not a fool. What you are is an asshole, a despicable bitch and pretty much a worthless sack of shit.

At Tribal Council it was pouring rain. The only one that looked good was Jeff. As always. There wasn't even a vote. The 2 quitters went home after a grilling from Jeff, who was astonished that Naonka said she still thought she could've won.

Add delusional to the list of adjectives to describe this loathsome woman. As a soaking wet God, Jeff couldn't have been in even more shock than was already laid on him from the entire day of quitters. He asked her again and she said the same.

As punishment Jeff extinguished Naonka's and Kelly's torches and did not give them back to them. He instead propped them up in Tribal Council as "a reminder that you quit."

Did we ever mention we love Jeff Probst? Of course we did! He explains on his blog why these 2 were allowed to stay on the jury. We still don't buy it and think they should have been sent all the way home.

Jeff's Blog at

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We are celebrating Rosa Parks today and the remarkable chain of events she set into motion on this day in 1955 when she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. It's not called Rosa Parks Day, but it should be. We are coining the term and will honor it every December 1st.

Rosa Parks wasn't a hero that day. A seamstress, she was an over-worked, under-appreciated blue collar worker, who after spending her entire day on her feet doing her job just wanted to sit the fuck down and catch a ride home to make dinner and get some sleep before doing it all over again. She had no idea at the time that she was the catalyst, the very straw that broke the camel's back and would be the hero saviour of the Civil Rights Movement.

The South of Not-So-Long-Ago or Old was heaven and hell. Amongst the genteel facade, mint juleps and wide verandas, there were many brutal acts against blacks happening every day. After slavery ended the venomous attitude of the white men (and women) got so much worse. They just couldn't believe that blacks were allowed to wander around in the free and clear messing up the scenery, taking jobs and just being there. They enacted Jim Crow laws and created segregation to compensate for the uppity black folk who dared be born below the Mason-Dixon line. The KKK was born and lynchings became a common thing. Years of this built up and built up until that fateful day on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

And yes, Rosa Parks IS A HERO. God bless her tired feet and her sick and tired of this bullshit attitude. Her act of rebellion encouraged Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. to ride to the rescue, the Montgomery bus boycott got underway and after alot more trials and tribulations segregation was ENDED. Hallelujah!

We remember this day as one of the most important days in all of American history. In fact, it might be THE most important day in modern times. And Rosa Parks? She is undoubtedly, without question, one of the most admirable, honorable, important, inspirational, iconoclastic, and beloved Americans of all time. She is the Ultimate Role Model. Her beautiful, strong soul lives on as long as we remember to question authority and always stand up for what is right and for those who cannot fend for themselves.

Rosa Parks Museum

World Aids Day

Today is World Aids Day. It is a time to remember the people we've lost and a time to act to save the lives of the people we still can.

Far from being a "homosexual" disease, AIDS has ravaged the continent of Africa. Especially the Congo where hundreds of thousands of rapes occur every year. It is now prevalent in the United Kingdom where the HIV rate has doubled in the last ten years and currently over 90,000 people are living and dealing with HIV.

People living with HIV globally:
31.3 million adults
15.7 million women
2.1 million children under 15

What exactly is the difference between HIV and AIDS? AIDS is an immune deficiency that leaves a persons immune system so weakened they contract other sicknesses and diseases and die as a result of being unable to fight it off. HIV is the actual virus that can eventually lead to AIDS. A person can be HIV positive and not fall to AIDS. That is a lucky person. It is also sadly the minority.