Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy 30th Birthday, JT

Let's lighten things up at The Omni Report and wish Justin Timberlake a happy 30th!

Forget 'N Sync, his best stuff was on Saturday Night Live!

And just for more fun, his best song ever: Sexy Back

Another Zahi Hawass Egypt Update

This link has a video direct from Al Jazeera on the Egyptian Museum looting as well as the front page article on the looting of the Cairo Museum.

Also the article quotes Dr. Hawass saying his "heart is broken" and his "blood is boiling." Full quote is actually: "My heart is broken and my blood is boiling. I feel that everything I have done in the last nine years has been destroyed in one day," Hawass wrote.

It's a mixed bag article on Dr. Hawass, as many of ours are. You love the guy and hate him at the same time. Many Egyptologists are hopeful this spells the end of his reign.

They are also saying the museum looting "was an inside job by guards and police. I've also seen rumours on Twitter that the vandalism was done by the Mubarek regime as propaganda against the protesters." There is no evidence to support this although that would be one reason Hawass has his panties in a bunch.

They also assert what we have already stated here at The Omni Report, which is Dr. Hawass faces a long uphill battle to get "his" antiquities returned now. A battle he is sure to lose.

Also they state the fact that Dr. Hawass is practically in love with Mubarak regime.

Reports are surfacing that antiquities are being looted across the country.

Once again:
This link has a video direct from Al Jazeera on the Egyptian Museum looting.

Updates from The Pharaoh himself: link to

This is the BEST place to get official updates. Zahi is blogging his brains out via fax to his buddies in Italy who are maintaining his website for him while his other buddy Mubarek has cut it off.

The Pharaoh Has a New Title..Still Not President Though

Hosni Mubarak has given Dr. Hawass a BRAND NEW TITLE, as he restructures the government without actually stepping down. Although he has not named Dr. Hawass the NEW president of Egypt as we wished he would, he is now calling The Pharaoh the Minister of State Antiquities. This has to be the 50th title Dr. Hawass has had over his long and illustrious career.

Currently, as we speak, 50 looters have just been arrested minutes ago trying to break into the Cairo Museum.

"Snipers were stationed on the roof of the building, and dozens of troops patrolled the grounds of the famed antiquities museum amid fears that the chaos sweeping Cairo could engulf the nation's heritage.The majority of the museum was intact, but there were signs of an earlier break-in.

On the second floor, one case containing a gold trinket, two small rods and other small artifacts was broken, and another case was smashed on the first floor. The cases were next to the gated room containing the gold funerary mask of King Tutankhamun that draws millions of tourists a year.

At the museum's gift shop, broken glass, souvenirs and postcards littered the ground.

Before the army arrived early Saturday morning, young Egyptians, some armed with truncheons grabbed from police, created a human chain at the museum's front gate to ward off looters.

Six boxes of small antiquities were looted from a storage facility in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, but there were no break-ins at the other 24 antiquities museums across Egypt, according to Hawass."

Dr. Hawass is publicly saying "If the museum is safe, Egypt is safe."

We would like to add that the young Egyptians that formed the human chain around the museum in the initial days of the revolt have to be commended. That was single handedly the most inspiring thing we have ever seen. We wish we could shake the hand of each and every one of those volunteers who put their live in jeopardy to save the heritage of the Egyptian people. We are in awe of them.

Also, we'd like to add that Dr. Hawass's brave and bold quest to reclaim the antiquities of Egypt may have just come to a screeching halt. We're sure...we'd bet the farm on this...that many of the countries which Dr. Hawass has petitioned to return artifacts are going to say no, it's not safe anymore. This is devastating and going to be quite a set back. The Pharaoh is old now. Still tough as shit, but elderly. He will never in his lifetime see the complete collection he had envisioned as all the world's museums emptied out their Egyptian displays and sent them to Cairo to be kept there in perpetuity. Sad.

We wish the new Minister of State Antiquities well and pray for him and the people of Egypt to weather this political storm and get the democracy they so crave and which every person deserves.

Novak Djokovic the Pride of Serbia

We just love this guy. He's funny, articulate and one hell of an awesome tennis player. We are reminded this morning by a great article in the Huffington Post that young Novak and his compatriots learned how to play tennis in a drained out swimming pool when their country was (rightfully?) bombed by NATO back in the 90's.

We remember the 1984 Winter Olympics being held in the beautiful capital city of Sarajevo and how just a few years later Sarajevo was known for another thing...the longest siege of a capital city in the history of modern warfare - from 1992-1996.

We are still confused by the entire Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia thing except to know that thousands upon thousands of people died, that there were actual concentration camps with skeletal people not seen since WWII and that the area is just starting to rebound.

Please read this article on Novak and the pride of Serbia.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Australian Open Finals: The Results

2011 Australian Open Womens Champ Kim Clijsters
and her trophy at Brighton Beach

Kim Clijsters beat Li Na in three sets to win her fourth major title. Her third since her comeback just 2 years ago. We are going to miss her when she retires again. Her ranking is way off. She should be World's Number 1, not Caroline Wozniaki, who hasn't even won anything.

Novak celebrates his win

Novak Djokovic is the Mens Champion, his second Australian Open title. He beat the hell out of Murray 6-4, 6-2, 6-3 in a lop-sided match. Poor Murray looked like he just wanted to die out there.

Right after the match, Novak treated the crowd to a strip tease! He started with the usual throwing into the crowd of the wrist cuffs and didn't stop there. Off came the shirt - the ladies howled, everyone cheered. And didn't came the shoes, the socks and a laughing triumphant Novak took to his seat to relish the moment before putting back on a new shirt and calling for a new pair of shoes.

Novak has been ranked Number Three in the World for three straight years now. Look for him to finally ascend the ranks, now that Federer is getting old and Rafa Nadal is hurting.


His Championship speech was touching too. He asked for everyone to continue to remember the Australian flood victims and dedicated his trophy to the people of Serbia: "There has been a tough period for our people in Serbia. But we are trying every single day to present our country in the best possible way. So this is for my country, Serbia."

What a great guy.

Both Champions this year are superior tennis players and great people. Both participated in the Rally for Relief and are fun to be around. They are nothing like the selfish Bitch Sharapova who is ugly inside and out or the horrid, stick in the mud, self-centered and worst personalities you can imagine Williams sisters.

We wish Kim the best as she finishes this, her final year.

Look for Novak to possibly take the US Open later this year.



This is the most horrifying, upsetting, unbelievable,
please-God-make-it-not-true news we've heard yet!
This can't be happening...

World’s supply of sustainable cocoa could run out by 2014


We're stocking up on Chocolate now.
The hell with real food, water, guns and ammo!

News Link

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dr. Zahi Hawass For President of Egypt!

Down with Mubarak! Zahi Hawass for President!

We urge the Egyptian people to elect as their new President the one man with more Egyptian national pride than can be expressed or contained, The Great Pharaoh himself, Dr. Zahi Hawass.

Currently holding the titles of: Vice Minister of Culture in Egypt and Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities he was also the former director of the Giza Plateau and Chief Inspector of the Giza Pyramid Plateau.

He is qualified as a statesman having giving lectures around the world as a spokesman for the pride of Egyptian Culture.


Elect Zahi as President!

Rushing to the aid of his beloved Cairo Museum, Dr. Hawass has saved the priceless heirlooms and antiquities of the ancient culture of Egypt!

Sane and intelligent Egyptian people surrounded the Museum this week as protesters and looters ran in circles RIGHT NEXT DOOR, burning to the ground the ADJACENT building - ruling party headquarters.

"What scares me is that if this building is destroyed, it will fall over the museum," Hawass said as he watched fire trucks spray water on the still smoldering NDP headquarters.

Hawass said now that the Egyptian Museum's collection is secure from thieves, the greatest threat to the collection inside is posed by the torched ruling party headquarters building next door.

Also safe, the other important archaeological sites around the country - Zahi has urged "the military to dispatch armored personnel carriers and troops to the Pyramids of Giza, the temple city of Luxor and other key archaeological monuments."

This is being done as we speak and we have the Great Dr. Hawass to thank. He was not in desert hiding as we once reported but ON THE FRONT LINES DEFENDING HIS BELOVED MUSEUM AT ALL COSTS THE ENTIRE WEEK.

Dr. Hawass has summoned troops to take over for fatigued civilians that had been surrounding the museum and now has the military protecting it with him out in the forefront.

Looters did get inside the museum and were apprehended almost immediately. Some damage occurred: "Would-be looters broke into Cairo's famed Egyptian Museum, ripping the heads off two mummies and damaging about 10 small artifacts before being caught and detained by army soldiers, Egypt's antiquities chief said Saturday.

Zahi Hawass said the vandals did not manage to steal any of the museum's antiquities, and that the prized collection was now safe and under military guard."


Friday, January 28, 2011

Ambam Walks Tall

An astounding video that gone viral shows Ambam, a gorilla in a U.K. zoo walking upright. It's amazing, scary and awesome all at the same time. Ambam has the cutest face and quite a swagger.

See the video here:

Reminds us of Bigfoot. Wow.

Aussie Open: Final Duels

Kim Clijsters and Li Na at the Sydney Open

On the women's side we are looking at a Li Na vs. Kim Clijsters final.

For the men it will be Novac Djokovic vs. Andy Murray.

If Clijsters wins it will be her first Australian Open title and fourth overall. She is currently fighting chronic knee pain and is openly popping pain killers courtside. Look for Li Na to win or at least take it to three sets. We're still pulling for Kimmy. Li beat Kim at the Sydney Open a few weeks ago.

For Novac this would be his second title, both Aussie Open wins. For Murray it would be his first major title ever and a chance to end a 75 year drought for Brits in a Grand Slam final and to hold a Major title.

Clijsters has confirmed she will be retiring again at the end of the season to concentrate on being a full time mom (and take care of that knee). Justine Henin just retired for the second time last week.

All of Britain is pulling for Andy Murray, but you KNOW we want Novac to win!

Andy Murray and Novac Djokovic..somewhere at one point

Live finals are at 3:30 AM EST on ESPN2, with replays at 9 AM. We suggest getting up early to watch it live. It's so much fun that way!

The Day a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Got a Water Cannon to the Face

Egypt's Day of Rage is happening live as we speak and it's ugly and unspeakable.

"Police also used water cannons against Egypt's pro-democracy leader Mohamed ElBaradei —a former U.N. nuclear watchdog and Nobel Peace Prize winner. Police used batons to beat some of ElBaradei's supporters, who surrounded him to protect him. A soaking wet ElBaradei was trapped inside a mosque nearly an hour after he and his supporters were water cannoned."

This is a travesty.

Egyptians want their 30 year long President, Hosni Mubarak, out of office, citing that he has had 30 years to change the status quo and has done nothing for the people, but feed his own bank account. He is currently in hiding under house arrest and has sent his family to England for protection.

We know the United States is upset and wants President Hosni Mubarak to stay in power but you gotta be behind an uprising that comes from the people that just want to be able to feed themselves and not live like dogs in the street. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and Mubarak has spent the last 30 years living the high life, ignoring the needs of the people. It's time for him to go.

In an interview broadcast live on YouTube, President Barack Obama said the anti-government protests filling the streets show the frustrations of Egypt's citizens. "It is very important that people have mechanisms in order to express their grievances," Obama said.

Yeah and we have the Tea Party. Look for an American Revolution soon.

"It's time for this government to change," said Amal Ahmed, a 22-year-old protester. "I want a better future for me and my family when I get married."

These mass demonstrations were all started by a Facebook group for change. This shows how the power of social media is supposed to be used, not to tell people you just had dinner or have the day off and that stupid shit. Egypt has "shut down the Internet" in hopes to stop this rebellions communications but that has failed.

"Still, the collective Internet body has rallied all week in support of the Egyptian protesters, providing routes around blockages and proxy service, even continuing their battle after this morning's outage. Currently, European HAM radio operators are being recruited to set up a alternative communication system for protesters, since most mobile networks have been blocked from providing SMS services."

These demonstrations are happening all over Northern Africa, starting with the Tunisian uprising last week. They are happening in Jordan, Algeria and Yemen, too. We are on the cusp of a MAJOR shift in power across Northern Africa and the Middle East. This is really important.

We can't help but think of the great Dr. Hawass during this time of unrest and riots. We bet the house he has "dig he must get to" and high tailed it out of Cairo and is resting comfortably in the desert with some mummies and local Bedouins eating camel stew right now.

BREAKING: Mohamed ElBaradei, Nobel Peace Prize winner, is out of the mosque and under house arrest! This is for his protection, not actual arrest.

Remembering Challenger...25 Years Later

Official Insignia for this mission - STS-51-L.

Twenty-five years ago today, January 28, 1986, we watched in horror and rapt fascination as the Spaceshuttle Challenger lifted off into the clear blue sky and promptly blew itself up into columns of smoke.

All seven crew members were lost when it exploded a scant 73 seconds after launch. Included was the first teacher to go into space, Christa McAuliffe, making this a particularly tragic moment as her entire school was watching and cheering her on.

STS-51-L crew: (front row) Michael J. Smith,
Dick Scobee, Ronald McNair;
(back row) Ellison Onizuka, Christa McAuliffe,
Gregory Jarvis, Judith Resnik.

Challenger liftoff

The Challenger Spaceshuttle was officially commissioned on April 4, 1983, when it made its maiden flight. It had flown successfully nine times before and this would have been it tenth mission. In the years 1983 and 1984, Challenger flew 85% of all Space Shuttle missions becoming known as NASA's workhorse.

The unforgettable explosion

It's hard to believe that this now iconic image is 25 years old. The official cause of the explosion was an O-ring failure. Ominously, this mission was delayed over seven times and for a period of days, as one thing after another went wrong. Bad weather, problems with a hatch, delays with a previous spaceshuttle name it and it cropped up and put Challenger on delay day after day.

The Challenger memorial at Arlington National Cemetery

"In 1986, the film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home was dedicated to the memory of Challenger: "The cast and crew of Star Trek wish to dedicate this film to the men and women of the spaceship Challenger whose courageous spirit shall live to the 23rd century and beyond... " "

The Stoning of Siddqa

Siddqa, a 19 year old Afghan woman,
as she was being murdered by her
religious leaders and fellow villagers

A video has been smuggled out of the piece of shit country known as Afghanistan that is disturbing to say the least. It is of a young Afghan girl, Siddqa and her accused lover being stoned to death.

This event took place last August (2010) and is just hitting the internet.

The head Taliban had this to say:

TALIBAN SPOKESMAN: 'Anyone who knows about Islam knows that stoning is in the Koran, and that it is Islamic law. There are people who call it inhuman - but in doing so they insult the Prophet. They want to bring foreign thinking to this country'

Well, we're not only going to call it inhumane we're going to state unequivocally that your country is a pile of shit and that your very existence is an insult to every human being on this planet.

This woman they stoned was only 19 and accused of adultery. They stoned her boyfriend too. While hundreds of villagers, with children having a front row seat, cheered it on.

Siddqa didn't die right away. In fact she didn't die for a VERY long time. So long in fact, they got tired of throwing rocks and put an AK-47 to her head and fired three times. Yeah, we're sure your "prophet" put THAT instruction in the Koran too.

Her boyfriend is clearly heard sobbing on the tape before the stone that killed him silenced his cries.

Most of the civilized world doesn't even like it when you kill rabid dogs let alone young, defenseless women in the most heinous and cruel ways.

How could Muhammad justify doing this at the same time proclaiming that Allah is merciful and compassionate? Because he didn't. These Taliban pieces of shit hijacked and twisted this religion just like Christian fundamentalists twist The Bible into some gay bashing hate crusade.

We wish we weren't at war with Afghanistan, that we could withdrawal our troops and just blew the fucking place to hell where it belongs.

We like Muslims and Islam, in general, just like we like Christians and The Bible, in general. We do not like people who twist their religion and justify hate crimes with it.


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Palenque, in Southern Mexico, is absolutely one of the finest and most grand of the discovered Mayan cities. Although it is one of the smaller cities, it boasts the most spectacular ruins. The images are emotionally moving and we can only imagine how impressive it must have looked at the height of it's majestic power.

Palenque is home to the most impressive Mayan burial ever discovered. Lord Pacal, ruler of the city for 68 years, was found under the building called the Temple of Inscriptions. Pacal was one of the longest reigning rulers in history - of any country. He ascended the throne at age twelve and held it until he died at age 80. He died in the year 683 AD, and his son, Kan B'alam II, took over and also became one of the most impressive rulers in history.

Their city, to this day, is an archaeological treasure trove. Pacal's tomb is covered by a lid that has sparked "Ancient Astronaut" debates, although it also can be explained in conventional Mayan religious beliefs. It is, nevertheless, an amazing example of Mayan art and architecture no matter what side you believe.

Far from being "cavemen" or "savages", the Maya built sky-high concrete, stone and stucco buildings, that are barely eroded even after a thousand years. Their architecture is legend and pretty astounding. It's so impressive that even after centuries of decay they are in better condition than anything we could ever build right now, "at the height of modern civilization." Surely nothing we build in any of our cities today will be standing that proudly in 3oo years let alone a thousand.

The tops of these skyscrapers poke out of the forest canopy and are reported regularly by pilots although hardly any archaeological effort is put into them. Scarcely 1% or LESS of Mayan civilization has been unearthed. The magnificent cities we've uncovered so far may pale in comparison to what is still hidden deep in the jungles of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico. Even today with GPS and modern technology we've hardly scratched the surface of the Central American jungles and there are plenty of areas that have yet to see a modern human being.

The Maya territory stretched far and wide. Ball courts have been found in Puerto Rico and evidence of Mayan peoples as far north as Illinois (Cahokia) and as far south as along the coast of Peru and even further. For all we know they may have sailed up the Delaware River. It's really not out of the realm of possibility considering they sailed up the Mississippi River. Columbus reported seeing a Mayan canoe that was hewn from one gigantic tree trunk and held more than 30 men and their cargo. Imagine!

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Maya was their star knowledge. Their Venusian calendar (the tracking of the planet Venus) is only .008% different from ours. With all of our high powered telescopes and modern computers, they a jungle people, considered primitives by many, were our equals in astrophysics. We are willing to bet the house that WE are the ones that are wrong and that .008% is correct. Seriously.

Also, equally fascinating is the fact that the Maya vanished from their cities virtually overnight. The cities were empty when the Conquistadors came and to this day, no one really knows what happened to the pre-Colombian Maya. There are Maya today living in modern Guatemala and they adhere to the old ways, but the "new" old ways. They don't speak the original dialect.

There are only four known Mayan books that still exist. The Mayan Codexes or Codices. The Spanish destroyed EVERY OTHER SINGLE TEXT, except these four.

One, the longest at 74 pages, resides in Dresden, Germany and is called the Dresden Codex. It its the earliest known written book from the Americas. "The Dresden Codex contains astronomical tables of outstanding accuracy. It is most famous for its Lunar Series and Venus table. The lunar series has intervals correlating with eclipses. The Venus Table correlates with the apparent movements of the planet. Contained in the codex are almanacs, astronomical and astrological tables, and religious references. The specific numen references have to do with a 260 day ritual count divided up in several ways. The Dresden Codex contains predictions for agriculturally-favorable timing. It has information on rainy seasons, floods, illness and medicine. It also seems to show conjunctions of constellations, planets and the Moon."


Enjoy these pictures of Palenque...

The Lid of Lord Pacal's tomb.


Walmart has rescinded it's plans to build a supercenter
near The Wilderness Battlefield.

"ORANGE COUNTY, VA. The historic Wilderness Battlefield in Fredericksburg, Virginia, claimed another casualty this week: Wal-Mart.

The southern-born retailing giant fell on its own sword by announcing abruptly on January 26 that it was withdrawing its plans for a superstore near the site where 29,000 soldiers perished in one of the most remarkable two days battles in the history of the Civil War.

Wal-Mart's surrender ended their 26-month siege of the Wilderness Battlefield, an attack that sparked national attention, activated numerous historic preservation groups, and aimed a barrage of bad press towards Wal-Mart headquarters."

Shinmoedake Erupts

Check out this picture of lighting striking an erupting volcano in Japan.

All this happened yesterday as Japan raises its volcano alert to level 3 following the largest eruption in over 50 years. Smoke billowed 50,000 feet into the air.

The volcano is located on Mount Kirishima, home to over 20 volcanoes.

Aussie Open: This Ain't No DJOK-OVIC

Novac roars at his 2 sets to love lead


We couldn't be happier to report this and it TOTALLY makes up for losing Rafa yesterday. Novac came out ON FIRE and put the old man to pasture this morning.

It should be labeled as a complete upset but you know Novac has been playing the best of his career right now. He already has one Australian Open Championship under his belt and now he is going for two. Also, he has record now of beating Roger in the Semi's. He ousted him in last years US Open and in the 2008 Aussie Open as well.

"His demolition of Roger Federer in three sets in their Australian Open semifinal was nothing short of startling. It is not often that one sees Federer the great sweat, or look angry, or annoyed, or take a bathroom break. But he did all of those this evening as he fought in vain to stem the inspiration seeping from Djokovic's every pore."

Fucking A! Roger was pissed off. He kept bitching about EVERYTHING. He is a total wuss when he's losing. He's so used to winning everything that he just loses it.

Novac will play either Andy Murray or David Ferrer in the Championship final.

This will be the first time since 2004 that Roger Federer will not hold any of the four major titles. Gee, maybe Roger and Merka will have to sell off a couple of Rolex's, although we doubt it. Roger still holds the record for most consecutive finals and has 16 major titles.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011



It is the most upsetting and shocking news we EVER thought we'd have to report this morning. Not only did Rafa lose, he lost in straight sets!

He pulled a hamstring that left him hobbling throughout the first set and yet he continued on to finish the entire match. A shadow of himself. The entire tennis world is agasp as thousands of fans around the world take to twitter, Facebook and their blogs to lament the end of the tournament for this great champion. We had so much hopes for him to win and hold all four Grand Slam titles at once.

Rafa was so upset he just started crying for a minute at the side during break. It was heartbreaking.

"Rafael Nadal had already broken every tennis heart around the world when he soldiered through his quarterfinal match against David Ferrer, clearly injured, clearly in pain, but refusing to do himself or his opponent the ignominy of retiring. And the Spaniard clambered even further into the public's affections when he sat in front of the world's tennis media to explain the reasons behind that decision.

Refusing to make excuses for the loss, and heaping praise on friend and compatriot Ferrer, Nadal explained that in his mind the nature of tennis is that there are positive and negative moments, and today's defeat, although devastating, was one of the many peaks and troughs that go hand in hand with being a professional tennis player.

We are simply devastated. This is the worst outcome we could imagine.

We have the Djokovic (Joke-o-vich) vs. Federer quarterfinal to look forward to. But our hearts aren't there yet.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Metal Heads Rejoice!

Shown: Dave Mustaine (Megadeth), James Hetfield (Metallica),
Tom Araya (Slayer) and Scott Ian (Anthrax)

The ULTIMATE metal concert is happening!

Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax have announced they will play a show together on April 23 at the Empire Polo Club in Indio, CA!

This is a dream! The "Big Four" in one shot! They've played together in Europe and are now in the U.S.

Can you handle Mustaine, Hetfield, Ian and Araya in one night?

Tickets go on sale Friday, January 28th.

If only Ronnie James Dio were here to take part and we could get Iron Maiden and Judas Priest to stage a concert together!

Can you tell by all the exclamation points that we are overjoyed by this?!

Mamma Mia! Jersey Shore Heads for The Mother Land

Be prepared for an International Situation!

It is being rumored that season 4 of the Jersey Shore will be filmed in Italy. We find this a great idea because maybe they will stay there permanently.

We kid. This show actually cracks us up every week. Yes, it's disgusting the way they sleeze themselves out, but in all actuality they are really funny kids and sweet in their own way.

We can imagine Snooki being arrested in a foreign country.

Will Vinnie's famiglia show up and cook something awesome? Will they go to a soccer match? Can they even handle foreign drinking establishments? What will they do when they find out real Italians aren't anything like the "guidos and guidettes" they think they are?

More likely they will not even get past airport security. And if they do, they'll die when they taste the food. Love it or leave it, Italy has the BEST tasting most delectable food in the world!

It sounds like it could be interesting.

UPDATE: This has been confirmed by MTV programming vice president Chris Linn.

Fist pumps all around!

Save the Battlefield!

We actually like our Walmart. It's easy, cheap, convenient and close by. It's also not on hallowed ground and we didn't have to fight against its opening.

This time, Walmart has to be fought. Tooth and nail.

"The proposed Walmart is located near the site of the Battle of the Wilderness, which is viewed by historians as a critical turning point in the war. An estimated 185,000 Union and Confederate troops fought over three days in 1864, and 30,000 were killed, injured or went missing."

This battle was fought May 5–7, 1864 in Virginia. There were over 17,000 Union casualties and 11,000 Confederate causalities.

The Battle of the Wilderness intrigues us because it involves all of our favorite Civil War characters.

For the South, we've got General Robert E. Lee, commanding the Army of Northern Virgina with three of his best and most well known Lt. Generals - James Longstreet (Lee's valued "workhorse"), Richard Ewell and the infamous A.P. Hill.

For the North and it's Army of the Potomac, we've got our local hero, Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock, under Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant. This was Grant's first big campaign, however Hancock was a true veteran.

Longstreet and Hancock had fought against each other at the Battle of Gettysburg the summer before and each KNEW how skilled and formidable they both were.

Both sides fought like hell for three days at times each advancing and retreating. The Battle is considered a draw. "It could be called a tactical Confederate victory, but a strategic victory for the Union army."

The site itself is known today as Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park. And yes, parts of it ARE protected. And no, Walmart is NOT building directly upon it.

The issue here is "that the store's site and nearby acres were blood-soaked ground and a Union "nerve center" in the battle. Grant's headquarters and his senior leaders were encamped near the site of the proposed store."

"Hundreds of historians, including Pulitzer Prize-winning historian James McPherson, filmmaker Ken Burns and actor Robert Duvall have appealed to Walmart to walk away and find another place to build."

The REAL issue is when and what will it take for Americans to uphold honor and history over short term money deals. If the Walmart goes bust, that ground can never be given back. The men who fought in that war did not fight for the God of Money. They fought for states rights and the freedom of man.

News Link

Battle of the Wilderness Info

Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Park

Oscar Nominations Are In...


He'll also be HOSTING the Show with Anne Hathaway!

Best Picture
‘Black Swan’, ‘The Fighter’, ‘Inception’, ‘The Kids Are All Right’, ‘The King’s Speech’, ‘127 Hours’, ‘The Social Network’, ‘Toy Story 3′, ‘True Grit’, ‘Winter’s Bone’

Best Director
Darren Aronofsky, ‘Black Swan’, David O’Russell, ‘The Fighter’, Tom Hooper, ‘The King’s Speech’, David Fincher, ‘The Social Network’, Joel and Ethan Coen, ‘True Grit’

Best Actor
Javier Bardem, ‘Biutiful’, Jeff Bridges, ‘True Grit’, Jesse Eisenberg, ‘The Social Network’, Colin Firth, ‘The King’s Speech’, James Franco, ‘127 Hours’

Best Actress
Annette Bening, ‘The Kids Are All Right’, Nicole Kidman, ‘Rabbit Hole’, Jennifer Lawrence, ‘Winter’s Bone’, Natalie Portman, ‘Black Swan’, Michelle Williams, ‘Blue Valentine’

Best Supporting Actor
Christian Bale, ‘The Fighter’, John Hawkes, ‘Winter’s Bone’, Jeremy Renner, ‘The Town’, Mark Ruffalo, ‘The Kids Are All Right’, Geoffrey Rush, ‘The King’s Speech’

Best Supporting Actress
Amy Adams, ‘The Fighter’, Helena Bonham Carter, ‘The King’s Speech’, Melissa Leo, ‘The Fighter’, Hailee Steinfeld, ‘True Grit’, Jacki Weaver, ‘Animal Kingdom’

Best Animated Feature Film
‘How to Train Your Dragon’, ‘Illusionist’, ‘Toy Story 3′

Best Foreign Film
Mexico - ‘Biutiful’, Greece - ‘Dogtooth’, Denmark - ‘In a Better World’,Canada - ‘Incendies’,Algeria - ‘Outside the law’

Best Original Screenplay
‘Another Year’, ‘The Fighter’, ‘Inception’, ‘The Kids Are All Right’,‘The King’s Speech’

Best Adapted Screenplay
‘127 Hours’, ‘The Social Network’, ‘Toy Story 3′, ‘True Grit’, ‘Winter’s Bone’

Best Art Direction
‘Alice in Wonderland’, ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I’, ‘Inception’
‘The King’s Speech’, ‘True Grit’

Best Costume Design
‘Alice in Wonderland’, ‘I Am Love’, ‘The King’s Speech’, ‘The Tempest’, ‘True Grit’

Best Original Score
‘How to Train Your Dragon’ John Powell, ‘Inception’ Hans Zimmer, ‘The King’s Speech’ Alexandre Desplat,‘127 Hours’ A.R. Rahman, ‘The Social Network’ Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross

Best Documentary
‘Exit through the Gift Shop’ Banksy and Jaimie D’Cruz, ‘Gasland’ Josh Fox and Trish Adlesic, ‘Inside Job’ Charles Ferguson and Audrey Marrs, ‘Restrepo’ Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger, ‘Waste Land’ Lucy Walker and Angus Aynsley

Best Film Editing
‘Black Swan’, ‘The Fighter’, ‘The Kings Speech’, ‘127 Hours’,‘The Social Network’

Best Makeup
‘Barney’s Version’, ‘The Way Back’, ‘The Wolfman’

Best Sound Editing
‘Inception’, ‘Toy Story 3′, ‘TRON: Legacy’, ‘True Grit’, ‘Unstoppable’

Best Sound Mixing
‘Inception’, ‘The King’s Speech’, ‘Salt’, ‘The Social Network’, ‘True Grit’

Tune in February 27th!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Coachella 2011 Line Up

Kings of Leon, Arcade Fire, The Strokes and Kanye West, Black Keys, Lauryn Hill, Cee Lo Green, Mumford & Sons, Duck Sauce and Chemical Brothers, Sleigh Bells, Kele Okereke, Bright Eyes, Bomba Estereo, Death from Above 1979, Fistful of Mercy, Duran Duran and Boyz Noize.

Oh wait, did we catch that at the end? DURAN DURAN!

Another Day Another Demand From The Pharaoh

As The Great Pyramid Turns...Today in Zahi Hawass news...

Today's demand from Dr. Hawass is to Germany. Zahi wants the Queen Nefertiti Bust (seen above) returned ASAP.

Egypt doesn't care that the bust has been in a Berlin museum for decades. It's part of the colonial pilfering of Egypt and Dr. Hawass wants it back.

An official request has been sent by Dr. Hawass's office to the Berlin Museum.

The museum is saying "NO!", the piece is too delicate to move.

We've just backed up a pace or two. Who says no to The Pharaoh? Does Berlin have any idea of the shittstorm it's bringing upon itself? Give it back! Before it's too late!

The Newest Addition to The Fellowship

We like to poke fun at Orlando Bloom but this time isn't one of them.

Just look at how cute he his baby Flynn is!

We have some nicknames for Orlando's baby: Daytona, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Cape Canaveral or Errol.

Aussie Open: EPIC Womens Match

Petkovic, our new fave.
Sends Sharapova home 6-2, 6-3

Before we get to the record setting women's match...Let's do a happy dance that Maria Bitch Sharap-OVER got pummeled by a VERY cute German, Andrea Petkovic this weekend. You gotta love the Germans!

The Svetlana Kuznetsova / Francesca Schiavone match started out normal enough. Each woman won one set and then the third set started and MAN OH WOMAN you had to buckle your damn seatbelts! The EPIC match set the Open record for longest woman's match in history. Herstory, actually. It was just an ongoing battle. Without the third set tie-break rule, the match just keep going and going. There was stoppages for medical treatment, the day went from sunny to shadowy to the arena's night lights. It was pretty awesome. Standing O for the two really tough chicks. Schiavone of Italy won 16-14 after 4 hours and 44 minutes and a whopping 9 match points - Kuznetsova BLEW 6 of them and it took 3 of them for Schiavone to end it.

We'd post a picture of them, but you are probably eating breakfast.

Usually when this happens it's a "win the battle, lose the war" thing. Last week after the 5 set Nalbandian/Hewitt match, Nalbandian was incapacitated for the next 2 days and had to retire in the next round. Look for Schiavone to be immobilized and racked with pain today and out tomorrow. Caroline Wozniaki is going to have an easy round now over her now.

On the men's side, a surprising loss for Robin Soderling, a HUGE disappointment for Andy Roddick and another ass kicking by the Brit Andy Murray. Rafa Nadal and Federer also advance.

R.I.P - Jack LaLanne

Jack LaLanne passed away this weekend, he was 96 years old.

When we were kids this guy was on TV all the time. He had TV shows that aired from the 1950's into the mid 1980's. We always thought he was the most physically fit person alive. He was always, ALWAYS doing push ups.

Anyone under 30 probably only knows him from selling juicers. But he was a TV staple for YEARS.

He was married for 51 years to Elaine, his equally fit wife. The couple has three children.

"Former "Price is Right" host Bob Barker credited LaLanne's encouragement with helping him to start exercising often. "He never lost enthusiasm for life and physical fitness," the 87-year-old Barker told The Associated Press on Sunday. "I saw him in about 2007 and he still looked remarkably good. He still looked like the same enthusiastic guy that he always was."

"The JackLaLanne Show was a national show on ABC and continued through 1985. He once offered a $10,000 prize to any athlete who could match him. Nobody ever collected.

On his 70th birthday in 1984, he swam a mile and a half across Long Beach Harbor in California – with his hands and feet shackled and towing 70 people in 70 rowboats."

WOW! This guy was a rock. Does anyone else remember his dog Happy?

Jack and Happy in 1960's sunny California

We'll miss you Jack. We wish you were still young and one of the trainers on The Biggest Loser. R.I.P.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

There's a Message in That Thar Nest

We are always preaching that animals are WAY more intelligent than mankind gives credit for. ALL animals of every kind. Birds, too. This news story set us on fire. Man needs to open his eyes to the messages of animals and step up to save the planet before it is too late.

"The discovery of messages in raptors’ nests has raised the possibility that many bird species encode signals into these structures, with seemingly decorative flourishes actually full of meaning.

Among black kites, scraps of white plastic are used to signal territorial dominance. To other kites, the scraps are a warning sign. To humans, they hint at an unappreciated world of animal communication.

“It’s probably very common that other bird species decorate their nests in ways compatible with what we found,” said Fabrizio Sergio, a biologist at the DoƱana Biological Station in Spain. “And not only birds, but fish and mammals.”

"A few species, such black wheateaters and bowerbirds, are already known to use nest design in courtship displays. But such communication is considered uncommon and relatively one-dimensional, aimed entirely at finding a mate. "

Complete News story

Ginger Gets a Happy Ending

Ginger the English dog who captured the world's attention after her heartless asshole owner dumped her after a pretend walk has found a happy home!

Last September a man was caught on CCTV abandoning his loving and heartbroken dog after taking it to a park and leaving it there to limp and chase after his car. The dog was collected and brought to a shelter where a list of prospective owners have been weeded through. Just last week a man was chosen from a list of hundreds to adopt the now happy pet.

Here is the original video of the incident. The quality isn't very good but you can see poor Ginger limp after her owners car. The man in question has been found and sentenced for cruelty to animals.

Ginger as she is today. She is shown here with one of the shelter workers that took care of her. Ginger's arthritis is now under treatment and she no longer limps. The new owner asks to remain anonymous and will be checked by animal officials periodically to ensure Gingers continued protection.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

For the Ladies (and Some Guys)

World #1 Tennis Champ Rafael Nadal is the new Armani men's underwear model.

Are we the only ones who think he should never put clothes on again?
Go Rafa!

Ken Ya Just Produce the Birth Certificate Already!

"Hey look over there! It's NOT my birth certificate!"

Birthers Unite! Hawaii seems unwilling and unable to produce Barrack Obama's birth certificate.

This annoys us to no end. If it's proven 20 years from now that Obama was an illigimate President that would be bad enough. If they prove it a few months from now it will be a disaster!

We are urging President Obama to just produce the damn thing already and be done with this. Enough of the "I don't have to", "It's not necessary", "Of course I was born there" bullshit.

And regarding privacy laws? That's a poor excuse. We could get his tax returns for God's sake. End this already. Enough excuses.

We want and need these Birther people to go away once and for all. And we certainly do not want to hear years from now that they were right.

The implications for political unrest are through the roof. We have enough of that already. Republicans, Democrats, Tea Baggers. Enough is enough. Produce the birth certificate now.

One News Link... out of thousands.

And in More "Fuck You" News

You gotta hand it to the Old Crone Joan Rivers. She's another one with a way for words.

This time she went off on Fox News. After having skewered Sarah "Blood Libel" Palin she was dropped by the Fox News morning show who had booked Joan to promote her new reality show. Fox simply said they were "overbooked."

When asked for her reponse to being dropped, Rivers quipped:
"Fox News can go fuck themselves."

Oh and they will, Joan. They will.

Sir Elton Says "Fuck You" to Gay Marriage Opponets

In his own words from the American Foundation for Equal Rights fundraiser Wednesday night billed as "Intimate Benefit Concert with Elton John":

"As a gay man I think I have it all," he told the crowd between songs. "I have a wonderful career, a wonderful life. I have my health, I have a partner of 17 years and I have a son. And you know what, I don't have everything, because I don't have the respect of people like the church, and people like politicians who tell me that I am not worthy or that I am 'less than' because I am gay. Well, fuck you."

Well said, Sir Elton. That totally and completely sums it up. The guy is a writer after all and has a way with words.

BTW, he raised a cool $3 Million for the organization. Way to go!

Hall of Fame for Andre Agassi

LAS VEGAS - Andre Agassi is going into the International Tennis Hall of Fame.

The baseliner known for his aggressive returns and career Grand Slam told hundreds of students in Las Vegas on Thursday that tennis gave him everything, including his wife, Steffi Graf, and his life's work.

The former No. 1 player won eight majors and set a precedent off the court in terms of fame and endorsements. His first major title came in 1992 at Wimbledon, where he beat Goran Ivanisevic in five sets. He went on to win four Australian Open titles.

The 40-year-old Las Vegas native says his proudest moment on the court was winning the 1999 French Open to complete the career Grand Slam.

He will be inducted on July 9 at the hall in Newport, R.I

Friday, January 21, 2011

Mafia Nicknames are "Mentally Challenged"

We want to say retarded but do not want to offend the nice people who work with the disabled.

Regarding the massive F.B.I. roundup and bust of over 120 mobsters that happened yesterday. It seems to us, these aging mafioso's are a bunch of fucking wackos.

First off, their average age seems to be around 75. Secondly, they are fat and ugly. Thirdly, their silly nicknames are as whacked out as they are.

“Vinny Carwash,” “Tony Bagels,” “Johnny Pizza," "Lumpy" “Meatball," “Junior Lollipops”, “the Beard” , “Baby Shacks”, “Firehawk”, “Big Fat Larry," "Hootie," "Mush", "JoJo."

These guys sound like they just came out of an anal sex chat room.

We "understand" the need for code names for people involved in illicit, underground and nefarious activities, but this is just ridiculous.

Some blogs and news sites are referring to these names as "awesome." We couldn't disagree more. The mob is like nursery school.

Here are some nicknames we thought up: Joey "Spaghetti and meatballs", Frankie "Stugotz", "Pasta Fagioli" and Mikey "Mammaluk."

We've Finally Caught Bieber Fever

Well, well, well! We were going to pray to God to take this kid away too, until today when we heard this!

Justin Beiber is now a spokesman spokesperson spokesKID for PETA.

He is urging his fans to adopt pets from shelters and not buy them or breed them.

Way to go, Biebs! As much as it galls us that you actually have influence over people, we are happy you are using your power for something GOOD.

We thank you and the animals thank you!

Justin at

Proof That God Answers Prayers

Yesterday we prayed to God that Venus Williams would retire. This morning our wish was granted!

Just a scant seven minutes into her Australian Open match, Venus Williams retired due to injury.


Okay, well it's not permanent but we will not have to put up with her bad attitude and horrific outfit any more for this event.

"Dear Almighty God, Creator of the Universe, thank you for answering half of our prayer. Now please make people feed the hungry, house the homeless and stop waging war. And do something about MTV. Thank you, God. Love, Omni. Over and Out."

Another Sign of the End of the World

"Yo! Jersey Shore, Bitches!"
Where's the Vodka, my eyeballs need it!

We know that birds are falling out of the skies all over the world because the Earth's magnetic fields are shifting, that asteroids are on their way to smash the planet into smithereens, the sun's solar flares are due to wipe out the electrical grids permanently any minute now, the Middle East isthisclose to nuclear war, all Hopi and Maya predictions are coming true, and that Snooki and The Situation exist.

All indicators are a go that we are at the end of civilization as we know it.


Kids are literally pouring vodka into their eyes to get drunk. It's called "Vodka Eyeballing." It's also called stupid as shit. Can't wait to see that ep of Jersey Shore.

Read the article. It's true. Just not the Jersey Shore part. At least until Snooki reads the article...if she can read.

The Dangers of a Viral Media Age

2 weeks ago a story went around the internet that went "viral". Meaning, that it spread like wildfire overnight.

It was about Sal Esposito and his call to jury duty. Sal, a Boston area cat, was listed on his owners census and subsequently, through error, sent a call to jury duty form. When the owners tried to get him off, they listed him as "unable to speak English."

Yes, it's a cute story. People latched onto both the cat and the system's foolishness. But...

IT HAPPENED LAST YEAR. Not January 2011, but JANUARY 2010!

Beware the media. Research your facts and do not believe everything you read....

Except for The Omni Report. Our Standard of Excellence is Impeccable.

Did you believe that?

We said never believe everything you read! No one is infallible. Even though we want to think we are perfect.

Note: We read the story when it broke early 2011 and DID not publish it. So we did not fall for this particular viral story. We shall strive to continue to check our facts as we've been doing since we launched June 2009.

Creepiest Memorial Ever?

Or appropriate for a creeping sea invertebrate?

Paul the Psychic Cephalopod gets a memorial! We like the idea, though.

"BERLIN -- Fans of Paul the Octopus can admire a memorial to the mollusk at the aquarium where he became the World Cup prognosticator.

The Sea Life aquarium in Oberhausen unveiled the 6-foot plastic replica of Paul clutching a soccer ball in his eight arms on Thursday.

Aquarium spokeswoman Tanja Munzig says Paul's cremated ashes were placed in a gold-leafed urn inside the ball. Paul died three months ago.

Munzig says fans around the world had asked for a memorial.

Paul correctly tipped the outcome of all seven of Germany's games at last year's World Cup, plus the Spain-Netherlands final. He made his predictions by opening the lid of one of two boxes, each containing a mussel and bearing a team flag."

All Hail Plankton!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

An Official Pharaohonic Edict

"You must listen to me!"

Once again, the Great Dr. Hawass has spoken. Today he confirmed that the Tomb of King Tut An Khamun will FOREVER be closed to the public.

He has a replica under construction in the Valley Of Kings, as we speak. We can't fault him on this one. Honestly, people are ruining the tomb. This issue has been hotly debated for years. Money vs. preservation. The tourist industry runs Egypt and no one wants to tell people the tombs are closed.

Hawass is sinking A TON of Egypt's money into building a replica museum that will display not only "King Tut" but also his relatives and in the future - Pharaohs Seti and Rameses too.

"Pharaoh tombs hidden in desert canyons west of the Nile were never meant to be inspected. They were built as graveyards for eternity, not tourist traps attracting up to 6000 people a day."

"There's no alternative," Dr Hawass tells doubters. "Closing the tombs is the only way to preserve them."

The Last Great Pharaoh, also known as Dr. Hawass, is taking a lot of flak for this. People are bitching that they will not fly all the way to Egypt to stare at a fake. These people are losers. The REAL tombs are ancient and history needs to be protected at ALL COSTS. There is no way to preserve Tut's tomb the way it is. We must replicate it if people want to see it at all. Hawass is at least offering us this.

Go, Dr. Hawass. You are an arrogant, argumentative, racist, son-of-a-bitch and we sort of love you anyway.