Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wonder Woman Makeover

Original(ish) and Newly Made over

DC Comics is out of their mind - WE HATE IT! For the 600th - Six hundred! - Wonder Woman comic they finally fitted her for a pair of pants. We like the originally made over Wonder Woman from the 70's-80's SO MUCH BETTER! She was totally hot. The new one looks like she's missing the bottom half of her renaissance outfit. Ick! What do you think?

Note to every female pop star in the world: Wonder Woman was rocking the leotard look WAY BEFORE Madonna started the trend a few years back.

Men of the world agree

When we were kids we thought she was the coolest woman EVER


There's no crying at Wimbledon, Roger!

Holy Moly! What's in the world's water? Every overpaid top sports star seems to be losing their mojo or something- en masse!

Today's Loser is.....drum roll please.....ROGER FEDERER!

Surprise victory for Tomas Berdych at the Wimbledon Quarterfinals today! 6 time Champion and Tennis Mega-Super-Star Roger "The Fed Express" Federer gets to go home to Merka and the new twin baby girls. Either it's his age, his mindset or something but Fed seems rather set on being a husband and father and has definately lost his mojo.

Yesterday Andy Roddick lost making today's Federer loss even more bitter. This may have given young Andy a chance had he made it one more round. Whoa.

Also at Wimbledon, other upsets include: Venus "I'm not a man, but look like one" Williams, Kimmy "Wimbledon made me play two consecutive days, WTF?" Cljisters, Justine "I'm not a skeleton, I just look like one" Henin and BOTH WILLIAMS SISTERS OUT OF THE DOUBLES FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY. WOW.

Right now, Rafael Nadal is LOSING, down at least 1 set. And look for big Wilfried Tsonga to oust Brit fave Andy Murray for another upset.

This is all on top of World Cup disasters: Andy "I can't score a fucking thing" Rooney of England and Cristiano "Stop calling me greasy" Ronaldo of Portugal scoring a whopping ONE goal between them. Each makes over $50 Million in ANNUAL salary BEFORE endorsements. Way to show you actually deserve it, guys!

Next up is Tour De France. Let's hope Lance can even stay on the bike!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


There's no crying at World Cup, Crissy!

Portugal came out strong for about 2 minutes and then just caved in to outright thuggery as they tried to control the ball for more than 30 seconds at a time TO NO AVAIL. Spain dominated the game the entire match. It was beyond lopsided. They easily missed another 4 or 5 shots as the score was only 1-0.

Cristiano Ronaldo is going home. World Cup over.

David Beckham at World Cup

2010 South Africa was a FAR CRY from Germany 2006 when Becks scored his last World Cup goal. English papers today are crying out for him to be the new manager and replace Fabio Capello!

Reposting this pic because we can!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Vince Neil Needs Help and to Be Put Away

Vince Neil, popular singer for the group Motely Crue, is at it again. 24 years. Wait we have to let that sink in. Holy Shit! It's been 24 years? WHOA!

Okay, starting over after slight mid-life crisis.

Twenty-four years after the 1986 drunk driving accident that killed his friend, the drummer for the band Hanoi Rocks, Vince Neil was again busted for a DUI. In the intervening years there has been at least one other DUI, too. The 1986 accident was horrific. Not only did he injure 3 out of the 4 people in the car, he killed one of them too. He killed someone. It was big news at the time and almost ruined Motley Crue forever.

It almost went away, too. 24 years is along time for something like this to rear its ugly head and come all the way back. He killed someone and didn't learn the lesson? He's rich and can't get a driver? Vince, you have literally no excuse for this. You are a menace to society and a drunk. Go to rehab. Again. Better yet, go to prison for more than 20 days. You are a Loser.

2 strikes is too much for a DUI.

This is Nicholas Dingley the guy Vince Neil killed while driving drunk
and Vince only spent 20 days in jail for it. Nick would be almost 50 years old now. Who knows how hard he might have laughed at these old photos from back in the day when he was hot and one of the hottest upcoming drummers on the scene.

Cash Cab Wins!

Congrats to our favorite game show: Cash Cab. It won outstanding game show on the Daytime Emmy's last night, for the THIRD time in a row, as well as Best Game Show Host for Ben Bailey!

Also, The World's Oldest Teenager - Dick Clark - broke down in tears when receiving his lifetime achievement award. Even after his stroke, he's barely aged.

Chasing Zahi Hawass

Dr. Zahi "Supreme Commander of All-Things Egyptian and Current Last Pharaoh of Egypt" Hawass has a new show called "Chasing Mummies" that will premiere on the history channel in a few weeks.

We have posted the official promo for it. You know, the one that made us spit our drink out in laughter the first time we saw it.

There is nothing you can say about this man's ego.
Naomi Campbell, Paris Hilton, Tony Danza and Tyra Banks have NOTHING on this guy and they are four of the biggest narcissists on the planet. Zahi trumps them all combined.

We've also included another video we found for it. This one seems to show Dr. Hawass screaming at everyone in sight. Pretty scary stuff. Imagine how mad he can get screaming about the Jews! Or how anyone other than Egyptians built the Pyramids! He'll go as freaking ballistic on you for even thinking it, than that drunk Buzz Aldrin does when you tell him he didn't go to the moon! NOTE TO EVERYONE ON EARTH: NEVER, EVER, EVER - NEVER - TELL ZAHI TO HIS FACE THAT EGYPTIANS DIDN'T BUILD THE GIZA PLATEAU PYRAMIDS. HE WILL KILL YOU WITH HIS BARE HANDS.
Listen to him screaming! The man is insane.

The time has come for The Omni Report to post our grievances with Dr. Hawass. We've always said we have a Love/Hate relationship with the man. The love comes from seeing his passion. You can't deny the guy is undeniably the greatest fan of Egyptology EVER. He deserves to be Pharaoh for God's sake! HOWEVER, the hate part will always win out for us because we WANT THE TRUTH which is something that Pharaoh Hawass will DENY UNTIL HE'S BLUE IN THE FUCKING FACE. Stay tuned for "Why Gatenbrink Got Shafted." It's coming very soon.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Philadelphia UNION Open PPL with a Win!

The Philadelphia Union won their stadium opener with a huge win today! PPL Park in West Chester was sold out for months and eager fans got their money's worth as the team had an awesome game!

The Sons of Ben must be very happy!


World Cup's group C has bitten the dust as USA was eliminated yesterday and England suffered a humiliating defeat against Germany today 4-1. Rooney, club star, hadn't scored a single goal. Beckham sat on the benches looking disgusted half the time. They suck. HOWEVER, England got totally robbed when a scored goal was OVERLOOKED by EVERY OFFICIAL yet replayed on tv over and over again not to mention witnessed by say 40,000 people LIVE IN PERSON!

This is the worst called World Cup in living memory. Why oh why, with all of our instant technology are these calls allowed to stand? The world of sports needs to get over its stupid technophobia and allow instant replay across the board. It's not fair to anyone when a blatantly erroneous call goes unchecked. It sucks.

The Omni Report is now rooting for Uruguay -
Go Diego Forlan!!!

We're also rooting for Cristian Ronaldo,
we mean Portugal.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Bill Clinton parties with the USA soccer Team
including our SUPER-HOT Team Captain - Carlos Bocanegra

Bill Clinton partied with the USA team after the vistory over Algeria the other day. Way to support the team, Bill!

Now if we could only get them to drink an American brand beer, we would be happier.

"Trapped in a Global Oil Slick"

We are posting this article in it's entirety. It's spot on.

Johann Hari, Columnist
London Independent
Posted: June 24, 2010 07:11 PM

We Are All Trapped in a Global Oil Slick

Has our crude awakening begun, at last? It's not just the pelicans of Louisiana that are flapping and flailing in an oil slick -- it's all of us. We live permanently doused in petrol. Every time we move further than our feet can carry us, or eat food we didn't grow, or go shopping, we burn more barrels. Petrol pours off each of us like an invisible sweat. The 20th century was propelled into the stratosphere on a great gushing geyser of oil, and in the adrenaline-frenzy, nobody wanted to ask where it was coming from, or what it would cost us in the end.

But in this decade, the true costs of oil -- the ones that have been steadily accumulating since 1901, when it began to spurt from a hilltop in Texas -- have begun to finally distract our gaze from the speed-dial. They silently dominate almost every long-term question we face.

Extracting oil from the ground has almost always been disastrous for the people who live nearby. The only thing that is unusual about this morphing of "Drill, Baby, Drill" into "Spill, Baby, Spill" is that, this time, the world noticed the victims. From the Niger Delta to Azerbaijan, the world is littered with places poisoned by the petroleum industry.

To pluck one random example, Ecuador's oil pipeline -- fueling California -- is located above ground, next to roads. It leaks constantly. The oil companies have to pump water into the Amazonian oil fields in order to extract it, which leaves behind a toxic soup of mercury, benzene and chromium 6. For decades, they simply pumped it into the local rivers, causing an epidemic of cancers and severely deformed babies. A US court calculated that the unpaid liabilities for destroying so many lives total more than $27bn. Who has heard of it?

Big Oil is occasionally, fleetingly honest about how it works. Sadad al-Husseini was vice president for exploration and production at Saudi Aramco, and he said of the industry:

"If your tanker is old and you ought to retire it, you keep it working. If you have an offshore platform that is beyond the boundaries of a certain country and you can dump chemicals into the sea, you do. If you have to abandon a facility that is a pollutant, you abandon it without cleaning it up. If you've hired people and you can work them in unhealthy environments where you've got sulphur dioxide, you do it. All these are ways in which you say, it's not my problem. It's not my cost."

This will only metastasize from here on in, because we have already burned up all the easy-to-access oil. The last year in which humans found more oil than we burned was when I was born: 1979. The sources that remain are in hard-to-reach places: far beneath the oceans, or the Arctic, or beneath conflict-zones, where protections are more lax, and accidents are more likely and even harder to staunch.

But it is now clear that oil does not only trash local environments. That was only a taster before the main course. It turns out oil spills so many warming gases into the atmosphere when it burns that it is radically altering the biosphere. The Arctic just hit its lowest level of sea ice for this time of year since records began. NASA says we could be on course for the hottest year yet known. The International Energy Agency warns that if we can extract and burn the remaining oil left, we will be on course for 6 degrees of global warming -- a level that hasn't been seen for 251 million years, when it triggered one of the biggest mass extinctions in the fossil record.

The people who say we shouldn't worry about global warming because we'll find a way to adapt further down the line should look again at the Gulf. The most powerful country on earth can't stop a single leaking pipe. How will they -- or the rest -- deal with rapidly rising sea levels, the drying up of agricultural land, and super-charged hurricanes?

It doesn't stop there. Oil fever has driven the other great stories of this century. The demand for petrol is massively increasing, just as supply gets harder to meet -- a virtual guarantee that we will fight for what remains. The invasion of Iraq, which has caused a million deaths, was a down-payment on this dystopia. It also leads our governments to support some of the world's worst dictators in return for easy access to their ol' black magic: We pay the Saudi dictatorship, and they use the cash to whip women who dare to sit behind the wheel of a car and to promote vile fundamentalist hatred of us.

As our addiction to oil goes on longer and our supply becomes more squeezed, we will become even more like junkies who are prepared to suck up to any dealer or rob anyone to get our next fix. In the film Three Days of the Condor, Robert Redford says free people will never back wars for oil. His CIA boss replies:

Ask 'em when they're running out. Ask 'em when there's no heat in their homes and they're cold. Ask 'em when their engines stop. Ask 'em when people who have never known hunger start going hungry. You wanna know something? They won't want us to ask 'em. They'll just want us to get it for 'em.

It doesn't have to be this way. We can stop this SUV. We can get out. It wouldn't even be that hard, compared to the challenges faced by previous generations. The technologies exist to replace oil now. For example, if we lined just 0.3 percent of the Sahara -- the area of Belgium -- with solar technology, it would meet all of Europe's energy needs indefinitely.

Yes, it's expensive, but we are already spending that money on making the dirtiest fuels cheaper. Oil Change International have shown that $250-400 billion is currently spent every year subsidizing the use of fossil fuels, while renewable energy sources get less than $12 billion. Switch the money and you're almost there -- and you have a massive jobs program to rebuild our infrastructure thrown in for free.

We will have to make this switch in the end, because the oil will run out. The only question is -- do we do it now, skipping all the wars and all the warming, or do we wait to do it on a trashed and unraveling globe?

As long ago as 1979, Jimmy Carter gave a devastating speech saying the need for the West to wean itself off oil was "the moral equivalent of war." Nothing happened. Barack Obama's Oval Office address last week had more detail about the prayers we should offer to shrimp farmers than how his words about moving beyond oil could be made real. The stimulus cash didn't go towards building green energy: When Obama last week wanted to boast about the fiscal stimulus, where did he go? To the 10,000th road that has been built.

Why? The clue to the biggest cause lies in the current Gulf disaster, where the crudest forces can be seen in microcosm. The oil companies gave so many "gifts" to the safety inspectors that, by this year, they were often just handed the inspection forms and told to fill them in themselves. On the national stage in the US, politicians on all sides (including Barack Obama) are sprayed with petro-money at election time. Gradually, they become an oiligarchy that sees moving beyond petrol as irrational: Turning off the spigot would turn off their election funds. A more subtle but just as certain process happens here in Europe. To protect the profits of a very rich minority, the public interest is lost in a broken pipeline.

And so we are all left slithering in the global oil slick. Yet the anger of the sane citizenry -- those of us who don't want to engage in collective self-destruction -- has been weirdly muted. Most of us know instinctively that we can't carry on like this. Most of us know Big Oil is a swelling tumor. But it is still much more common to see protests for cheap oil than to see protests to build a world beyond it. We wait passively for a rational politician to emerge through the corruption, when we should be relentlessly pressuring them all.

The oilman John Paul Getty once joked: "The meek will inherit the earth, but not the mineral rights." If the sane proponents of a post-oil world stay so meek and mild, we may not inherit much worth having at all.

Johann Hari is a writer for the Independent.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Wow. Don't know how on Earth we missed this one!

Bruce Campbell has got to be - hands down - our favorite actor EVER. Sorry Viggo! Bruce has you beat on this one. HE IS LEGENDARY IN HIS OWN MIND AND TO THE LEGIONS OF ADORING FANS WHO LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him!


Bruce as Ash, his iconic character from Sam Raimi's Evil Dead Series

He should have gotten the Oscar for this! We told him so in person!



Yes, folks, the world's defending World Cup champ has been left humiliated, defeated and in tears this afternoon by Slovakia.

The Italian team DID NOT WIN ONE MATCH. They tied their first two games in S. Africa and lost the third in a last minute barn-burner with one goal disallowed. MERDA!

This goal would have tied the game and possibly kept Italy in the Cup.

Addio, Italia!

Heated Internet Debate

Is this the cutest picture ever taken?

This picture and it's quote as "cutest picture ever" has generated a TON of Internet debate as hordes of adorable animal/kid pics flood the net in retaliation.


Let the Cute Begin!

11 Hours, 5 Minutes


"You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em." Or in tennis, know when to throw down the racket and play Rock-Paper-Scissors!

John Isner and a QUALIFIER from France are engaged in the most epic tennis battle OF ALL TIME IN RECORDED HISTORY.

The match which started Tuesday was suspended when night fell, started again on Wednesday - LASTED ALL FUCKING DAY - was suspended again for night fall and is scheduled to continue today at an unheard of 5th set 59-59 tie. Yes FIFTY-FUCKING-NINE - EACH!

They have played for over 10 hours. One match. Three days. Ten hours and counting.

UPDATE: John Isner wins at the 11 hour, 5 minute mark 70-68!

This one was historical. You'll never see it again!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010





After the game, Donovan broke down in tears as he was mobbed by his team-mates. He said: "It's been a long journey these last four years and I'm shocked, and so proud of our guys. We kept going and we believed. People that know me closest know I've worked so hard for this moment. It's unbelievable. I know people back home will be watching - we're not done yet."

You know Landon, we're finally, finally, finally, going to get off your back. YOU ROCK!
And if you say you worked hard - damn it - WE BELIEVE IT!



Deadliest Catch: Missing Captain Phil

(left to right): Captain Keith Colburn, Captain Andy Hilstrand,
Captain Jonathan Hilstrand, Captain Phil Harris, Captain Sig Hansen
A rare moment when all are enjoying a good laugh

This has been the BEST season of Deadliest Catch. Hands down. This show has always been fun for some reason. Who would think a show about Bering Sea crabbing could be this engaging, compelling and...good? Nobody. Which is why it was such a surprise hit to everyone involved.

This year has been the most watched season by far, due in part... hell due altogether, to the morbid curiosity factor of the Anticipation of the Captain Phil Death Scene. We think it's more than that as well, though. People, the viewers, LIKED Phil. He was the one Captain that although not normal, none of these men are normal, was the most relatable. And the coolest. Viewers wanted to see him this final season doing what he did and didn't do best - fishing and dealing with his beloved two sons, Jake and Josh.

Last night's episode was heart wrenching. We'll focus on Phil's boat, The Cornelia Marie. We got to see a terrible thing. Jake, the youngest son, was caught stealing pain meds from his dad, Phil and basically Phil blew up and lost his mind. He was shaking and yelling. He told Jake "I don't want to ever see you again and I want to punch your teeth in." Young Jake looked uncharacteristically upset. He turned away from the camera and whispered to his dad, "I'm an addict." This softened up the old man and he told Jake to basically get to a rehab asap. Then he said "I'll be there to help you through it." Was there a dry eye in the house? How about when Jake said "I don't disrespect you. I love you, Pops" and Phil hugged him back. Not crying yet?

Well, the next time we see Phil, he was taking a stroll down Memory Lane with old family photos and laughing about how cute Jake looked as a toddler. The boys showed up. After avoiding the old man for a good while, they both went to the wheelhouse and had fun with him as they all laughed at the pictures. An old photo of Phil, younger, skinnier, longer hair, made the boys laugh. Josh joked about "a mullet" and Phil called him a freak. It was great knowing they had that final time with their dad.

Phil stroked out a few hours later after leaving the wheelhouse for his stateroom. A deckhand found him lying face down on the floor and they all called paramedics. Jake cried alot and Josh tried to take control. There was mayhem, a lot of people involved and the crew itself looked devastated. Phil was still alive and able to say his name. He even allowed Discovery to film it all. The show ended with Phil being craned over the side to an ambulance and Josh jumping inside to go to the hospital.

We all know what happens next. And although it should be a trainwreck, we think the show has done a good job of handling what happened without sensationalizing it. Next week, the fleet learns what happens.

The After the Catch show featured The Northwestern last night, so Sig and Edgar were there to discuss their life with the boat. All of the Captains are popular. Jonathan and Andy Hilstrand landed Geico commercials and they kill in them. But Sig Hansen and his bro Edgar are a different breed.

It was almost as difficult watching Edgar go through a mid-life crisis than it was watching Phil's last moments. Edgar was the hard-ass, deckboss, know it all, that had fun riding people and busting their balls. Not anymore. Age has hit him hard and at only 40-something Edgar moves like a old man. Herniated this, busted that, torn everything. More than that, he misses his family and wants to raise his kids before the boys turn to crime and the girls hit the pole. As he put it "These kids are at an age now where if I don’t step in now and help guide them in the direction they need to go, they’re gonna be lost and so will I. And I’ll be fucking damned if I’m gonna let that happen. If I have that choice between helping them and hauling a crab pot, I’ll tell you right here at this table, it’s gonna be helping them.” With that emphatically off his chest, Captain Keith Colburn shook his hand in respect and solidarity. Edgar has gone from Mr. Hardguy to Mr. Introspective and you know, we like it.

UPDATE: The last 8 episodes from this years season will ALL feature Phil and his passing, culminating with a one hour Phil special the week before the season finale 7/20. The July 13th ep will be the Big One, so prepare.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Les Bleus Miserables

And they are going home! After what can only be called A Debacle of Epic Proportions, the once-glorified, once World Cup Runners-Up, once a good team - now bad, French World Cup Football club - Les Bleus - are going home after failing THE FIRST ROUND.

The French Coach has been dubbed "Crazy Ray" and has literally driven his players off the field.

1) Coach Raymond Domenech used astrology to pick his team. That we can let go. Screw it.

2) Then, he left top players – including Arsenal’s Samir Nasri and Real Madrid’s Karim Benzema – at home - not to even play in South Africa. WTF?

3) A halftime locker room argument between Domenech and Chelsea striker Nicolas Anelka ended with Anelka being sent home after France's 2-0 loss against Mexico. Again WTF? Coaches and players fight all the time, but wha? He sent who, where, why?

Philosopher Alain Finkielkraut said Anelka's infamous outburst was symptomatic of a "hooligan culture that has gripped the nation." It must have been bad. It wasn't profanity laced - it was profanity based - with other words thrown in for fun.

4) Anelka's teammates later refused to practice in protest. The French Resistance!

5) Before Tuesday’s game, Crazy Ray benched star defender Patrice Evra AND stripped him of his captain’s armband. Is it possible to bench a Coach?

6) Domenech also benched several other star players at this time. What a great coach! He's really in touch with his players feelings.

7) It was around this time that the French conditioning coach, AND French Football Federation Director Jean-Louis Valentin QUIT. Take that Coach Crazy!

8) French team loses first round at World Cup!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bluefin Tuna Wars

Sea Shepherd activist cuts the bluefin tuna
fishing net in the Mediterranean.
Photograph: Simon Ager/Sea Shepherd

The anti-whaling crusaders, The Sea Shepard's in their awesome ship Steve Irwin, are off the coast of Libya, working to free the illegal tuna caught there in enormous catch nets.

These tuna are illegally fished off Libya, sent to processing plants in Italy and are black market sold to buyers in Japan.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society released around 800 tuna from a cage being towed behind the Italian trawler Cesare Rustico. “Immediately and without warning, the Steve Irwin was attacked with a barrage of flares aimed at the wheelhouse and the crew on deck."

No reports of any injuries. The Steve Irwin said it requested the assistance of Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise to set free an estimated 800 caged tuna, but they refused to help. The Steve Irwin was told that under no circumstances would Greenpeace enter waters claimed by Libya.

Friday, June 18, 2010


SHOCK and OUTRAGE over disputed GOAL!

We should have won! Again!

The Green Dragons of Slovenia came out in force today scoring 2 unanswered goals in the first half.

Then early in the second Landon Donovan FINALLY SCORED A GOAL!! And then USA Team was ON FIRE. They played an awesome second half.

We tied with a goal by Bradley and the place went nuts! THEN MIRACLE - A third second half goal by Edu...and it was called back. Huh? Wha?

Hands down, the worst call we've ever seen. The ref cried foul on the USA but when you watch the tapes MY GOD - Bradley was getting mugged! Captain Gorgeous Carlos Bocanegra was getting molested and Altidore was being held. They were mauled, there should have been at least 2 or 3 fouls called on Slovenia. Nuts!

Terrible. Terrible call. Edu was totally robbed. They literally had to pull Jozy Altidore off the field before he punched the ref in the face.


"Dammit Congress! I'm a Chief Executive Officer Not a Cement Engineer!

Tony "I'm a worthless, lying, piece of shit" Hayward

Way to go, Tony Hayward! You have conclusively proved that you have done nothing to earn your enormous salary, your $14 million dollar 2009 bonus and that basically you are a vapid figurehead without any sort of merit. So much for that "laser beam focus on safety." We think you suck ass.

And you, Representative Barton from Texas should be tried for TREASON! It's amazing what will unite Republicans and Democrats. This guy took it it upon himself to apologize to BP for the 20B "shakedown." How much does BP pay him to be their boy on the Hill? Obviously ALOT. This Barton guy blew his wad in one shot and deserves to be tarred and feathered along with all the BP executives who saved a million there, a day of labor here, checked off on non-existent safety standards here and there. We're having a fit over this guy's impromptu speech. How dare you apologize to a company that has destroyed our National Treasure. What a DICK.

As for Mr. Hayward. Wowza! This guy should have just yelled "I am above the law!", asked for tea and signed some autographs. What a waste of time! Halfway through we were hoping that a bucket of blood, ala Carrie, would be dumped on his head. Ummm....make that oil.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Uruguay's Sig Hansen Diego Forlan

We LOVE LOVE LOVE the Vuvuzela. It's not annoying to us, one bit! Then again, we are the kind of people that get excited every time the American National Anthem gets sung and we find out THE FLAG WAS STILL THERE! YAY!!!!

Uruguay is super-hot right now! This is Diego, a Sig Hansen lookalike, who scored twice and almost a third in the game against South Africa yesterday. He's the National Hero of Uruguay as of this moment.

"Small People"

Could the BP executives be anymore insensitive, annoying, ridiculously greedy or more monstrous? Oh, Hell Yes! These guys are a bunch of ass clowns that need to be tarred and feathered. Do we still do that anymore? The Omni Report is calling for an immediate reinstatement of this horrific punishment. The burning oil cascading off of Tony Hayward's pale Brit frame would serve as a wake up call to him for what the wildlife in the Gulf are feeling and dealing with.

The BP Chairman calling the Gulf residents "Small People" WAS NOT A MISTAKE! This is a guy who sits in a walnut and oak lined boardroom, runs a billion dollar company and doesn't answer to anybody - in other words, when he was referring to the small people, he MEANT it! Do you think for a nanosecond that this guy considers himself equal to a shrimper, crabber or hotel owner? Hell No. This guy is above the law, he knows it and his lexicon doesn't have any other word for poor people other than small. He's not even being a dick, he's just who he is - Mr. Millionaire Chairman Who Will Get A Multi-Million Dollar Bonus Next Year On Top Of His Already Ridiculous Salary. Is it in his job description to care about Small People?

BP should have spent the money on safety and spill cleanup research. For all they are spending to clean up this mess and to buy Google and TV ads, they could have spent up to ONE MILLION DOLLARS PER WORKER getting them the best health care, safety gear, training and work environments money could buy. BP also could have spent up to what? 20 BILLION DOLLARS on spill technology?

This unconscionable act is literally a dark stain on American history. BP can be blamed, but only so far. You see, of course they were going to cut corners and save every dollar they could. They are a corporation, the very definition of which translates into something like "insane."

The fault for this entire scenario lies squarely on the United States. We ALLOW this bullshit to happen. We allow foreign companies to come here and drill wherever they want, no safety regulations, no fail-safes, no backup plans, no contingency whatsoever, NOTHING. They operate and do what they what, when they want.

Yet, if you want to start a Girl Scout Troop, you have to jump through fucking hoops to get it going. You have to fill out form after form and wait for approval, etc.

Our government has failed us yet again.

So when BP Chairman, Carl-Henric Svanberg calls us "Small People" he means it and the US Government not the people deserve it. We're talking to you Dick.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

¡Mierda Santa! Spain's in Pain!

Switzerland celebrates

¿Qué sucedió? Nos supusieron batir estos motherfuckers del queso suizo. Somos atornillada! ~ Official Spanish Lamentation

The Pope Can Go Pound Sand

We don't want your half-hearted bullshitty apology on why you still tolerate pedophiles, Mr. Pontiff. Fuck off.

Here's what we want:

That's right. We want the ENTIRE LOT SACKED, RIGHT NOW. Why is it when a nun saves a mother of 4 by ordering an emergency abortion, she's excommunicated in about a 5-second process, whereas the priests that put their penises in little children are allowed to seek your protection for their entire lifetime, with no consequence for their illegal, immoral and reprehensible behavior? We want them OUT NOW.

2) Stop Living in an Art Gallery
It's a joke that nuns and priests are expected to take vows of poverty, yet you yourself, The Pontiff, live in a gilded cage. It's actually despicable and we were sick when we saw it for ourselves. Gold covered everything, marble floors, millions of dollars worth of art. Are you an actual religion or pretend?

3) Spread the Wealth - Stop Hoarding It
Catholic Church Hoardes Weath article
We are sick and tired of hearing of priests living in mansions. We had a Cardinal here in the Philly area that literally spent thousands of dollars having his vacation Jersey Shore home refurnished. His VACATION home! This sickening example of abuse of power and wealth is a drop in the bucket. These guys priests have no financial oversight or accountability and spend the "Fix the Roof Funds" on hookers and limos to the Poconos every Tuesday through Friday!

4) Allow Birth Control
This is a NO BRAINER! Regardless of how you feel about pre-marital sex, and "the sacredness of life" the fact that people are dying of AIDS should be reason enough to lift the ban on condoms. This isn't the 14th century and excuse us if we say that God would like people to protect themselves any way they can! Get over it.

5) Stop Persecuting Gays and Lesbians and Actually Read Leviticus
The fact that you perpetuate the myth that gays are pedophile loving miscreants that deserve to burn in hell forever is despicable. The Church, of all things, people and places, should have a better grip on the mindless crap that they are peddling. For example, for a priest to say a gay man is going to hell, while himself devouring a plate of fried shrimp is blasphemous! The Church is NOT PROTECTING YOU WHEN THEY FORGET TO TELL YOU THAT EATING SHELLFISH IS A PUNISHABLE SIN, JUST LIKE HOMOSEXUALITY. You will burn in hell for that! Sound ridiculous? Well, so does being mean to gay people for no fucking reason.

6) Protect the Environment - We Are the Stewards God Left in Charge
The entire Earth thing is RIGHT THERE ON THE FIRST FUCKING PAGE OF THE BIBLE! What right do we have trashing the planet beyond recognition? God left us in charge and when he "gets back" he is going to be as pissed off a parent who left the house in charge of a 16 year old and now has to rebuild the entire goddamn thing. One of your most belived Saints - St. Francis - is the Patron Saint of Earth and the Animals. Yes, you have your own patron saint for that - USE HIM!

7) Stress Compassion for Animals at Every Sermon by Channeling Some St. Francis
Jesus was called the Lamb of God, The Shepard. Right now, he'd probably "find it real hard to be the Shepard!" We will be judged as a nation by the way we treated the least of us and as of this post, not only are we failing miserably at being humane to animals but we are off the chart insane for the way we treat them.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Lifetime Acheivement!

Director Ron Howard finally gets the attention he deserves for being one of the greatest American filmmakers in history. The Chicago Film Festival has awarded him a Lifetime Achievement for the dozens of awesome films he has made over the years.

EVERY SINGLE ONE of Ron's films are a gem and a joy.
"We celebrate the man's entire catalog."

1982 Night Shift
1984 Splash
1985 Cocoon
1986 Gung Ho
1988 Willow
1989 Parenthood
1991 Backdraft
1992 Far and Away
1994 The Paper
1995 Apollo 13
1996 Ransom
1999 EDtv
2000 How the Grinch Stole Christmas
2001 A Beautiful Mind
2003 The Missing
2005 Cinderella Man
2006 The Da Vinci Code
2008 Frost/Nixon
2009 Angels & Demons

Willow is one of the greatest movies of all time.

We just watched A Beautiful Mind and were reminded of why he won the Academy Award that year for it. He teamed again with Veteran Awesomeness Ed Harris (Apollo 13), who steals the show with his walk-ons.

Ron Howard is a gifted director and story-teller. Go re-watch The Missing with Tommy Lee Jones. You'll love it.

We think he is the most successful child star of all time.

Shock: World Cup Fans Executed for Watching Match!

Islamic militants have executed two Somali football fans for watching Nigeria play Argentina on Saturday night. This is why radical Islam is fucked up!

""The deaths happened in Central Somalia which is under strict Islamic law and forbids anyone in the region from watching World Cup matches.
Militants from Hizbul Islam arrested 10 fans who were also part of the group.
A further 30 people were arrested for watching the Australia vs Germany game the following night.
Sheikh Mohamed Abdi Aros, a spokesman for the militants, said that, "We are warning all the youth of Somalia not to dare watch these World Cup matches." He said that the people of Somalia should focus on pursuing jihad and not, "watching mad men jump up and down."
Hizbul Islam had previously invited Osama bin Laden to Somalia.""

Okay, forget they are friends with Bin Laden. This Sheikh Aros would rather have them waging war then watching a game. What an asshole.

The reasons why radical Islamists exsist are the following.

They NEED 1) Sports, 2) Better Food, 3) Air Conditioning, 4)To Treat Women BETTER, 5) Alcohol, 6) Fast Cars and Nice Clothes

This is our five-part reasoning for why so many guys in the middle east and Africa are so messed up. They have no outlet! For anything! The only way to let off steam is to beat your woman and Jihad on Western society. It is impossible for them to chill out with a beer watching a game and feeling up their girlfriends. There is no afternoon joyride in the Camaro. No afternoon delight. There are no grilled hot dogs and a cool pool. There is NO FUN AT ALL. They are hot and they are starving for good food that isn't so spicy it makes them go to war.

It is impossible to be a complete, humane human being when you are raised from day one to hate your mother, your sister, aunts, cousins - any female in your life. They are only half complete and are missing a part of themselves when they are taught to hate so early in life. Have you ever seen a stoning? It's sickening and kids get the front row seats. These men over there need Playboys and some lubricant. They are super-duper uptight for a reason, people.

It's a crime that they executed these poor people and didn't just pull up a chair, a hookah and enjoy the fucking game.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Anniversary Omni Report!

Today is our FIRST Anniversary. We launched 6/14/2009!

Saturday, June 12, 2010


We tied and that's great, but we really should have won. Jozy Altidore hit the post on a great save by English Goalkeeper Green who earlier let one slip right by. Plus we had the ball more than half the game and looked great. Team USA looked very good today.

Our Goalkeeper Tim Howard likes to scream at everyone all the time and that's good but he makes great saves too. Let's hope he can keep it rolling. While we're at it, let's hope that Landon Donovan tries to score next time too.

Look for Team USA in a match with Slovenia next Friday.


Friday, June 11, 2010

Le Commandant Cousteau

"One protects what one likes and one likes what enchants us" -
Jacques Cousteau

This day in 1910, the Great Jacques Cousteau was born. Congress passed Resolution 518"honoring the life of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, explorer, researcher, and pioneer in the field of marine conservation" on June 8th to celebrate his centennial.

We lost Jacques Cousteau on June 25th, 1997 and nothing has ever been the same.

Highlights of his amazing life:

1940's - Co-invents the aqualung enabling extended underwater exploration

1948 -Explored the wreck Mahdia in Tunisia marking THE FIRST UNDERWATER ARCHEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION

1953 - Published his first book, The Silent World in which he correctly predicts echolocation abilites in dolphins

1956 - Wins the Palme d'Or at Cannes for his film, The Silent World

1957 - Elected Director of the Oceanographical Museum of Monaco

1960 - Successfully stages protest against radioactive waste proposed to being dumped in the Mediterranean.

1960's - His TV show The Underwater Odyssey of Commander Cousteau was launched and changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, including ours.

1973 - Created The Cousteau Society, which has over 300,000 members currently

1976 - Uncovered the wreck of the Britannic

1977 - Wins United Nations International Environmental prize

1985 - Receives Presidential Medal of Freedom from Reagan
amongst others....

He made over 120 documentaries and wrote more than 50 books on Marine Life.

But more than that, he was an ICON, an ICONOCLAST, an Inspiration and just thinking of his skinny body and red cap makes us smile and remember how at one time there was THIS GUY WHO STOOD UP FOR THE OCEAN AND ALL MARINE LIFE.

That is, until we remember what legacy WE have LEFT HIM. The oceans are dying globally, the BP Gulf disaster will take care of the rest. He would be beside himself.

Personally, he had issues. He fought with his sons, had half of them with another woman while married to another. The animosity never resolved itself and until his death he fought with his eldest over the family name. His son thought they should capitalize more and pushed for resorts named Calypso and so forth. Jacques would have none of that. Sadly, his one son perished in a terrible helicopter accident when a propeller struck and killed him.

The one good thing to come of his legacy? His grandson Phillipe has taken up the banner and now carries the family name proudly. Phillipe is currently a marine conservationist and is trying very hard to raise public awareness of our dying oceans. WE LOVE PHILLIPE. He is articulate, educated, passionate about the sea and it doesn't hurt that he's super-cute.

When we were 9, the only thing we wanted to do was join the Calypso crew and ride with Jacques. We didn't follow that dream but we miss him still. In fact, with the crisis in the Gulf, we wish he were here to kick ass.

He was awesome in every way.

In 1973 Jacques Cousteau published the following statement. The parallel to what we see today isn't just bone chilling it's unfortunate in every way.


My God!


June 11 - July 11



Our condolences to Nelson Mandela who suffered an unimaginable tragedy last night when his 13 yr old great-grandaughter was killed in a car crash following the opening ceremony concert. What a horrible situation.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Gorilla Naming Ceremony in Rwanda

One of the 14 babies named this year

The sixth annual baby gorilla naming ceremnony, Kwita Izina, was held in Rwanda on World Environment Day.

" The colourful ceremony, with a fusion of local and international touch, attracted people from many countries, including Japan, China, the United States as well as Hollywood stars.

"We celebrate the birth of baby gorillas because every birth is an important step towards achieving our vision to see the mountain gorillas move from being one of the world's most endangered species to being some of the world's best protected animals," said John Gara, Rwanda Development Board's CEO, in his opening remarks. "

This has to be the cutest ceremony ever. Article Article

Scotland's Ghost Radio

A ghostly phenomenon in Scotland has the people that hear it completely mystified.

The Montrose Air Station in Scotland was Britain’s first operational military airfield. It was founded by the Royal Flying Corps in 1913 and today is a Heritage Center and museum.

Strange goings-on and mysterious paranormal activity has been reported here since World War I. Everything from phantom footsteps, strange physical energies, sounds of aircraft engines, doors open and shutting by themselves and full-body apparitions. Not to mention the haunting of a young pilot who was killed on site in a fatal crash.

The best part of this haunted airbase? The vintage radio! It sits year after year, unplugged, not a spark of electric current in sight, and continues to broadcast The Glen Miller Band, punctuated by short bursts of speeches by Winston Churchill!

The phantom broadcasts come in irregular intervals but can be heard for up to 30 minutes at time. They have been witnessed by many, many different people, from paranormal investigators to the ordinary folks who run the museum.

Here's the awesome factor: Technicians who examined it removed the back, but found "nothing but cobwebs and spiders".

The radio has no parts, it's basically a historic facade of a relic, has no power supply, no nearby transmitter and yet apparently still loves to belt out: "At Last" by the late great Glenn Miller.

Article link

Whale Wars Trial

Captain Bethune's trial ends with Japanese prosecutors asking for two years in prison.

This is breaking every day as soon as we know the sentence we'll post.
ABC Article on trial update

"Sea Shepherd is focused on getting Bethune out of a Japanese prison", Paul Watson

Captain Watson defends booting Bethune from the Sea Shepards. Read what he has to say here: Washington Post Article

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why Do We Give So Much Money To Foreign Countries?

The Obama Administration announced today $400 MILLION in aid money for Gaza.

Do you know what $400 MILLION could do for our own country? For the fisherman/hotel owners/restaurant owners in the Gulf?

In all fairness, having seen the pictures from Gaza that are truly horrifying: children playing next to the piled up heaps of rubble that used to be their apartment building and just rubble, rubble everywhere and not a drop to drink. It's a bombed out nightmare and they do desperately need international aid and relief.

HOWEVER, does anyone know how much money The United States gives away everyday to non-Americans? How come we never hear about New Jersey getting a $400 million dollar check to help people pay rent/heat/food bills? Why are homeless shelters forced to "get by?" Why do we even have homeless people anymore? How many people are still starving in Appalachia? How many Americans will forego seeing a dentist this year because they can't afford it? How many Americans TONIGHT are going to agonize over deciding between paying for food, rent or medicine because they can only afford 1 or 2 out of the 3? When was the last time a Native American Reservation was the recipient of a $400 Million check?

Why would you give anything to a foreign country, say over $100 Million, when YOU KNOW that so Americans are out of work, out of benefits and committing suicide everyday because as a nation we are so depressed we can't even think straight.

We totally don't get it.

We have lost all sanity and logic as the human race. If we ever had it.

The Smoking "Bat"

Pete Rose's corked bat

Well, well, well, Mr. Rose! How do you explain this?

From the man who denied he ever bet on baseball...and then admitted he did...comes another smoking gun bat.

Pete Rose spent years denying any "corked up" bats - to no avail. The X-Ray never lies!

So far, there has been no comment from Pete's camp. That alone says it all.

Read the News Article here

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"The Case Against Me Is All Lies"

Here is the entire article from The Independent:

Arrested at sea, taken to Tokyo in handcuffs and now facing a possible 15-year jail sentence for trying to stop Japan's annual whale cull, Peter Bethune has become a controversial hero of the environmental movement. But in Japan, where he is on trial for boarding a whaling ship and assaulting a crew member, he is despised and harangued by nationalists, who call him an eco-terrorist.

Mr Bethune is accused of throwing an acid similar to rancid butter, and injuring a member of the crew of the Shonan Maru No 2 that collided with his powerboat a month earlier during clashes in the Antarctic Ocean. The New Zealander's trial is the first in Japan against a member of the Sea Shepherd Conservationist Society, a direct action group founded more than 30 years ago in the US, and has attracted huge media attention.

Japanese ultra-nationalists have picketed his daily court appearances and staged noisy protests outside the New Zealand and Australian embassies in Tokyo. Some called for Mr Bethune to be "hanged" and for Japan to go to war with Australia over its whaling stance. Australia announced this week that it is upping the ante in the anti-whaling battle by following through on a long-standing threat to take Japan to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Australia and New Zealand accuse Japan of commercial whaling in what both countries consider a whale sanctuary. Tokyo calls the annual cull "scientific whaling" and says neither country has any legal claim over the southern oceans. Against this backdrop, Mr Bethune, from New Zealand, told The Independent that much of the evidence against him is an "orchestrated litany of lies" and described his trial as "judicial rape".

"There has been this procession of rehearsed statements from their side," said Mr Bethune, flanked by a prison guard during an interview in the bunker-like Tokyo Detention centre. "You're not allowed call anyone a liar in the courtroom here but they're lying."

The militant activist has admitted charges including trespassing and disruption of commerce but denies assaulting a crew member of the Shonan Maru No 2 with a bottle of butyric acid.

Last week the whaler testified that he needed a week of medical treatment after the substance splashed him on the face. Bethune accepts he threw it, but said it could not have harmed the whalers. The prosecution showed a damaging video shot by the whalers that appeared to show him whooping with delight after throwing the acid, which is said to be a type of stink bomb.

"The whalers had visors covering their faces, so how could our acid thrown from 18m away have travelled up under the visors? They injured themselves with their own pepper spray," he said. "They're hunting whales in my backyard. They've got no right to be there and like a lot of people I find it deeply offensive."

Prosecutors accuse Mr Bethune of conspiring with other Sea Shepherd members, including leader Paul Watson, of Canada, to "sabotage Japanese whaling in the Antarctic".

Mr Watson, who is not before the court, said that Mr Bethune "is being used as a political football by right-wing nationalists in Japan".

Mr Bethune is expected to be found guilty of the assault charge despite weeping in court last week and saying he had no intention of hurting whalers. Japanese courts boast a conviction rate of more than 99 per cent and if found guilty he faces a maximum of 15 years in prison.

Most observers say a custodial sentence is likely, despite the publicity it would hand to Sea Shepherd. "I think I'll get a maximum of two to three years," predicts Bethune. I'll be disappointed but I'll accept it. I'm just standing up for what I believe in.

"For me, being charged with disruption of commerce is a badge of honour. We slowed them down and cost them a lot of money. But I totally deny the assault charge. I regret the acid and the fact that it got me into trouble."

Mr Bethune was captaining the powerboat Ady Gil in January when it was sliced in half by the Shonan Maru No 2 in what Sea Shepherd calls a deliberate attack. He climbed aboard the Japanese vessel the following month, intending, he says, to arrest its captain for attempted murder and bill him for the sinking of his ship, but was himself arrested and taken back to Tokyo for trial.

Government prosecutors say he was showboating for cameras that were making a documentary.

"My aim was to make life awkward for them," insists Mr Bethune. "We've succeeded. This has caused enormous damage and extreme embarrassment to Japan."

The anti-whaling struggle

Anti-whaling organisations have campaigned against the Japanese fleet for more than 20 years, leading to reduced catches and sparking an angry backlash by the Japanese authorities.

Although large-scale whaling came to an end with the 1986 ban on commercial whaling, Japan has remained one of the three countries that has carried on killing, along with Iceland and Norway.

By labelling its hunting "scientific research", Japan has often killed more than 1,000 whales a year. In 2008, Japan's fishing fleet came back with only just above half of its target number, in part because animal rights activists, including Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace, targeted the whaling voyage.

Japan and its pro-whaling allies are preparing what has been called a compromise deal for this month's annual International Whaling Conference in Morocco, which could finally allow a return of limited commercial whaling, in return for reduced catches and more monitoring, the first since the 1986 moratorium. Opponents say there is no guarantee that quotas would be respected.

The Independent Article

Sadly, on World Oceans Day, with the Gulf Spill sucking the soul out of the country, The Obama Administration is LEADING THE WAY, along with SEVERAL other countries, to LIFTING THE BAN ON COMMERCIAL WHALING.


Fox News Article

Sea Shepards War

Pete "Brass Balls and in Deep Shit" Bethune

In the news we didn't ever want to hear department especially on World Oceans Day:

Sea Shepard Admiral and Founder Paul Watson has publicly cut ties with one his own - anti-whaler Pete Bethune. Bethune, Captain of the Ady Gil, a ship pulverized by Japanese whalers last year, was caught carrying a bow and arrows on his little but fastest ship in the world, The Ady.

Admiral Watson's decision to forever be a non-violent A-Team for the whales has left Bethune in a world of shit.

Here's a quick recap:
"Mr Bethune is facing five charges in Japan after he boarded a Japanese whaling ship, the Shonan Maru 2, in the Antarctic in February.

He said he wanted to perform a citizen's arrest of its captain and present a bill for damage to the Ady Gil, which had earlier been destroyed in a crash with the whaler.

But he was instead detained on board and taken to Japan, where he was arrested.

He has pleaded guilty to charges of trespassing, vandalism, possession of a knife and obstructing business, but denied assault. He faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. "

First of all, he boarded the Japanese ship to enact a citizens arrest! Classic case of either brass balls or pure stupidity. We're going with brass balls.

Secondly, we've watched the show and agonized over the fact that the Shepard's aren't using enough hard-core tactics. If the Japanese want to throw shit at the Shepard's and bombard them with water canons, what's a little bow and arrow going to do? We're with Pete.

Thirdly, it was well known that the bow and arrows were there to shoot chemicals on board the Japanese ship to taint the whale meat. The Sea Shepard's try to make sure that even if they can't save the whale, that it won't be sold for profit.


WTF Factor 10!

The Admiral is trying to make sure that his organization isn't shut down and is distancing himself from Pete Bethune. We get that. It's just a super-sad situation.

Captain Bethune is considered a Political Prisoner and needs our help NOW.

We're always with you, Captain!

BBC Article

And so are The Shepards. Click here to see how you can help Captain Bethune:

Pete's trial started a week ago in Tokyo. He needs your support. The Anti-Shepard's are out in full force screaming for his blood every day outside the courthouse. The trial should have ended yesterday. Stay tuned for updates.


Today, June 8th, is World Oceans Day.

The Great Jacques Costeau would protectile vomit if he saw what the hell was happening.

The Gulf Disaster
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
The Atlantic Garbage Patch
Coastal Overdevelopment
Ocean Acidification
Dead Zones

Our Oceans are NOT TOO BIG TO FAIL.

The oceans cover over 70% of the Earth's surface. When they "go", we "go". Get it?

Phillipe Cousteau showing oil covered hands in the Gulf yesterday.


World Ocean

We Heart Arianna

" UPDATE: Media Matters fact checked Cheney and confirmed that Halliburton WAS repeatedly accused of fraud by federal agencies.

Arianna appeared as a guest on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, along with Liz Cheney, Markos Moulitsas, and George Will.

Arianna squared off with Cheney over the Gulf oil disaster, calling out the Bush-Cheney administration for its role in fostering the crisis.

"The truth is that right now we have precisely the regulatory system that the Bush-Cheney administration wanted: full of loopholes, full of cronies and lobbyists filling the very agencies that are supposed to be overseeing the industry," Arianna said. "We are seeing this as the inevitable result of what they wanted."

"It is truly amazing," Cheney responded. "I actually heard that George Bush was responsible for the breakup of Tipper and Al Gore's marriage, too. It's incredible, the extent to which people are now trying to shift blame. ... The left -- you guys have for years been demonizing Bush and Cheney, and I'm sure you’ll be demonizing them for years going forward. But we have a catastrophe on the Gulf coast, a catastrophe that happened on this administration's watch, which this administration is failing to clean up."

"We have the poster child of Bush-Cheney crony capitalism, Halliburton, involved in this," Arianna said. "They, after all, were responsible for cementing the well. Here's Halliburton, after it defrauded the American taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars -- "

"I don't know what planet you live on," Cheney shot back. "What you are saying has no relationship to the truth, no relationship to the facts."

"I live on this planet," Arianna said. "Halliburton was involved in this. How can you say there is no relationship?" "

News Article

Visit Arianna's awesome site: The Huffington Post

Monday, June 7, 2010

When The Saints Come Marching In and The President Kicks Ass

Tune in tomorrow to your local NBC Station. President Obama is on the defensive, sounding very angry in an interview with Matt Lauer. He says he met with the Gulf fisherman not to talk like "college seminar, but to know who's ass to kick."

We hope he learned who and starts soon!

And we're still waiting to hear how we're going to protect the East Coast from the Gulf Spill when it comes up the Gulfstream. Hello?

The Superbowl Champions New Orleans Saints are marching to the beach tomorrow. Not literally, but they are bringing their trophy and hope to bolster some spirits and help out.

Very cool.

Open Letter To President Barrack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden


You gave a wonderful interview on Larry King last week that DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO ASSURE US THAT YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING!


This is so beyond ridiculous. This is so beyond infuriating. This is OUR NATIONAL HERITAGE that is being systematically destroyed in the worst inhumane way possible!

Where are the hundreds of EPA workers in their Hazmat suits booming the marshes? Why is BP the only one cleaning up? Where are the FUCKING NAVY GODDAMN SEALS FOR FUCK'S SAKE? Why are James Camerson's deep sea robots turned away? Why don't you just dump fucking rocks on it!

With the computer models forecasting the oil to travel up the East Coast before traipsing off to ruin Scotland, we want to know what the plans are to protect the Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware Bay BEFORE it's too late. WHAT IS THE PLAN TO SAVE THE EAST COAST?

Where is the Civilian Corps being formed to help with the clean up? When is the corporate takeover of BP?

We're awaiting your response with hope that YES, YOU CAN DO SOMETHING.

Is Helen Thomas Wrong?

On May 27th, Helen Thomas, LONG time White House reporter did the unthinkable in American Society. She spoke her mind.

In what is being called an unforgivable anti-Semitic remark, Helen, who was off the record, not on the job and not at the White House, gave an "impromptu interview to a Web site called and asked about recent arrests of Palestinians by Israel, Thomas said Israelis should "get the hell of Palestine."

"Remember," Thomas said of the Palestinian people, "these people are occupied. And it's their land." In response to another question, she said Jews living in Israel should go "home -- [to] Poland, Germany . . . and America, and everywhere else."

Well, considering the tremendous and swift backlash Helen might as well have said, "I love Hitler, hate the Jews and oh, by the way, BP is innocent. What spill?"

We think it's ridiculous the way people have to retract their remarks every second in this country and have to apologize over and over for what they really believe.

Do you really think that Helen is anti-Semitic? We're more prone to the realization that she is almost 90 years old and is entitled to her opinion. We don't think she was being racist and instead we appreciate the honest remarks.

The State of Israel is a mess. The occupation of Palestine is real. Creating Israel in the first place seemed okay back then, but did it really? Millions of people were trying to get their lives back together after WWII and the notion that the Palestinians were losing their land seemed inconsequential at the time, but has been an ongoing problem since DAY ONE!

We're all sad for the Jews. Hitler and his extermination policies were the blackest stain on history and no one or group should ever have to endure anything like what happened to them.

The Holocaust was the worst thing that could happen to anyone, but does it give Jews the Universal Right to be Universally Right from then on?? Why can they never be questioned about anything? Why if you think any differently than "poor Jews, they were persecuted" does it make you an automatic Anti-Semite? Of course they were persecuted and yes, they are WRONG TO OCCUPY PALESTINE.

You know, the entire reason there is a Holocaust Denial (talking to you Mahmoud Ahmadinejad), is because of the entire set-up of the State of Israel. To anyone who wasn't involved in WWII, say the Middle East, specifically, Iran and Palestine, what they hell did they get when the war ended? Well, Palestine got occupied and an entire race thrown on them. This makes ignorant men like..ahem..Ahmadinejad question everything about the Holocaust then. You know the old axiom, follow the cigar smoke and find the fat man.

Well, to the 9 activists that were killed on a aid-giving, peace-keeping mission to Gaza last week, Israel is the fat man.

And Helen was right to call it out.

If World Peace rests entirely on the shoulders of the Jews of Israel, wouldn't it be in the world's interest for them to LEAVE ISRAEL and just give it back? If all we had to do to save the world was move, we would.

And we are NOT Anti-Semitic. We LOVE our Jewish friends, neighbors and co-workers. You know the ones who live "everywhere else" but Israel.